Tuesday, October 21, 2014

Oscar de la Renta Has Died

Oscar de la Renta, a renowned American fashion designer famed for his glamorous red-carpet gowns and smart suits for ladies who lunch, died Monday evening at the age of 82.

Amal Clooney
Amy Adams
Taylor Swift
Sarah Jessica Parker
Audrey Hepburn
Gwyneth Paltrow
Helena Christensen
Emma Watson


  1. This comment has been removed by the author.

  2. RIP and Amal's picture was 2 weeks or so ago and he looks the picture of health too.

  3. Day Of The Oscars in a Terribly Sad Way-
    #1.-Oscar de la Renta was,by far,my favorite designer-more of an artist when you look at his sketches..but,I always thought,maaan,the stories he could tell,,but he was such a gentleman,of course he never did.
    #2.-Oscar Pistorius gets a 5 year sentence-about 10 months in the Prison facility & the rest like a House arrest;
    #3.-..OK this is OT, BUT, Bradley cooper's on the TODAY show,but MORE IMPORTANTLY, KEANU REEVES IS WAITING IN THE WINGS & he looks GREAT!(i'm on East Coast so I've already seen interview)

    1. RIP Oscar. My Grammy always wore your perfume.

      Watched the Keanu interview and he looks better than ever. Love him.

  4. Such an elegant man. I always felt that he liked women, wanted to make them beautiful, not just have a beautiful woman make his dress look good.

    1. What a lovely way to put it Kno Won.

    2. That is lovely, ladies.

    3. Beautiful gowns. Rip.

  5. **Good Morning To You Sandy**

  6. RIP, I always liked what he did to make women look even more beautiful.

  7. oh, & Kno Won & Meanie R.- morning to you as well- already we could use a kindness BI..eh??

    1. G'morn, rolo, it's always a good time for a kindness blind. :)

  8. Regarding Pistorius - what a joke sentence. If you want to shoot your girlfriend when she's locked in the bathroom, move to South Africa and cry a lot, puke in court, whine constantly. It's disgusting.

  9. RIP, Mr. de la Renta….as one who met this wonderful, generous and talented man…the world lost a very special man..

  10. Morning all
    @ rolo....as an eastcoaster..thanks for real time update!! Loved it. But missed Keanu....hoping he's on kelly/ michael..watching to see:))

  11. Damn, Emma Watson looks good in that dress.

  12. @Meanie, true...very true.
    -@MISCH,WOW,that is Special! In my eyes,he was a national treasure! i'd love to hear more but..no need.You're lucky b/c he had such a great attitude @every day life.
    -@Kno,I know & I agree,but,@ same time,I'm very conflicted @ my attitude towards him;He's lived such a'skewed life'-has no legs & turned it around & inspired scores of disabled people-fought to get into the Olympics & won that battle;he becomes entitled yet paranoid celebrity(& also actually was a target in a high crime area);..I think about what he did to this amazing woman a lot-it really stuck w/me

  13. RIP Oscar. You were a formidable opponent in the ring.

  14. @Tricia, He's Oooon Right Now on K&M

  15. RIP Oscar de la Renta. Such a man of elegance and class.

  16. RIP. The women of world are going to shine a little less brightly now.

  17. There is a true legend. RIP Oscar de la Renta.

  18. Saw it rolo....dreamy. Love him. He is so authentic

  19. I think he was Photoshopped into the top pic..the edges are a little strange. He had talented designers working for him..the classy styles will continue.

  20. RIP. He was definitely a legend, nothing like KKarl and his Kitty.

  21. A class act. He will be missed.

  22. His clothes were the best..rip..

  23. Oscar de la Renta RIP: "The qualities I most admire in women are confidence and kindness."

  24. All of his recent pics showed a healthy man in appearance.
    What a shock. But he sure provided lively gifts to many.

    OT. @RoloT
    Thanks for the Keanu scoop. I'm west coast, so I can take advantage of the alert, I'm team Keanu too.

    1. @Tricia. Thx to u too. I can use a double dose of that man this morning.

      And thanks to the man who's fetching me a Pumpkin Latte!

      Excellent ways to start a day.

      Treadmill can wait.

  25. I need a man to fetch me a pumpkin latte.

    I'd even settle for a girl but nope, nobody.

    Pistorius has no excuse, an awkward upbringing doesn't excuse growing up to be a gun-popping arsehole (as widely reported) who has no respect for the law. He was an emotionally abusive ass who insulted her at the table amongst friends too.

    I have no sympathy for him.

  26. "There is always an emotional element to anyything that you make." Oscar really knew how to elicit an emotional connection to his garments and was truly a visionary. His sense of fashion was true art, and he was a real inspiration to the world. Thank you for knowing how to always make us ladies REALLY look our "best." RIP

  27. Such a classy man. Every one of the gowns pictured is gorgeous.

  28. Well you know when it's your time it's your time and dying in your sleep is a nice way to go if you had your druthers. Maybe the ticker just gave out.

  29. Keanu looks pretty bad ass in that new movie John Wick. He is certainly working like a mad man lately.

  30. What a great gentleman he was--such consistently beautiful designs throughout his career. RIP.

  31. All those beautiful dresses, and then you had to throw Bey Bey into the mix.

    He was a one of a kind, and made the most beautiful dresses. They really don't design like that anymore.

  32. RIP I hope he died peacefully surrounded by love

  33. Thank you for posting all of those beautiful dresses. He was truly a great designer.

  34. May he Rest in Peace.

  35. Mr. De La Renta was very sick and that top photo was photoshopped like mad. If you know how he's supposed to look, you can see from his last runway show in September how gaunt and sickly he looked in his suits although he had on make up.

    I met him two, but my stories are a bit more scandalous. Under the circumstances think it's best to keep them to myself.
