Wednesday, October 22, 2014

Random Photos Part Three- Matthew McConaughey Award Night

Kate Hudson
Camilla Alves and the man of the night.
Jennifer Garner
Anne Hathaway
Reese Witherspoon
Jessica Chastain
Michelle Monaghan
Jimmy Kimmel and Molly McNearney
Jess Weixler


  1. I really don't understand how people can find MM handsome. He's so orange and frazzled looking. It's a no from me

    1. Caitlin-and suddenly his head is huge and hus formerly blondish hair is black. Dude! Whassup?

  2. Reese looks scared stiff!

  3. half the female attendees got the "dress like you are in mourning for your life/Chekhov "memo...and the others-yippee color and sparkles are fun!
    Sad that Camilla looks that drab, it was her night as well...I. Sure she was side eying a few to say the

  4. Looks like Reese is trying to record the last minutes of her life!

  5. ^at Caitlin. Agreed!he is not aging well....hasn't looked right since he lost all the weight for DBC, IMO

    1. Yes trish, u r right. Losing the weight like rearranged his face. It why i dont do it, lol

  6. Does Kate have pink in her hair? I like it!

  7. Has MM just not regained the weight he lost for that movie, or is time taking it's toll? Looking rough imo.

    1. I agree, It's probably both. Hes too old to pull off the weight loss/gain for roles like that anymore. He looks like getting old is not going to suit him real well.

  8. It has to be more than the weight loss, what DID he do to himself?? He looks horrible!

    Reese looks like she's concentrating, but she's been looking so good these days.

  9. Look at all the huge stars that showed up for MattyM! Two years ago he wouldn't have gotten D listers. Or an award unless it was for playing bongos.

  10. lmao @ unless it was for playing bongos. I needed that ;)

  11. ^meanie...certain age , weight loss just becomes-aging..he looks less vibrant and lost a lot of his charm I think...maybe he's method acting for TD..honestly, dunno..but he lost his sparkle

  12. Tricia, totally agree. He doesn't look very happy either for someone being honored with awards.

  13. Matthew's still mad he lost the Emmy. LOL! Anne looks god-awful, Chastain's dress is hideous, and Camilla looks depressed as usual. Kate Hudson looks great, though.

  14. Kate Hudson has worn that dress 10 times already
    Camilla is definitely side eyeing at least 15 of them there gals...
    Kate Hudson hair is pink for bcam.

  15. Camilla and Matty Boy look fucking hiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiigghh.

  16. Matthew used to be so hot in his youth. He just looks used up and greasy now. :'-(

  17. I applaud Kate for not buying that only wear the same dress once garbage!

  18. Kate Hudson looks super skinny! What happened there?

  19. MM needs to eat more. He still looks sick and scrawny since Dallas Buyers Club.

    Jen Garner is freakin everywhere. What's up with that?

    Reese that's gonna be the worst selfie ever.

  20. Reese looks a bit like Christina Applegate there. But I thought the same of Renee when I saw her pics in the DM. Obviously my sight can't be trusted ;)

  21. MM- still too thin, has sickly pallor, has hair way too dark, looks desperately unhappy. Eat a sandwhich, lighten yo hair and get some color!

  22. @liddy...wise choice! He just lost his-shine somehow...
    Can't wait to have you on board as moderator of the new talk show! You gonna kill it woman!

  23. @ rosie...which is nuts because his mom is still stunning! Makes me feel,it's voluntary.I sort of always felt he was manorexic

  24. Or perhaps, uber vain. Just hope he's well....

  25. So wish MM would gain back the weight he lost for Dallas Buyers Club!

  26. Kate Hudson and her pink hair look amazing.

  27. I wish Matthew would put a little weight back on. He really looks manorexic.

  28. If MM gained some weight maybe his T-Rex arms would grow!
    I'm going to hell!

  29. I don't find Reese attractive. Her hair is dyed one shade of blonde, and her clothes are matchy matchy. She looks like a middle-aged, clenched-ass stepford wife with an account at Nieman Marcus and a husband who spends lots of nights "working late."

  30. Reese makes me feel stabby. Is she a nice person IRL? She looks like a mean girl, but the queen.

  31. MM does not look healthy there.

  32. i cant' put my finger on it but Michelle Monaghan looks so strange like shes done something to her face.. as if shes morphing into another person. Maybe its just residual renee wtf who knows.

    I also think katie and jennifer look great but slightly dowdy... would it kill them to wear some color and really bring it?? They have it in them!

  33. Anonymous8:49 AM

    Is this the event that yesterday's BI referred to? Notice there are no pictures of Sandra Bullock.

  34. He might not have put on weight but he's definitely put on hair. I say it's a wig or transplant and not just the Macartney auburn hue that looks different.
