Monday, October 27, 2014

Sugar Bear Needs To Get His Daughter

It is now Monday morning and despite this situation going on for several days I have yet to see any kind of paperwork filed by Sugar Bear to take his daughter Honey Boo Boo away from the situation she has been placed in by her mother. Over the weekend there was a photo showing Honey Boo Boo being touched by child molester Mark McDaniel who already molested her sister. If I am Sugar Bear, the first thing I do is get my daughter out of there and the second thing I do is change my name from Sugar Bear to something more dignified like Captain Crunch. Sure, it destroys the roof of your mouth, but do they even make that cereal any longer that Sugar Bear endorses?

Another thing I haven't seen yet that really disturbs me is a police investigation. Are sex offenders allowed to be near children? Touch them? Be alone with them? I really am still in disbelief that Mama June is in love with a child molester and that she is buying a man gifts who molested her daughter and was sent to jail for it. That is the most disgusting thing ever and in a few years she is going to look back at all of this and is going to realize what a stupid mistake she made. Hopefully she is also not looking back at it and wondering how come she let this guy also molest her youngest daughter. 


  1. stupid is as stupid does.

    HAPPY MONDAY!! And an especially happy one to Aaron Lewis of Staind who f*cked up the National Anthem at the World Series last night. A few years ago the angst-ridden bitch called out Christina Aguilera for making a mess out of it also at one of his concerts. Pot meet kettle.

    1. I saw this on the news this morning. Karma sure got this guy.

  2. This comment has been removed by the author.

  3. With the greatest of respect Enty, I sincerely doubt Sugar Bear is well versed in the legalities of child molestation cases. I also get the feeling that if Mama June tells him black is white, he'd believe her.

  4. Where has count Jerkula been the last few days on this? ?

  5. Hey sandy.....I didn't see it..but how did he even get that gig?

    As for these derelicts...I say the let's really serve some justice and do like a celebrity family swap and make the kartrashians go live with these clowns in Georgia...then that McDaniel will wanna off himself....and so will'll all sort itself out....

  6. Enty, u are expecting rational behavior from someone not capable. Yhis is sick beyond belief. What sugar idiots deal is , i dont know. Mb he's trying to get the secret skeeti recipe before he files. If this molester is following rules of his release, i dont think there is much law can do , cant arrest him because he MIGHT molest. Which is a shame. Cps should be intervening left, right and sideways.

  7. @Sandy, it was Aaron Lewis? I didn't read the article but the headline I saw said a county music star had screwed it up. I know he ventured into country a few years ago, but has that career surpasses his Staind career?

  8. What kills me is that she released that statement on Twitter saying that she'd never get back with the guy after what he did--so she knew what he did was wrong--but she was already back together with him.

    And people praised her to the skies for saving the money for her children and not spoiling them, but now she's after buying the child molester a house. Let's see if the girls ever wind up with any of that money.

    1. Laren-i think what she means is she doesnt bring him around the kids. Or she didnt, if there is photo proof she is now. Ugh. She shld bang herself in the head with that forklift foot to knock some sense into her head. Ugh again!

  9. Trash. Personally i would kill the pos if he touched my kid.

  10. I would rather read 50% less entries on this site if there could just be a ban on all reality show 'personalities'.

  11. I have no idea how he got the spot he could be a Giants fan, but Steve Perry is a Giants fan and lives there and has season tickets and he isn't doing it.
    Lace Ive never heard any of his music on the country stations here.

    havent even tried practicing clickys, sorry maybe someday

    1. @ Sandy I am a big fan of Steve Perry & wished they gave him a mic when his song played during the stretch

  12. She is a pathetic excuse for a human being and for a mother. She even makes white trash look bad.

  13. Btw I am not related to sugar bear.

  14. He did molest her daughter but he was sent to prison for molesting a different child. So disgusting.

  15. Why would you have any more faith in a man named Sugar Bear than in some random stranger off the streets?

  16. LOL. Love Tricia's idea! I'm all for it -- where's the petition to make this happen. [=

  17. AuntLiddy: I believe TMZ has a photo of her taking him house shopping and the little rugrat was with them in the photo, so she is bringing a child molester around her young children. The idiot woman is a liar and a sick one at that.

    It kills me that morons like this have so much money - solely for being morons. Many intelligent people who have good work ethic and morals work their butt's off all their lives and will never see as much money in their bank accounts as these idiots. /shakes head in disgust/

  18. So she buys this POS a car and is house-shopping with him? Is this some kind of "reward" for what he did to her child? My reward would be a baseball bat to the side of the head, stake him to an antbed, and pour honey all over him, especially his nether regions. She should realize these psychos can't be reformed - The only way is to cut all their junk off. Their modus operandi is to find mothers with YOUNG children that they can abuse. What an idiot. Somebody please get those children out of there!!

  19. Anyone else think that June was herself molested at some point? There is a school of thought that people who gain enormous amounts of weight sometimes do it to make themselves less attactive after suffering from molestation. Doesn't excuse her for her disgusting choice in men. And honestly, there are thousands more families like this out there with similar crap going on, TLC just hasn't made them millionaires for being white trash personified.

    1. Yes! That is so true about the weight. You do not want anyone to find you attractive or to look at you.

  20. For all we know Sugar Bear has the same sugar mama Chester the molester does. I think someone needs to remove this child from ALL of this sick family.

  21. It shouldn't be a 'sacrifice' to stay away from the filth who molested your precious little girl. In any case it was a sacrifice June wasn't prepared to make. Evil BITCH.

  22. A rep from Georgia State CPS gave an interview to People and wouldn't confirm/deny reports that they were investigating the case but gave generalized comments:
    "From our point of view, when there are young children who are not able to protect themselves that are in daily contact or living with a sex offender, someone would go out and assess the situation and decide whether the children can stay there or not. If we thought a child was in harm's way in any way, shape or form, we would develop a safety plan and make sure the children are not around an offender."

  23. Re any discourse about Mama June's weight or psychology. This is not about that selfish bitch right now. It's about a little girl called Alana who has already been used as a commodity for most of her life and is now most likely being used as relationship insurance by her 'mother'.

    1. I'm in no way defending the mom. My mom didn't protect me from my abuser and allowd it to continue for 12 yrs.

  24. {{{{hugs4Pink}}}}

  25. This just keeps getting grosser and grosser.

  26. I would guess that Mama June was herself abused at some point and perhaps that is why she seems to lack empathy for her kids. Sometimes people subconsciously protect themselves by identifying with their abusers. Whatever the reason, her relationship with McDaniels casts everything we know about her in a new light -- the whole toddler beauty pageant thing, for instance. I mean, I've assumed she just got back in touch with McDaniels, but that may not be the case. Nothing would surprise me right now.

  27. I recall a southern senator on NPR discoursing on the 'fine tradition of intergenerational intercourse.' Took me a moment to figure out he was pro incest, thus opposed to a woman's right to choose without exception.

    So, incest: a fine southern tradition. Here's to the South being the South.

  28. Every time I read about this story I can hear the duelling banjos from Deliverance.

  29. What I'm getting from all this is, Mama June didn't believe her daughter about the abuse, or didn't care. Even though the guy was convicted in a different case. So to me, that reads that Mama June is competitive with her girls for "partners"

  30. Yes, they still make Sugar Crisp. It goes by Super Sugar Ceisp or something now.
    QAD, I call BS on your NPR comment.
    TM, there is only one banjo. The other is a guitar. Did you really see the movie?

  31. The song is called "Dueling Banjos"

  32. Hugs and love to all you survivors.

    And, for those of you making "It's the South, y'all!" or "poor white trash..." comments: Sit down and shut the fuck up!!! Sexual abuse happens everywhere, in all social classes, all races and every corner of the world. It could be your neighbor, even...*gasp!*... your family.

    1. Thank you! Being from the south doesn't automatically make you an ignorant backwards POS. There's plenty of that going around all over the world. Stephen Collins isn't southern. And he's a huge POS. Let's not generalize shall we?

  33. Don't make this a southern thang. We Texans will still hang someone for child molestation. If the parents don't do it, the neighbors will.

    HBB's messed up mother just happens to live in the south. Tis all.

  34. Settle, not saying it doesn't happen in other, non-southern states. It happens more than I'd like in my hometown of Seattle.

    I'm suggesting that the heat against this is a good thing, just not a commonly shared value. I wished it were. It isn't. Each state gets to write and enforce child protection laws to their level of social acceptance. But they run up against a buzzsaw called 'parental rights' whenever they try to enact new standards or penalties. (Happens in my happy state as well.)

    We can all agree that the system doesn't favor the child. Some states have given zero fucks about remedying that shit.

    And, yes, that's exactly what the ghastly man said on NPR. And it was so personally disgusting that years later the memory will not budge and my disgust will not ebb.

  35. I think Mama June must not believe Anna's story about the sexual abuse. She must believe her boyfriend was unjustly accused and imprisoned for ten years, so that's why she is allowing him around Honey Boo Boo and resuming where they left off.

  36. QaG. The comment about a southern senator needs proof. That is a disgusting comment supposedly from a elected official on NPR Back up your statement with a link

  37. "Intergenerational intercourse" isn't incest, it's an adult having sex with someone much younger than them (for example, Courtney Stodden and her slimy husband).

    One of the biggest supporters of intergenerational intercourse is a group called NAMBLA - the North American Man Boy Love Association. Because The Pederasty Society just didn't sound as accessible.

  38. Ah trailer trash folks who become celebs! All hail the "new normal" - letting pedophiles and child molesters run amuck for the glory of ratings and advertising $$$$.

    You're right Enty. Where the fuck are those so called upon to serve + protect??? And why is this offspring's biological parents not being charged for their non-action to protect their child but rather aid + support a child molester?

  39. My mom worked as a child psychologist in Minnesota, and I can attest to the fact that this kind of shit happens everywhere and is a hell of a lot more common than most people realize.

  40. Who gives a shit about these repulsive rednecks? Jesus... class it up a bit, Enty. Please?

  41. Will Dr.Phil do a show on this in Nov?

  42. Just read an interview with Anna where she says June didn't believe her when she told her about the abuse. So that answers all your questions right there, folks - she believes him. For whatever reason.

    And yeah, Sugar Crisp is EVERYWHERE, at least in Canada. Can't stand it, although I do love puffed wheat squares.

  43. Why does Enty even trust Sugar Bear? All those guys are creepy.
