Friday, October 17, 2014

Random Photos Part One

Five parts today.

Pink shows off an interesting look as she heads into Kimmel.
Ryan Reynolds carried his luggage through NYC.
Reese Witherspoon in a really good mood yesterday. Must be free wine day somewhere.
Sarah Jessica Parker out shopping with a friend.
Sienna Miller and Steve Carrell at the premiere of their new movie.
Sharon Stone walked another red carpet. She is good at that.
The Rock with fans in China.
Uma Thurman didn't answer questions last night about her child custody case.
Speaking of children, Harper Beckham is growing up so fast.


  1. I'd rather look at Pink's hubba hubby hotness. She is one lucky lady!

    Did you take note of that this time, Enty?

  2. Leave Reesie alone!! She usually looks really nice and always smiles for her pap.
    Pink looks nice too.

  3. Why so concerned Ryan? Shouldnt he be beaming since Blake's pregnant, finally?

  4. Remember when Steve Carrell wasn't hot?

  5. Sienna Miller looks good here. Harper is an adorable child, good DNA in that whole family.

  6. Who doesn't get happy for free wine?

  7. Can we take a hot second and compare Harper's pap shots to those of little IgNori West?

    Let's compare comfort level w/ parents, etc - okay... and the Beckhams win by a LANDSLIDE!!!!

    Woooo!!! Thankyouverymuch.

  8. Pink has a really pretty face.

    Love the Rock!!!!!!!!!!!!

  9. Aaww! That Harper Beckham is too cute. She always melts my heart.

  10. Harper always leans in to her parents. North always seems to lean away from her parents or at least Kim. Not sure if I've ever seen Kanye carry her.

  11. Harper always leans in to her parents. North always seems to lean away from her parents or at least Kim. Not sure if I've ever seen Kanye carry her.

  12. I want to know if Ryan Reynolds' stylist has coined the term "geriatric chic" or if Ryan did himself. Either way he looks like a hipster grandpa.

  13. Love me some Rock!

    I love Pink's jacket or whatever it is.

    Ryan is just so uncool, yuck!

    Harper is no longer a baby, awwww! Kinda sad:(

  14. LOVE THE ROCK!! And Pink's hubby is HOT. TY, Lady H. Never hurts to be reminded! ;)

  15. Sharon's been working the same gig for 20+ years. Love that...

  16. Pink, Uma, Sharon and Reese- all looking pulled together super-fab.

  17. Why can't it be free wine day everywhere?

  18. Reese-and her outfit-look absolutely fantastic here :D

    And check out those pink nails on little Harper 7! Adorable. (Her mother continues to look hungry.)
