Monday, October 20, 2014

Police Can't Do Anything About Stephen Collins

To date, no one has filed a lawsuit against Stephen Collins and now it looks like he will not face any jail time even after admitting he molested at least three people, and probably many more. It was a long shot that any of the three molestations he admitted to would be prosecuted because they happened so long ago. What I have been hoping for is the person that he molested most recently who he has not admitted to would step forward so Collins could be prosecuted and that perhaps that person coming forward would encourage others. So far that has not occurred. As it stands right now, the only thing Collins has lost is jobs and in Hollywood there is no guarantee that will be permanent. Give it a few years and someone might hire the guy and then others will and then excuses will be made and it will be like nothing happened. I hope that doesn't happen, but Hollywood forgives everything because everything has happened in Hollywood. Look at all his former co-stars, not just on 7th Heaven, but lots of his other projects who have come out in his defense. This is a guy who admitted to molesting kids and he has supporters right now telling everyone he is a great guy. This is at the height of the firestorm. Three or four years from now and there will be more and this will all be swept under the rug. Disgusting. 


Beetlejuice said...

Reveal some of the pedo blinds you've posted if you feel so outraged.

Bacon Ranch said...

What's the latest on the whole Singer thing? Has he been charged?

Hollywood protects their own. It's a damn shame Collins' wife and therapist didn't come forward from day one.

Unknown said...

Sadly Hollywood does *forget* cases like this AHEM Michael Jackson

sandybrook said...

I feel bad to those who lost their residuals because of this POS. I feel bad for the girls who were molested. I don't have one ounce of pity for Faye Grant. Statue of limitations are statue of limitations.

Bacon Ranch said...

..and yep. What the critter in the Twerkin Thicke suit said.

Zilla3 said...

Well, his costars can only speak from their own experiences with him. Hopefully at the time of those recorded sessions, he had begun making a concerted effort to not do this anymore and hopefully he hasn't.

Beetlejuice said...

; )

Unknown said...

I think it will matter in that he's not going to get jobs. He's not a genius (Polanski and Allen) whose private life shall we say will be overlooked. I don't think we'll see him working again.

Anonymous said...

Jackson was the victim of a shakedown by some very shady people.

ViciousVivian said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
ViciousVivian said...

This guy was not actually convicted of anything. There's a reason we have courts instead of the online version of villagers with torches.

Bacon Ranch said...

That reminds me, I was just summoned for jury duty.
Anyone have any extra planks of wood and matches handy?

Kno Won said...

Regarding your disgust, Enty;
Hand over people you *know* have done the same & worse or shut up.
You're worse than Faye Grant because you use the illegal acts of others as click bait. Disgusting doesn't even come close.

Pip said...

It's BS that shit heads like Collins go free because of the statute. There shouldn't be one for rape and molestation.

Kno Won said...

In many cases, the clock starts clicking when the victim comes forward, usually when children are involved. (see also Sandusky)
I don't know if his victims have cooperated or for how long.

Unknown said...

I beg to differ

Gertie Raus said...

And so molestation Monday begins...ugh.

auntliddy said...

Knockout- yeah, and oj was innocent.

auntliddy said...

I dont think collins was so in demand before this, and so him not working is just another day. He has been outed as pedophile, let people vote with their time and attention to any work he does. That he cant be prosecuted is a shame but everyone now knows what he is.

Anonymous said...

There have been several books written about Michael Jackson since his death, by respected journalists, financial analysts
and insiders. None of them give any credence to the child molestation accusations, and you would have to assume that the books would sell much better if they did.

Essie said...

Well, I can't really say I give a toss. This was always a non-story to me. What someone says to their therapist should never see the light of day. The wife was essentially blackmailing him. She should be in jail, IMO.

Collins was not indicted because none of these people he molested wanted to have to testify. They've put it behind them and moved on. None of them want to risk being dragged through the mud by TMZ. And their names would definitely come out.

Now! said...

I agree with Essie.

Land Manatee said...


violet said...

I have to call in today at 12. The last 2 times I got called - I ended up on a jury. Good luck to you today!!!

Land Manatee said...


MeanieRhysie said...

What BR said: reveal the pedo blinds.

audrey said...

Police can't do anything with rumors and conjecture. There has to be solid evidence before they can press charges. Just because Enty posts about an alleged incident that the rumor mills are whispering about, it doesn't mean he has concrete evidence or first hand knowledge about the incidents he is referring to in a blind.

correy said...

Once again: white people. If this had been the dad from family matters, he would have been in jail. Stop the hand wringing & false concern. No pedo is going to be outed because: they're too powerful & most of them are white. MJ's case was screwed because those who should have been seeking justice were only looking for a payday.

Bacon Ranch said...

Thanks violet! It's just a summons to appear. I'm one of the many that will be whittled down to 12 + alternates.
Part of me wants to go in and say "According to my dog...." every time I'm asked a question. The other part thinks it will be a cool experience :)

Sherry said...

I know this sounds horrible but I just throw away those summons. Since it's not registered Mail there was no guarantee I got it. I got called for jury once and went. Then 6 months to the days they called me again. I was like oh hail naw. They don't send them to me anymore now. For $5 a day that's a financial hardship.

Sherry said...

Also to add Stephen admitted to exposing himself. Correct? Maybe those girls either never saw it or have completel forgotten? People push things out of their minds all the time. Maybe no one felt like a victim hence there were none.

ViciousVivian said...

@Sherry, thanks for saying what I didn't have the guts to say. There's a big difference between a man who exposes himself and a man who touches or sexually forces himself on young girls. Men who expose themselves used to be called 'flashers.' I have been exposed to a few flashers in my day including some when I was a teen. I can't remember being traumatized. I mostly giggled about it with my friends. Also went on to have a completely normal sex life and would be still be having one if I could get a guy to go out with a woman over 50. :)

All Lace no Leather said...

I think Enty again perceives things in a way to increase hits to his/ her website. I've read several stories that interviewed friends and past co-workers. Not one said they support him. The most positive ones said they were surprised by the allegations or didn't see anything suspicious when they worked with him. I'm not excusing what he's done, or downplaying the allegations. I personally hope someone comes forward so they can prosecute and get him off the streets.

auntliddy said...

Knockout, with all due respect, i hv read many things pro and con about mjs nasty habits, and i came to conclusion he's a kiddle fiddler. So we must respectfully agree to disaree.

auntliddy said...

Sherry and biv- there is a progression to pedophilia, it starts with the exposing and girs up to the actual molestation. So yeah, i think exposing yourself is grossly offensive and abnormal. I saw man playing with himself when i was about 13, it was shicking to me. Why do kids have to pretend its nothing and stuff it down? Esp women, who sexually at risk for male abuse all their lives. Its not ok, or normal or nothing. Its a gross intrusion on your life. Now im not saying pitchforks and lanterns, just ACKNOWLEDGE its offensive.

auntliddy said...

Acknowledge and comfort child om trying to say.

auntliddy said...

Agree with correy.

Tina Mallette said...

Yes molestation seems to infer some kind of active "interference" I believe is the legal term rather than flashing which is still gross and sick. I think most of the time it is some drunk and/or homeless person and as long as he isn't threatening you, you just tend to laugh. Now there is a place in town near an elementary school and a high school that is a flasher magnet, there was a pathway that was a shorter route to both school across a field and sometimes these guys will also chase after the girls,which was traumatic and occasionally they do grab a girl and they usually end up in jail, I had friends who went to that high school and they had to worry about that every time they took that path but then they would try to at least walk in pairs or a group or not after dark.

Is it not possible that some men are just flashers and don't go beyond that behaviour - for example someone with a very religious upbringing needs to flash for the thrill but he has enough morals or conscience or guilt about his urgings he can't go any farther. That might be someone who is more likely to benefit from the right kind of help since he is already able to self regulate his behaviour from going beyond flashing? or this is just a case that he has gone beyond but no one is talking or coming forward and it is one thing he can't admit or hasn't admitted to. We may never know.

Tillie said...

So you're saying since YOU weren't traumatized by someone exposing himself to you that no one should be traumatized??? Wow!

Tina Mallette said...

Now if this was happening with someone you know, a family member, a trusted family friend, someone you work for, now that would be traumatizing without a doubt. It would feel like a violation of trust and that has to be confusing do you tell someone. True pedophiles are very smart, they got all the angles covered including ways to make sure the victim is never believed or they terrify the victim so they will never spill or they snowjob the parents with money etc. I remember watching a documentary on a Cathloic priest who would ingratiated himself with the families of his intended victims, and they would even invite him to live in their home and some of these parents were still in denial that he had taken advantage of their sons.

And if you saw him on the documentary he did seem like this meek mild manner man, even sweet, even as he discussed his crimes he seems almost like he was naive little boy, very honest about it all yet almost no conception of what he did was wrong and it did come out he too was abused by his parish priest in Ireland. He had actually been charged or accused of molestation in Ireland, but they still allowed him into the US and the Church send him to California and just kept moving him around as he got into trouble.

Rosie riveter said...

He'll get his eventually. He wont be able to show his face (or weiner) now with all the news about this shit. The public will crucify him. And he'll probably kill himself.

Tina Mallette said...

I did not mean that Tillie, I think we have to agree that being physically molested is going to be more traumatizing than being flashed and for some being flashed in certain circumstances is not traumatizing where it might be for others in the same circumstances. A flasher grabbing you by the arm or chasing after you, that's another step up from flashing. And certainly on the legal scale this is a progression of the seriousness of the crimes as well.

auntliddy said...

Tina brings up excellent point: these pedos hinestly and truly do not believe they did anything wrong. All they did was show their love for the child. Its grade a pretzel logic, sick to the max.

Unknown said...

Far out. He made one victim touch him. There are always victims, and to minimise the impact is effed up. Some of these comments make me want to puke.

Brenda L said...

I was driving on a somewhat deserted two-lane highway at midnight years ago when a guy came up beside me and STAYED beside me, wouldn't pass. I finally looked over there. Somehow this guy had his steering pushed back, his lap elevated, and a little spotlight on his dick. He was doing his thing while driving down the road! I tried to speed up and slow down, but he kept time with me. Finally I just stopped in the middle of the highway....I really wanted him to get ahead of me so I could get a license number. He stopped as well a little bit behind me. I waited for awhile for another car to come, but none did, so I finally pulled away and got off the highway. Man I wanted to nail that dude so bad but it didn't work out.

That being said, what an elaborate set up. Seems like a lot of difficulty to go through for the pursuit of happiness.

ViciousVivian said...

Wow! Far out. This is my experience, not yours, and I get to decide how I react. I wonder sometimes about people who so dearly insist that others should be traumatized by events that don't have to be traumatic, such as seeing a strange man's penis. What's in it for you? Got a clinic with some empty rooms?

SkittleKitty said...

Yep, he'll eventually get work. Just look at Jeffrey Jones' IMDB.

Rome said...

Maybe it's all bullshit and he's innocent?

Unknown said...

Vivian, you certainly live up to your name! I WISH the waiting rooms (& lists) were empty. Men like this tend to escalate. I am merely saying we shouldn't make blanket statements (with your experience being an example of this)
I'm truly glad you were unscathed. Many are not. It isn't possible to rank or rate trauma, or how individuals cope with it. I don't agree minimising the experience of others. Glad you had the resilience and no further exposure to abuse. He also made one of the victims touch his penis. I'm guessing more survivors will come forward. I'd put money on it that his behaviour surpassed flashing.

Unknown said...

Studies into offenders show the behaviours increase in frequency and nature. It's why kiddy porn being downloaded is illegal. Predators cannot stop, or satiate their own proclivities.

Unknown said...

True Skittle.

Ri said...


Seven of Eleven said...

@Rome, admitting on tape that you flashed young girls and had one touch your penis is not BS and he's not innocent.

That said, I also agree with the ghost with the most. Don't clutch them pearls when you're posting BIs about tweens being sold by their parents to the casting couch or moms and dads who have relations with their offspring.

Tillie said...

@Vivian you're entitled to your own reactions but some of those girls were 12! I've seen 12 years olds that look like they are 18 physically, but are 8 emotionally! You can't asaume all young girls-grade school aged by the way- have the emotional wherewithal to deal with an adult doing something like that!

CanadianMiss said...

I was 10 and delivering the daily newspaper. One day an old man comes to his door on my route with his pyjama bottoms open. He makes small talk. I stand there uncomfortable but don't know how to extract myself. Next day same thing. Third day he says "it's ok for you to look" day after that he asks some VERY personal questions, and descriptions. I dread going there, but don't know how to speak up. I finally told, but nothing came of it because I was afraid to tell the extent of it. He was confronted, but I still delivered his paper, and walked past his house on the way to school. His yard shared a fence with my elementary school. He was totally grooming me. No way was I the only one, I'm sure.
Yes it was scarring. Before that I would stand beside my grandfather while he did his puzzles at the table. He'd put an arm around me. That stopped.
Teen girls may think flashing is funny. Pre pubescent girls don't usually have the mental capacity to deal with it properly.
I was able to heal and accept. I have wished many times since becoming an adult that things were pursued. I worry that I have let other girls be hurt since then. I'm happy knowing that he would be dead by now. He was already very old then.

Flashing someone you don't know is different from exposing yourself to a young girl you know. That is part of grooming.

Krissie said...

This is terrible. Statute of limitations should not apply to molestation, there should be NO limit on how long it takes to catch a slime ball who does that. The statute of limitations should be reserved for petty crimes like shoplifting.

MinPinGirl said...

I wish Tony Soprano was still around. He knows a guy that would "visit" that guy. Seriously would someone please explain how it's possible to have time limits on molestation and rape? What effing century are we in where this cocksucker can just walk away from this? This guy deserves a major beat down at the very least.

__-__=__ said...

I had the same thing happen. I called police when I got home. They asked me lots of questions. They said they had other reports about him. I gave them his plate #. Pretty sure they did something about it.


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