Monday, October 20, 2014

Random Photos Part Three

James McAvoy premiering his new movie at the London Film Festival.
Jude Law enjoying a smoke and some time away from making his next baby while on the set of his new movie.
Also enjoying a smoke is Keith Richards who has been smoking since he exited the womb.
Kate Winslet stifling a yawn on the set of her new movie.
Lea Michele in what seems to be her daily uniform.
Long time no see in the photos for Lupita Nyong'o.
LeAnn Rimes and Eddie Cibrian love their gourds.
Mariah Carey loves her outfits that don't fit well.
Dakota Johnson and Melanie Griffith fly back into LA.


  1. Stop, Mimi. Just stop.

  2. Yummy James McAvoy!

    Le'Ann is probably using the gourds to see how big her next set of implants should be.

    Lupita looks lovely!

    Oh, Mimi, just no. Go take a bubble bath while watching Project Runway.

  3. Mimi the chunky thighs say no to that outfit.
    Enty STFU about Keith Richards you'll be lucky to live as long as he has.
    Jude wont be making more babies as long as he sticks close to that woman next to him in the pic. :(

  4. Yup @ Seven.. just that one photo of James McAvoy made being here today totally worth it.

  5. I've been slowly sketching Imaginary Enty in my head according to what's typed here.
    Sometimes it's a 14 year old boy who's violently scandalized by everything, sometimes it's a bitterly judgmental 85 year old church lady on a respirator. Sometimes they fuse.

  6. Should've just stopped with James McAvoy. Just love him.

    Lupita looks great.

    Mimi, just quit it girl.

  7. AHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAH @ kno won uno

    this is SO TRUE!!!

  8. lookin good Mimi! LOOOOKIN GOOD...
    ; )

  9. Oh, I am cringing so hard for Mimi. Girl, no. Just HELL NO!!!

    With this picture, I can see how Dakota looks like Melanie. I normally see more Don in her.

  10. "James McAvoy made being here today totally worth it."

    Yes Indeed!

    Lupita looks great! Did the Oscar win curse hit her?

  11. So, Jude Law, I mean, errr, @Rose Lizenberg for yesterday's blind on the Alister not too fond of the pregnancy! ;)

    I loved Law in I Heart Huckabees but the HeisenFave goes out to that epic Chris Rock/Sean Peen beef over Jude.

  12. Oh mariah, my eyes!!!! My eyes!!!!!! Do you even hv a mirror honey?? Is some dressing u and playing a mean truck on you?? Were u running late and just cut some pleather off the nearest couch and draped it? You have money, pls pay someone to help u look sexy and not like an unmade bed.

  13. Pumpkinbutt: Congrats on your premiere in the Pics!!!

    1. Heeyyyyy..
      Mimi wearing couture by glad.

    2. Sugarbread for all the wins!

  14. Mooriah needs to put down the bottle of Vicodin, pick up her phone and call a damn stylist.

    McAvoy just made me drool uncontrollably :)))

  16. I think Melanie looks great here. Best she's looked in a long time in these photos.

    1. Sunglasses are everyone's friend. :)

  17. Oh Mimi..we can only blame so much on evil bastard Nick.. but this ain't one of them.

  18. I <3 James McAvoy 4 ever.

    WTF is Mimi wearing? Black cling wrap? Not pretty.

    Everytime I see the name Dakota I think Fanning and then have to figure out who the hell I'm looking at (when it's Johnson).

  19. Good Lawd Mariah. You can't be serious.

  20. Oh Mimi!

    How is Keith Richards still alive? Every time I think how smoking, drinking too much, and doing drugs cuts years off the lifespan, I think about Keith and Steven Tyler and wonder.

    One would think that after what Tipi Hendren and Melanie Griffith have gone through, Dakota Johsnon would not want to pursue acting.

  21. I audibly gasped over Mimi...WTF??

    I tell you I didn't really think two thoughts about McAvoy when I first saw him profiled over the part in that Narnia movie but he sure is looking fine these days. Now I'm thinking several things about him and none of them include clothes.

    Lupita never looks bad, I swear she just has that something!

  22. I can see that Nick Cannon got tired of have hog leg smothered in underwear for a midnight snack.

  23. I guess it is an optical illusion, but that thigh on Mimi almost looks like one side of her body has been blown up or the leg doesn't belong to the body. Gah it doesn't look normal. Eww

  24. I feel bad for Mimi. Wasn't she the popular guess for the blind about the celeb who gained 10 lbs in a week? Sheesh. And I thought I had issues...

  25. "Stop, Mimi. Just stop."


    "Yummy James McAvoy!"

    Aye he's a scrumptious piece of haggis okay maybe Angus Beef is a better reference. And funny and sweet.

  26. You have to see James McAvoy on the Graham Norton Show, you will love him even more. Floating around You Tube somewhere I am sure. Also interviews of Fassbender and McAvoy together for X-Men.

    1. Oh, thank you, @Tina Mallette, that was beautiful! "If anyone's giving it, it's me!" His accent is delectable, and Fassy cracking up was awesome!

      James McAvoy, Michael Fassbender, and Hugh Jackman on Graham Norton

      (my only complaint was I wanted Graham to stop talking and let James brogue some more!!)

  27. Thank you for the McAvoy pic. *sigh*

  28. Wow, talk about thunder thighs. She could crack nuts with those things.

  29. Oh Mimi.

    I imagine her team trying to delicately steer her toward more, um, appropriate styles and sizes, and her throwing a screaming fit and them just giving up. Wow.

  30. Fullback Mimi Thunderthighs dives off tackle for three yards. Second and seven.
