Tuesday, October 21, 2014

Random Photos Part One

Six parts today.

Nicole Scherzinger apparently recorded a new record and had a party for it.
Apparently Natalie Imbruglia is still alive and in demand for magazine shoots.
Naomi Watts walking the streets of NYC.
Padma Lakshmi makes her own ponchos.
Rihanna has been out every night for the past few weeks and looked pretty sad each of those nights. Probably because of the mittens.
Shia LaBeouf in Interview Magazine.
Taylor Swift leaving Australia and
her luggage might need its own plane.
Uma Thurman hugs it out with her daughter at a movie premiere.


  1. Umas daughter is Emma Roberts?

    Taylor fix that hair girl it is driving me crazy

    Hellllooo Shia. Unfortunately Ive seen under the towel though.

    No I wont post the lyrics to Torn by Natalie Umbrella

    1. What's wrong with Taylor's hair?

      Oh, and now I have Torn stuck in my head. Not sure how I feel about that one.

  2. Natalie I. Is stunning, always has been
    Fun factoid- she and Chris Martin used to knock boots and then he got with gwyn but rumored to have continued to carry the torch....and the boots..ahem

    Taylor. stop the madness.

  3. So scherzingerr can make records and Natalie cant?
    Shia bringing out the douche and his new religious beliefs.
    Riri is pissed becuz its getting cold and she has to wear clothes out now.

  4. I am cold and I am shamed lying naked on the floor...

    lol couldn't resist Im already Torn

  5. Illusion never changed into something real...aim wide awake and I can see the perfect sky is torn..

  6. HeisenFave of Imbruglia on Happy Endings (for Derek, our resident lounge singer)

    Swifty's new song, New York! Her luggage haul is comparable to Miranda Kerr's mess

    @ducky bat signal no longer works :(

  7. @Gayeld---I just find the cut andcolour very very drab for a pretty and stylish young woman

    1. @Derek, fair enough. I was looking for hairs out of place or something and it looked fine to me (neater than mine at the moment. Any moment.)

  8. Were there rumours of Natalie's death that we never heard about?

    Oh, Tay Tay and her thigh highs.

  9. You can tell Uma has nothing to do with her kids by that pic.

  10. Nicole recorded a new album or is this the one that she recorded in 2006 that never was released?

  11. I thought I saw a man brought to life
    He was warm, he came around he was dignified
    He showed me what it was to cry

  12. Natalie Imbruglia looks like Angelina Jolie there

  13. All I can think of when I look at that pic of Shia is d*ck cheese

  14. Padma looks like an ass.

  15. Riri and Natalie

    Naomi and Uma

    taytay and the pad

  16. Taylor has one suitcase for each gym visit. And I like the "Pretty Polly's", but I'm guessing you're being paid to bring them back.

    Nicole's boots. Yeah.

    So RIRI's looking sad? Is SHE longing for A++++ crooked dick?

  17. @Theresa Crane(or Mrs someone now...lol)hope your day was spectacular!!

    And nice touch with the lyrics contribution) i like that song...

    "I guess t be fortune teller "wasn't right if they said she'd have a big career:(

  18. With all that luggage, and Taylor Swift couldn't find anything better to wear? She looks ridiculous in that outfit.

  19. Not all that luggage belongs to Taylor. Only the matching ones. TayTay don't do no mismatched.

    RiRi is looking a little fat. Look at those legs. Kind of hefty, no? Maybe there's a reason for the sads. Bebe, maybe. Any BIs lately. (Enty can make one up.)

    1. It probably is all Tay's. They're just colour coded.

  20. I love that Naomi is wearing a heavy winter coat with sandal type heels

  21. Naomi's look is different than her usual. I guess I got used to seeing her in sneakers and on a bike everyday.

    Uma's pilgrim shoes...ICK. Nast.

  22. Naomi isn't gonna be walking far in those stiletto heels.

  23. At least one or two photos a day now of your buddy Naomi.
    Taylor Swift - downsize girl!
