Wednesday, October 22, 2014

Renee Zellweger Says She Didn't Have Plastic Surgery

We can all admit that Renee Zellweger looked different on the red carpet two nights ago than she has in the past. When photos were posted of her the other day wearing a hat at the ALS walk (above) though, no one really took notice. It was only after she took off the hat that everything changed. In a statement she made yesterday, Renee says she has not had any plastic surgery and that the reason she looks different now is because back in the day she was lazy and took shortcuts with her appearance. In other words, back in the day she was using botox and fillers, but now, almost five years since she really hit a bunch of red carpets, this is how she is supposed to look. Plastic surgeons interviewed by various tabloids all seemed to agree that she has not really had surgery. They think she just had some botox and changed her eyebrows and hair and that gave her the different look. I am probably in the minority in this, but I think she looks better now than she did before and I think if there is another Bridget Jones movie that she will be able to pull it off and no one will really notice the difference. 


  1. Looking at closeups of her you can see the spots she had done because there are remaining lines and her lips are a mess.
    I am not a robot betch!

  2. Well, if it makes her happy...

    I don't think she looks worse...just so different from before.

    1. She looks like Katie Couric to be!

  3. Everyone called her "squinty Zellweger" so she had it fixed.
    Now they are tearing her apart for having it fixed.
    Where has she been for the last 10 years is a better question.


  5. I think she had her upper eyes done. Also, her hair is longer than we've ever seen.

    In her statement that I read, she attributed her "new look" to a healthier lifestyle. Whatever. She's not obligated to share what she has or hasn't done with the public.

  6. Honestly...I think she looks good. was the eyes, as I said yesterday..eye lift.( and some Botox probs)

  7. I thought she looked so beautiful and unique before, like in Chicago. A memorable face in a sea of cookie cutter "hotties." I agree, as long as she is happy, that is the main thing.

  8. I think she just had her eyes done and lost a lot of weight.

  9. There's no way a haircut completely changes the way you look so much that facial recognition software wouldn't know it's the same person.

  10. I'd still hit it.

  11. Here's what I think: I just don't care. She seems like a sweet person who likes her privacy and if she's feels healthier mentally and likes what she sees, good for her.

  12. She has clearly had surgery or something. She was super skinny after her Bridget Jones movies and didn't look like this.
    She certainly doesn't owe anyone justification, but at least own it. Healthier lifestyle? really, that is as old as the politician resigning for the family.
    I don't think she looks bad, just doesn't look like herself. She had a distinctive look, and now she looks like just another blonde haired blue eyes starlet.


    Still unsure.

  14. Enty, are you high. She looks a lot worse. She was simply gorgeous in her jerry mcguire days. Face was flawlessly beautiful. Im not sure wtf she did to her face but its aged her. She looks almost 50. If she didnt get plastic surgery, she needs to look into it so they can fix that shit. If she wants to keep working that is. sll she is gonna get is grandmama and homely older sister roles with that face. Damn renee, what were u thinkin. Not sure what she did but reverse it.

  15. It's her business and I don't really care. However, don't lie. Own it and move on. No diet and lifestyle change does that. She has had some serious facial surgery. She sounds silly denying it. Whatever. It's her face.

  16. She went the Jennifer Grey route and is unrecognizable, which is horrid for actress. Well, she was acting too much anyway.

  17. Just say you had your eyes done. Botox has nothing to do with this. She looks like a different person. Compare a picture of her in the Jerry McGuire days to her current surgical altering.

  18. She had such hooded eyes, and we saw them get worse and worse. And that can cause site problems and it *can* become a medical issue.

    I'm thinking a eye job for perhaps a legit reason, and I am sure the usual botox and such.

    Maybe if she just came out and said, "Look, I had to get my eyes done due to site problems" I think people would get off her ass about this.

    I think she looks good, different, but good. And she actually looks happy. Or she did, until the WHOLE FREEKING WORLD flipped out.

    1. I agree with JoElla.

    2. @Joella... I am wondering the same, if it there was some eye lift done to improve her vision. Dang it, my eyes are drooping a bit too and mine did NOT start squinty as her's were.

  19. ^^^ yes I now realize I used site, and not sight.. too damn early!!

  20. She doesn't look better. She looks generic - whatever made her distinctive before is just - gone. She's part Finnish (Sami I believe) and the full cheeks and squinty eyes were so distinctively Zellweger. Now her eyes are bigger and she looks like some photoshopped morph of Sarah Jessica Parker and Robin Wright.

  21. What about Nicole Kidman? She looks like a Jack-O-latern now & it's not main news. #leavezellweggeralone!

  22. Liar liar pants on fire. Just own it. Especially if you look like a completely different person.

  23. Rene doesnt look bad at all, just extremely different. Its disingenuious to think no one will notice. We have ' our' rene, and now this new rene.

  24. She has wrinkles around her eyes (fine, she's earned them ) but she still looks dramatically different than before.

  25. She looks like a new rene. Its silly to think no one wld notice. She looks fine, just different.

  26. I think she looks fine. I have botox and filler. It was time. No I don't look the same but is ok. It keeps my face from hanging down onto the top of my blouse and it's my business anyway.

  27. @Prunella ---that's what I said- Robin Wright and a little Cameron Diaz.

    I use the dermawand lol

  28. @Fear--true. She looks like everyone now haha --SO COMMON

  29. Yea I feel bad she's getting such bad backlash! She had the skin above her eyes removed and it changed her look. I'd do the same thing if my eyes continued to get worse with age. I think she looks great. How come no one freaked out when McConaghey did it?

  30. I think she had a brow lift. I think this because of the more hallowed out look of her eyes and her hairline has changed. My friend had this done and she looked very different, in a way similar to RZ. I think she went to this guy, who is supposedly the brow lifter to the stars:

  31. My grandpa had to get his eyes done for sight reasons too.

  32. To be fair, nowhere in her statement to People does it indicate she did NOT have surgery, she just chose not to address it.

  33. See the reason I dont think she had a brow lift is because there doesn't seem to be more space between her eye and brow like you would normally see if someone had their brow lifted.

  34. She obviously had surgery. If she had hooded lids that were getting worse and affecting her eyesight, then that's totally legit and she might not even consider it "plastic surgery" in the implants-and-lipo sense, and I don't necessarily disagree. But guurrrl, don't lie about it. Just say you were having a lot of problems and decided to do it for yourself. Also, when the change is as drastic is it is (she is unrecognizable as Renee Zelwegger), you just sound like a fool saying "no, it's just clean living," or whatever. The unfortunate thing is that I believe this will negatively affect her career, a la Jennifer Grey. She is still pretty, but she is just just average-housewife pretty, not actress-with-a-unique-look pretty. Oh well, if she's happy, good on her, but be honest about it and I hope she saved some of that Jerry Maquire money....

  35. Why does everyone telling Renee to own it? You're talking out of both sides of your mouth, saying you don't care but wanting her to admit something. Make up your minds about what you want.

    If she had surgery, it's her business. And her business alone.

    1. There is a difference between saying you don't care (i.e. you aren't interested) and saying that you wouldn't think any more/less of someone based on the answer, and I think most people are in the latter camp. I don't care in the sense that I don't think it reflects negatively on her. That said, lying about it or pretending it isn't obvious she's had something done is ridiculous and only inviting MORE discussion.

  36. I dunno, I wish these women admitted they did have surgery, and more power to them.

  37. She has always had those facials from Tracie Martyn and they are strong very powerful…I wouldn't do it before an event….and the hair is awful…

  38. I think she looks better

  39. Whatevs. I think she looks great! I sadly think she also has a bad case of body dismorphia and Hollywood doesn't help with getting her well. I also think she is sweet as apple pie and am rooting for her. You be you Renee!

  40. I don’t like the fact that she felt the need to change her face, but that up to her and if she feels better nobody can dare to criticize. What makes me sad is that this debates over plastic surgery is always and only in regard of FEMALE stars. Like somebody wrote above: Also McCoughnahey had the exactly same eye lift and nobody said nothing. Can we talk about Tom Cruise’s Botox? And the hair plugs and hair pieces and hair implants on almost 80% of the male actors above 40? Hair loss is a huge tabu topic in Hollywood, outing a bald actor is like accusing him of being a pedophile or worst. Let’s leave Renee alone, she must be devastated, she’s a sweet and vulnerable soul.

  41. First of all she is thinner and that makes you look different in the face. Her weigh has fluctuated and she gained weight on purpose for Bridget Jones and some people loved the squinty heavier Bridget era Rene but you know Hollywood would not and most women are damned if they do and damned if they don't and digital film shows every single pore.

  42. She did not have any plastic surgery. Neither did any of the Kardashian/Jenners. She clearly had her eyelids lifted. Other things she had done were probably injectables and some do not consider that "plastic surgery".

  43. It's not surgery. It's botox and fillers. Also, the makeup that was used on her. It's really her eyes that look the most different...and her now smooth forehead.

  44. I think she looks older now.

    I am very curious to see how this affects her career, not that's she's had one for the past five years.

    I've always thought she was a great actress. And I would really love to know why she's been out of work for so long.

    1. @Susan, but he is older now.. I think part of the change looks like natural aging. With perhaps some non surgical procedures that may have been really fresh to publicly display (i.e. shiny skin) or maybe it's just a bad makeup job and lighting. Glad she's more at peace.

  45. She's obviously had her eyelids done but It looks to me like she's had a lot of derma peels or laser resurfacing.

  46. @ Danielle - I see what you're saying, but brow lifts really do weird thing to the eyes. They end up looking deeper set, which I think hers do. It could be an eye lid lift also.

    My friend looked very different. She also was in the "don't tell" camp, which I personally disagreed with - simply because she looked so different. I honestly don't judge anyone who has any work done, I just think it's asking for questions when there is such a drastic change in appearance.

    Jane Fonda has had a couple of face lifts, she's admitted it and it's not an issue. (And, her work is amazing!)

    @Tina, her face is thinner, but I think that's due to age. She was on a show I worked in in the late 90s. Despite being anorexicaly thin, her face was huge - I mean, super round and actually fat. So, I think her face is slimming down with age (as a former round, fatty faced girl, I can say that age does thin the face)

    I don't know why I'm so into this...but, oh well, I am...and, I do think she looks great and I hope she works through her issues that were described in the other blind.

  47. She's obviously had blepharoplasty that's the correction of the eyelids do to them sagging and actually affecting your eyesight. I can understand why she had it done. Yes she looks different. I think she looks better. If she wants to share that with the world good for her if not good for her as well.

    She seems like such a very sweet person I am sure that all the talk about this has to be getting to her. In an industry that values youth so strongly who can blame anyone for wanting to always stay youthful looking. If I had the money, I certainly would have surgery myself.

  48. I can't see her in another Bridget Jones. She looks like an entirely different person. (And only "better" if you didn't like her original appearance.)

  49. I think her new look is the result of aging, probably plastic surgery, and different lifestyle changes...but I still think she looks great. SO WHAT if she messed with her face? So many other people do too. At least she DIDN'T go with the obvious and get her lips done. It's like...people who get their lips done get a free pass because it's so common now!

  50. Also, let me say that it angers me that people compare her to her Bridget Jones years, or Jerry Maguire years saying she was so beautiful back then and she ruined it. Um...those movies were filmed 15+ years ago. People's faces change in that amount of time, they start to sag, certain places hollow out. Take it into consideration that she was a lot younger back then.

  51. What's really funny about this story is how it is all of a sudden a big deal now. There were pictures of her several months ago published of her new face and they got a little attention (I remember talking about how she looked different but looking good). Amazing the impact of some outlet or site making a big deal out of the recent pics and making it the story of the day/week.

  52. @Eros: "She looks almost 50."

    UMMMM, she is almost 50. She's 45. She's not the 20-something from Jerry McGuire anymore. That's reality.

    1. @ Snap, I should have changed that to she looks well into her 50s. Mid 50s at least.

    2. Jennifer anniston is older than Renee. That says alot. Renee looks like shes old enough to be jennifer's mom.

  53. The forehead and between the eyes may be Botox, etc and not a lift. Britney Spears changed the character of her face as well in almost the same way- the forehead smoothed out pushes down on the eyes and changes the whole character of your face. But for her to pretend (Renee) she didn't have her eyes done is laughable. That's not fillers- she had an eye lift obviously. They all lie about plastic surgery even with pictures as proof. It's amazing.

  54. Don't think so. She's suddenly gone from a distinctively attractive look to a bland, basic, generic one. She's had something done for sure, and Enty "I think she looks better now than she did before" needs an eye exam.

  55. Here's an after and before composite photo of her:

    You decide

  56. You know, all the self-righteous indignation that we're talking about RZ's face is funny, because this is a CELEBRITY BLIND site. It's based on pretty low-brow voyeurism so I don't think there's a lot of room for high horses here.

    Not to mention, we're not criticizing her for having had work done.

    I at least am mourning that whatever made Renée Zellweger Renée Zellweger, has just vanished. She had a unique look and now she's a different, much more generic person.

    I almost feel like there's been a death in Hollywood because the Renée Zellweger we knew and loved is GONE.

    I'm sure the voice and mannerisms and acting ability will still be there but ... I'm just SAD.

    We were talking about Jane Fonda the other day and even though she's obviously had a ton of plastic surgery we were admiring her for doing it right. I don't think there's an anti-plastic surgery bias here, or a misogynistic bias ... just a bias against bad plastic surgery or, in this case apparently, the Jennifer Grey effect.

  57. PS Thanks for posting the before and after @Maxxy. It's clear that the real difference is in the eyes.

  58. She never said she didn't have plastic surgery.

  59. She used a lot of products in the past that effected how she looked. She was always accused of Botox and filler abuse. So I can see this being closer to her real face. I think she looks great. You can't win in Hollywood, damned if you do, damned if you don't.

  60. @Unknown, a bit of an oversimplification and passing the buck there. She's the one who messed with her face, so if no one recognizes her now, she 'damned' herself, not Hollywood.

  61. She has clearly had a mild face lift. Look at her hairline to her eyebrow - they are further apart; a telltale sign. Also, she has had lid correction, as she had the kind of kids that sagged more with age, hence the squinty and squintier appearances. Now, she has no visible lid. It was probably considered a medical necessity and not plastic surgery. Finally, I think she used to be bulimic and has probably stopped, reducing the appearance of her prior chipmunky cheeks from swollen parotid glands.

    All of which adds up to a who the f cares. She is a pretty girl who seems sweet and hurt. I wish her happiness and health and think she, as always, looks beautiful, even like Robin Wright now.....

  62. Agree with you. And if she's happy or happier now as she claimed she is, then we should feel happy for her, too.

  63. Agree with you. And if she's happy or happier now as she claimed she is, then we should feel happy for her, too.
