Tuesday, October 21, 2014

Random Photos Part Two- Elle Women In Hollywood Party

Renee Zellweger
Jennifer Lawrence
Nikki Reed
Jennifer Garner and pizza.
Bella Thorne
Emmy Rossum and Kaley Cuoco
Jennifer Garner and Elizabeth Banks
Jennifer Garner and Tina Fey
Molly Sims


  1. Rene girl---you are the talk of the town around here!

    Emmy looks like Nicole Richie there

  2. Too much plastic surgery in one post, my face just went numb.

  3. Rene has the WORST case of pancake face ever :(

  4. Kaley and Emmy Hollywood's 2 biggest famewhores.
    Jen must be knocked up if she wants the hideous looking pizza :(

  5. Sandy brook got my vote for best comment with "hideous the looking pizza"

  6. Renee looks like a blonde Juliette Lewis and JLaw is barely recognizable. :/

    Love JenG, Tina Fey, and Effie Trinkett.

    SO and I were watching BBT last night and we both, almost at the same time, said the show isn't even funny any more. Penny and Leonard having the most boring conversation ever about marriage and that too long Howard pitching joke dragged everything down.

    1. They spent so much money on the cast they forgot to budget for writers

  7. Leave Renee alone!

    1. What's the deal w Renee's awful eyebrows? It's a moot point to discuss how she's mangled her face.

  8. So word is that Renee's surgery is this generations Jennifer Grey. She changed her appearance so much that she will never work in this town again.

    1. That was exactly the comparison I made today

  9. Or even the hideous looking pizza

  10. Rene got an eyelid/lift...my friend recently got one and bits not uncuncommor too intense. But it explains the enlargement of her eyes which were once quite....beaty(for lack of a better or clinical term). That and botox/fillers explains her look...probably all done within same day

  11. Renee and Jennifer Grey could be sister's now...

  12. Love Nikki's dress.

    Didn't enty say Rene's BF likes pornstars & that's why she's been getting all this work done.

  13. Not as clear here as in dlisted close ups, but every bit of unique cute has been erased and she looks like one of those horrid real housewives. It's not just an eye job..like a face transplant.

  14. Renee got tired of being labeled squinty

  15. I didnt even think that was rene!! Holy extreme face change!! Its soo weird!

  16. Loooooove Jen G but bangs do her good.

    Renee!!!!! I didn't recognize you - no more squints? I can't put my finger on it

  17. Yes....squinty the word I was looking for!


  18. Was this the HOs for HOisery" Gala?

  19. I would never have known who that was if it wasn't tagged. :(

  20. Good Lord, Renee? smh

  21. There was someone on Gawker who explained that her original type of eyelids would have been very hard to lift, and do not age well. Dont recall the word she used.

    It made sense that they would have gotten over wrinkly and lifting them and keeping their puffiness/squintyness would have been difficult.

    I feel sorry for her.

  22. OMG! Renee looks like a completely different person!

    I am in shock!!

  23. What happened to Renee's face? Is it too much botox?

  24. Renee fucked up her face with plastic surgery.

    I want to suckle Molly Sims' nipples. They're swollen with milk. Yuummmy!

  25. at first i thought that giant flower was part of JLaw's hideous dress.

  26. This comment has been removed by the author.

  27. I think Renee's had a chin and possibly cheek implants, too. The shape of her face, including her jawline, looks quite different too.

  28. I wonder if her eyelids were causing vision problems. If so, I can see why she lifted them. (secretly hoping mine droop that much! so insurance picks up the tab)

  29. What the fuck, Renee? She's morphing into Kristin Chenoweth.

  30. Yea, but Jennifer Gray gets to go home to Clark Gregg every night. I'd take that any day.

  31. Renee must absolutely HATE herself to keep doing this. I feel sorry for her.

    JLaw...she's losing her "light", looking a little sad there in the eyes.

  32. Renee looks like she's been replaced by a different person.

    JLaw looks like she's been beaten down.

    Molly Sims looks gorgeous.

  33. RZ gives me the sads. She has had too much surgery. Morphed into a completely different face. She must have A TON of self esteem issues. Poor girl.

  34. Do you wonder what all those odd pairings posing are really thinking? Molly Sims now that's polished and preggers.

  35. I keep thinking poor Rene has morphed into Juliette Lewis. You know what is missing her squinty eyes, I found it part of her charm, I got them too when I smile and her lips seem smaller which is certainly bucking the trend. But I don't know if it's the makeup or surgery or both.

  36. "Renee, WTF?"
    - Everyone

  37. Renee…the hair is awful …and the botox and filler will calm down

  38. Tina, hon it's time for new LBD. Thats enough now. I donr remember Jen Garners forehead being so big....

  39. Late posting. Renee has been the talk of the town. She didn't just have some work done she got a brand new face.

  40. Renee is unrecognizable. She wasn't conventionally beautiful, but had a unique and cool look (like Marlene Dietrich or Lucille Ball). Gone now. What a bummer.

  41. Wasn't there a blind item recently about someone getting horrible plastic surgery or am I imagining it? Renee is completely unrecognizable. :(

  42. Is it just me, or does Renee look like Robin Wright now? If she's wearing sunglasses she looks totally normal but the minute she takes them off its like Clark Kent and Superman. Mondo freaky.

  43. And I agree with whoever said it. TBBT is SO BORING now. We used to love it because of the sharp writing and now? Ugh! It has officially jumped the shark. Good thing they all got a raise because this shit needs to be cancelled after this season. They have officially run out of good ideas.

  44. I think that's some Swedish national posing as Renee. It's not actually her.

  45. Renee is totally unrecognizable. I get that she had a horrible squint issue, but she removed too much. She should have called Tom Cruise's plastic surgeon in South America.

  46. A lot of people in this post look like they could use a helping or two of that pizza ...especially Jennifer L. HunGRAAY.

  47. I think ppl are exagerrating with Renee's work. I seriously just see regular chemical peels which she always done and little filler around the eyes. Does she look THAT different?
