Monday, October 27, 2014

Ricki Lake's Husband Is Homeless And Living In His Car

According to a new article on Radar, Ricki Lake's husband Christian Evans is now living in his car because he has no money to rent a place. Apparently he is also living with his dog who needs medical attention and to make things even worse, Christian is bi-polar and needs medical help too.

Ricki owes Christian $125K but only after their divorce is finalized. Her plan is to make him suffer and not even file for divorce let alone finalize it until he is a broken man. I guess if you mess with Ricki she will mess with you and Christian must have done some awful things to her for her to be like this. They have only been split up for a week so you would think she might have some compassion for the guy. He has an ex-wife with whom he shares a child so maybe she could let him crash. Even for someone who can be cold hearted, this seems especially harsh and I wonder if we will hear Ricki's side of the story any time soon about this. The article says that Christian told her he wanted an open relationship and Ricki freaked. I can see why she would and why she would kick him out, but how about giving the guy a couple of bucks so he and his dog don't have to live in the car. 


sandybrook said...

How about him getting a job too?

FSP said...

Bitch. How could she do that to the dog.

All Lace no Leather said...

What was his source of income before he married her?

ladybaus said...

Go Ricki! Go Ricki!

aemish said...

She can't legally kick him out of his residence without going downtown and filing to evict him. His loony ass is sleeping outside either because he doesn't know any better -- or it's better than sleeping with her IN the house. He's a grown man who made his own bed. I just feel bad for the dog.

SugarTitz said...

Don't care. Next.

VeronicaCostello said...

Dollars to donuts he sprang the "open marriage" idea after he opened his fly outside the marriage and got caught.
So predictable.

Moxie Girl said...

Doesn't he have one single friend who can help him? If not, that says a lot. Otherwise, he's doing it to be dramatic and make a point. And as All Lace said, what was his soure of income before he married her?? No fucks to give for him

Kat has left the building said...

If he's mentally ill and already homeless, seems like if she gave him any money now he's just blow it.

Dexamyl said...

In fairness, if he's mentally ill and homeless, it's pretty hard to get a job.

I've never had such an ugly breakup that I wanted the other person to suffer. Or their dog.

Shelly Shell said...

Wasn't he supposed to be some bigh "jewelry designer"?

Most likely he just moved into her house & she kicked his ass out.

Cheryl said...

Dude needs a job. I'm tired of hearing about these guys with sketchy resumes living off a less than A list celebrity woman. And less than A list celebrity women need to stop being so desperate for men that they accept these losers unconditionally.

NomNom83 said...

As other have pointed out, this might not be the whole story. No parents, siblings or friends to put him up? He had absolutely no money of his own?

I dunno... this doesn't sound like some wife tossing out her husband just b/c she's a bitch. I don't know much about Lake, were there bad stories surrounding her first divorce?

Unknown said...

Really, what is it with these woman that they fall for these shady con men & even marry them. Seriously, have the guy checked out before saying I do.

Sherry said...

Wow talk about judgemental Enty. WTF? How do you know Ricky is cold hearted? This is a grown ass man. It's not like he was homeless when she met him. And if he is bi-polar he's probably having med issues. After a while perhaps like all marriages she'd had enough. Simple irreconcilable differences.

Runswithscissors said...

Nothing of what you wrote makes sense, enty if they separated a week ago and he is already homeless, means he didn't have a job and lived off of what ricki makes, thus, paying child support from her income.
And we are supposed to feel sorry for a freeloader?

Woodsy_gal said...

Ricki save the dog (and I don't mean the crappy husband). Animals can't defend themselves :(

Sincerely,Your Friend said...

All great comments.
So he Marty's her and THEN says he wants an open relationship. WTF did he marry her for??? I think we all know the answer. Sad to say, we prob all could predict this. I know I did.

I really like Rikki, what I know of her, but both times she got married I didn't think the guys she picked would be faithful or that it was everlasting love coming from them but she insisted it was.

I read he went off on some trip and didn't call her and it was her BD.
If he's bipolar she might be afraid of him. Heck, even if he isn't bipolar....

She prob doesn't feel this way now but better to be rid if him now before he sucked more out of her life and pockets.

FrenchGirl said...

Get a job! Ask help to your friends or family!

All Lace no Leather said...

I think the story is exaggerated. Early reports said he typically walks "their" dog, but since the split he hadn't been seen in the neighborhood. And others reported that she had been seen walking the dog. My guess, he sold this story for some quick cash and figured if he wasn't a likable enough character, the dog would be.

Unknown said...

--Dude needs a job. I'm tired of hearing about these guys with sketchy resumes living off a less than A list celebrity woman. And less than A list celebrity women need to stop being so desperate for men that they accept these losers unconditionally.--

Yes, this!!

Unknown said...

For a group that's usually sympathetic to mental issues, you didn't hesitate to kick this guy under the bus and run over him.

I don't know what's going on either way.

Topper Madison said...

Why should his ex-wife take him in when his current wife kicked him out? Just because they have a kid together doesn't mean she is obligated to take care of his sorry ass, too.

AKM said...

I...feel like I need more info here.

And on one hand, you're all "I guess if you mess with Ricki she will mess with you" and she's "cold-hearted," and then you're all "I wonder if we will hear Ricki's side of the story..." So...what DO you know, Enty? Got stories that confirm the cold-hearted Ricki who will mess with you? Throw 'em out, then! I mean, I don't know that I care about her REALLY one way or the other, but spill the tea, why doncha.

Happy Monday, CDAN kiddos!

Rosie riveter said...

Why doesn't he sleep at one of his side pieces?

bellaluna said...

I believe there were, but I'm not sure.

Tyler said...

Pretty cold in light of his diagnosed mental health issues.
Bi-polar can be a bear for everyone involved.

Sarah said...


Sarah said...

Sounds like he made his bed. I am fully sympathetic to mental health issues, but being bipolar does not preclude him from working or carrying health insurance.

Sarah said...

I guarantee he had a wandering dong before he sprung the open relationship bit, apparently he took off (obviously on her dime) on an unplanned trip without her, he stayed gone quite a while, and did not even call her on her birthday while he was out partying and spending her money.
Screw him I say.

Mal said...

Eh. I'm pretty sure there's more to the story.

Frosty said...

Hm, funny how he has "no money" and is reduced to living in his car within days of splitting with Ricki -- yet he has still has the wit and ability to get his side out to the media. Why hasn't one of his open relationship partners helped his out?

New Life and Attitude said...

I don't see her as cold-hearted and we don't know the whole story. My ex was bi-polar but he rarely took his prescribed meds. He preferred to self-medicate. I had to kick his ass out many times by getting restraining orders because he would get violent. I finally had enough and kicked him to the curb for good. He had burned everyone (family, friends, etc.) and he became homeless. The only difference in my story is that I didn't let him take any of the dogs (even the one that was "his" or his cat) because he couldn't take care of himself much less a poor animal. I had a lot of people look down at me for kicking him out - but as soon as I said "if you feel that bad you take him in" they quickly changed their tune. POS OD'd in a vacant lot almost 6 months ago.

Riven said...

To be fair, he may not know this. If she owns the house and he hasn't been paying her rent, he may be under the assumption she can legally keep him away since it's her residence. Dude needs a pro bono attorney stat.

D Brown said...

Isn't the whole point of an "open" relationship that you have another girl(s) to crash with?

Riven said...

Ok here's what you do dude...
Visit your nearest hospital and report yourself as suicidal. You'll get a minimum of 3 days with a bed and food, and will probably get the mental health help you need. They may even extend your stay if you're really having medicine problems. And don't worry about the bill, the mental health institution is required by law to have low income financial assistance. And if you want a little revenge, you're still legally we'd so Ricki will probably get stuck with the bill.

Problem solved. Except the dog, but if you look into it getting registered as a service animal they can probably help you figure that out too.

cc423 said...


Seven of Eleven said...

This story smells worse than the aftermath of a Budweiser Clysedales parade. Everyone is so terribly concerned about him, they sell the story to Radar rather than, I don't know, call Animal Protection to report an ill dog not being cared for properly, or offering him a place to stay, or helping him get the help he needs. Nope, let's redefine the phrase "open marriage".

“When he said that he wanted an open marriage, he did not really mean he wanted to sleep around or even open up the relationship sexually,’ the insider says.

“He was just really tired of being in a marriage that was lopsided and controlled by her money and he wanted to be in a loving marriage where they each had their own lives and could do and experience their own things,” continues the source. “He still loves her very much.”

angie said...

Regardless of their particular situation, a decidedly vindictive and unclassy move on her part.

crila16 said...

I'm actually team Ricki. If my husband (if I had one) married and committed to me for forever...and then had the nerve to ask permission to start cheating, I'd flip out too. I wouldn't give him a dime and he can just live in his car. It's not like he's freezing to death or anything.

Where I'm not team Ricki, is when it comes to the dog. The dog is an innocent victim, and Ricki should take the dog to a vet hospital and give it the proper treatment. Take the dog, leave the husband.

Henriette said...

Wasn't he the guy she found on the Internet? This guy always sounded shady from the beginning. I would have taken a page out of the Big O's book and abstain from marriage while rich.

Save the dog!

plot said...

Obviously the issue is far deeper than infidelity. If he's BP, not taking his meds, prone to disappearing and self medicating, and wreaking havoc when he's at home, then the only stance one can take is the famous Bottom Line.

What is Ricki supposed to do? Pay for an expensive in-patient treatment center to deal with his BP, while this guy has no inclination to submit to it?

Team Ricki. Too many people put up with this shit from their spouses and relatives, latching onto the specialness of being the one-and-only savior. If Ricki found herself in a place where she could let go, good for her.

FlirtyChick74 said...

Wow. He gets no love in this room. I wonder if everyone would feel the same way if the genders were reversed? Anyway, this story sounds half baked. I need more info.

plot said...

Oh wow, of course it would be the same under a gender reversal! Phil Hartman would still be alive if he had secured the kids legally, changed the locks and kicked that crazy bitch to the curb.

What the hell has gender to do with this?

__-__=__ said...

Give it time Dex, give it time. I would have rehomed the dog and told him it ran away before I kicked him to the curb. Also no fucks to give for him.

Brenda L said...


Unknown said...

Put this way: if a woman is abused--she needs help (this is the correct response).

If a man is abused: be a man! Stand up for yourself!

While not always true, it happens often.

We demand gender equality, but we don't really give it.

Unknown said...

I have some formerly married friends where this happened. They had been married for 12 years and lived in a huge Victorian house that the husband's mother owned. I didn't know any of this but the husband was a huge cheater. He told his wife he wanted a divorce ... but before he did that, he drained their joint bank accounts so she wouldn't have access to any money. Then he started having women over (he had a huge jar of vaseline next to his bed - gross) ... and his wife heard him on the phone bitching that she hadn't found a job yet - SEVEN DAYS AFTER HE TOLD HER HE WANTED OUT.

Because he hadn't filed for divorce or even a legal separation, she was in limbo and had no legal right to any money other than the non-existent money in the joint accounts. So she had to go to court and get an emergency order of spousal support.

After they got divorced, he married some fat chick from Kansas he had met on a sales trip, moved her into this beautiful Victorian and she redecorated with little doilies and chintz curtains and frilly pillows with needlepoint puppies on them. Gag me. Previous wife had fabulous taste, new one not so much.

Years later it turned out he had fathered a son with a black woman he'd had a fling with. When the kid was 12 he started a relationship with him. The kid will in all likelihood inherit two $4 million houses in San Francisco's Pacific Heights neighborhood since the two-timing husband is also an only child and his parents are quite elderly.

PJ said...

This is heartbreaking but what makes it more so is the almost total media silence on this man and his situation. I can only IMAGINE the noise that would be created if it were a male celebrity doing this to his wife who came into the marriage with very little money of her own. So sad.

car54 said...

I would imagine there's more to this than this post is telling us.
I've never seen any part of Ricki that seems mean or hurtful so I'd want to hear the whole story--and I find it questionable that he has no resources (except Ricki) to live--no friends, no family?
I'd be looking for a job if it was me. Any job.

Scallywag said...

Celebrity Dirty Laundry says he went to live with his ex, guess she kicked him out too.

And that trip he went on without her was to Ibiza.

A girl said...

Take it out on the guy, fine. He's a grown ass man and should handle himself. But the dog!!!!

A girl said...

Take it out on the guy, fine. He's a grown ass man and should handle himself. But the dog!!!!

Unknown said...

when people are diagnosed with a mental illness their actions should be taken with a grain of salt.

it is a disease of the brain so why would one be expected to act "normally"?


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