Tuesday, October 21, 2014

Oscar Pistorius Sentenced To 5 Years In Jail - Will Be Released In 10 Months

A judge in South Africa today sentenced Oscar Pistorius to five years in jail for executing his girlfriend, Reeva Steenkamp. Instead of appealing his sentence, which would have allowed him to remain free for approximately the next two years, Pistorius said he would start serving the sentence immediately. Under South African law he will probably serve about ten months in jail and then be allowed to serve the rest under a sort of house arrest which would be similar to how he has been spending his time since the murder and today. Apparently the price of death is not very high in South Africa but at least there is some price to pay. I really think that he would have been found not guilty of every charge if not for the public outcry during the break after the first not guilty verdict was announced. If there had not been a lunch break, and an opportunity for the judge to hear the reaction, I think the guy would have gone completely free. 


  1. Son of a @#@#$$%^%$!!!!

    You have GOT to be fucking kidding me? 10 months with the rest served as house arrest?! What a joke!

    1. And it's not like it's a skid row place.

  2. Just like here monnay talks.

  3. It'll be interesting to see what becomes of him after all of this.

  4. ^^^ so true....
    He'll be out soon, maybe in time for OJs release, and they can do a reality show...travesty

  5. Hope that is the longest roughest ten months for this creep.

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  7. That poor woman's family. This is barely a slap on the wrist--more like a time out than anything else. Sometime the scales of the justice system are not so balanced.

  8. @Lotta I am curious, also. I am betting that he commits another rage crime. He has a history of violence and inability to control his temper. We will be hearing from this a-hole again and not in a good way.

    My heart goes out to Reeva's family.

  9. Wasn't he also sentenced to 3 years for the restaurant gun incident?

  10. This guy riddled a tiny bathroom with hollow point bullets..he definitely wanted to kill someone. And what kind of thief goes to your bathroom? I'll never believe he didn't know it was her. Sad.

  11. @Gina, Yes he was..but it's running concurrently & NOT Consecutively(it just becomes part of the 5 year sentence instead of adding 3 years to the 5 years for a total of 8 years)...yea, no ...wrong,wrong,wrong..

  12. The normal reaction to hearing someone in your bathroom is "Hey hon! Is that you?" "Yeah, I had to pee. Sorry I woke you up."

    I don't know if it was planned in advance, but he had to know it was her.

  13. You are right- public opinion demanded he get punished. I never understand the way different sentences for myrder- it can be anywhere from time served to life. Oh, and how long before bladebiy gets into altercation in jail?

  14. Accident or not, very light sentence. If he has rage issues he'll be back in jail again. Or he'll become the loser that OJ became and won't live a happy life.

  15. I want to invite my ex on a trip to south Africa okay. .

  16. @auntliddy, they're going to HAVE to keep him in isolation.-There's NO way he can be placed in the general populace @ that facility or else the prison officials would be up for murder.
    -One important reason I think the judge sentenced him w/those conditions is b/c the Prison isn't equipped to handle a double amputee.There've been recent interviews w/2 men who served time there who also had no legs & said they pretty much lived on their cots w/horrendous bedsores,etc.- there's fear of liability involved,imo.

  17. This comment has been removed by the author.

  18. I was disgusted with his family too. They gave an interview where they said he was the victim of a media witch hunt.
    Eh, no!! He shot and killed his crying girlfriend in a locked bathroom.
    Any media coverage was warranted in this case.
    HE is not the victim. She was the victim.
    And if he serves a few months or a few years doesn't matter. She will be dead forever.
    But that's what a narcissistic personality is all about. Them, their feelings, their perceptions and their life. Everyone else is just a supporting cast.

  19. So what, all he did was kill his girlfriend. Don't men have the right to beat their women? And if one dies, the rest will learn. Why are we attacking men? We are destroying men!!

    *dripping with sarcasm*

  20. The judge was bought.
    That sums it up.
    Now she'll retire & move to the South of France.

  21. Awwww Poor little clink clink

  22. I t s disgusting.

  23. Misleading headline. There is no guarantee he'll be out in 10 months. That's just the soonest he can get out.

  24. He'll pull an OJ and get himself into trouble with the law again TRUST

  25. All I can say is he knows the truth, he has to live with himself,
    and there's no doubt in my mind that Karma catches up with everyone in the end.

  26. I hope if he ever tries to compete again that the people in the stands turn their back on him.

    My sympathies to Reeva's family--this is a disgrace.

  27. @cheryl, you have said exactly what I have always thought. And who stays over at their boyfriends, gets up to go pee in the night and closes and locks the door? I never did. He knew she was in there and it's such a shame that she died in fear and he gets pretty much nothing as punishment.

  28. correction: boyfriend's

  29. I'm with @Lotta and @Catsup... it'll be an OJ redux. He's going to do another rage crime, thinking he's invincible, and really pay then.
    I send out prayers and thoughts to Reeva's family.

  30. @Teresa Crane... didn't see your comment! You nailed it right on the head!

  31. I think the judge was going to let him go too. If there hadn't been an outcry there'd be a movie in production. Talk about getting away with murder.

  32. But if he'd been caught with some heroin he'd be in jail for 20 years. Somebody please explain the legal system to me. Don't get much (if any) jail time for murder, rape or being a pedophile, but dammit if you get caught with drugs? They'll throw the book at you. That and tax evasion. How many years did Wesley Snipes get?

  33. I get annoyed when people use the words "jail" and "prison" interchangeably.

    Here is an explanation of the differences, at least in the US and UK.

    And I really don't like Enty's repeated implications that the judge in the case made her rulings based on public opinion. It's insulting. He's done this before when talking about the OP case.

  34. I thought she would let him walk as well. Why do you think S.A. has so much crime and violence? So many crimes against women? It's the courts and justice system. I don't give a shit if a killer has legs or not he took someone's life. A young woman, who was accomplished and deserved to live. South Africa is dangerous and as you see with the Honey moon murder trial, the perfect place to kill someone. If you have money, it's cheaper to kill than to just get rid of someone. The time you get will be minimal and you can go on with nary a repercussion. OP will be running races next year, I bet he gets to train while he's "doing time". What a joke. I also believe he paid off the parents not to make a stink about the sentence and just shut up and go away, and they obliged.
