Tuesday, October 28, 2014

Steven Powell Arrested On Child Porn Charges

Two years ago, police raided the home of Steven Powell. Yesterday they charged him with child porn because of things they found during that raid which had previously been thrown out of court. When an Appeals Court overturned the decision of the lower court, police arrested Powell. In March, Powell was released from jail after serving a voyeurism sentence for taking photos of two young girls who were his neighbors. If you are trying to remember the name Steven Powell, he is the father of Josh Powell who killed his two sons with a hatchet before killing himself in a home fire. Josh was a person if interest in the disappearance of his wife Susan Powell who also had some kind of strange relationship with Steven Powell. I wouldn't be shocked if both of them killed her. I still can't believe that Josh Powell was allowed to be alone with his kids. Whenever I think of this case that continues to haunt me.  


  1. I will never forget this sick guy and his son.

  2. sounds like a fine, upstanding family and a gift to any community :(

  3. Sick fucking pos.

  4. +million to auntliddy's comment.

  5. Wow, these blinds lately... after reading cdan i jump on over to rainbows and puppies on Utube.

  6. He has also made fishy statements to the police, implying that he knows what happened to Susan Powell, but they can't seem to get any real information out of him.

  7. the creep factor is off the charts

  8. What drives these sick people? Just horrid!

  9. This guy is so creepy and I think he was totally involved in Susan's murder - at the very least, he was an accessory after the fact.

    BTW, HE is the one who claimed to have a sexual relationship with Susan Powell. Her family has vehemently denied this allegation. I absolutely believe them over this sleaze bag.

    This case is really haunting and heartbreaking. Those poor little boys.

    I hope he's sent to jail and gets the full pedophile welcome.

  10. Nice family. Totally related to a gossip site.

  11. He wasn't allowed to be alone with them. He had supervised visits but he pushed out the person supervising when she came by with the boys and then he killed them. He shouldn't have even had those kinds of visits though.

    1. I was just going to say this. I remember seeing an interview with the woman from CPS. She was devastated that it happened bc she was only feet behind the boys and the police couldn't get there quickly enough to save them.

  12. This sick f#ck deserves to be locked up and manhandled by his cell mates. The death of that whole family can be layed at his door. He wanted his so s wife, and she denied him, moved states away from her own family to get away from this sicko... What a tortured life susan must of had, so damn sad.

  13. Yeah, Josh wasn't allowed to be alone with the boys which is why he took matters into his own hands.
    Steven showed no remorse in an interview I once saw, and I realized how Josh turned out like he did.

  14. I remember seeing this on Dateline, and it's stuck with me ever since. This guy is a major creep.

  15. I recall reading that Susan's parents begged the court to stop all visitation by the POS dad. The parents also said, the kids were starting to open up about their own abuse by the dad and they were hoping the kids would eventually lead to implicating the dad in Susan's murder. That judge f**ked up.

  16. What a mess of a family. I, too, hope he gets the Full Pedophile Welcome in jail. Of course, they'll likely keep him separate, for his own protection, of course.

  17. Anonymous9:12 AM

    That whole family is sick. Josh Powell's brother Michael committed suicide here in Minneapolis last year--he was a staunch defender of his brother and father, apparently. He also attended my university at the time (though in a different college).

  18. Ah man, I remember when all of this happened. The story just kept getting more horrific. Those poor little boys! I always wished they coulda strapped this old creep to a chair & shot him full of truth serum so the truth would be known. I also have the truth serum fantasy about Kyron Horman's stepmother, Terri. Seems like when kids are involved law enforcement should be able to go just a little bit further when getting the truth out of suspects.

  19. Disgusting POS. He raised a POS. Like father...like sons.

  20. I never heard of these people and I'm going to pretend I still haven't heard of them. Disgusting.

  21. That family court judge should have been charged with the murder of the two boys. She did nothing to protect them and actively lead to their deaths. Why didn't she err on the side of caution with a suspected pedophile and murderer, why didn't she require him to visit the kids under police supervision like every other pervert given visitation.



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