Tuesday, October 28, 2014

Off Topic

Staying home for Halloween? Drinking game. Take a shot every time someone comes to your door dressed as Elsa.


  1. Let them flow, let them flowwwww

  2. What a coincidence I'll be drinking every time my bartender refills my pint during 4 hour Friday Happy Hour.

  3. Who the fuck is Elsa?!

    I just might be the one giving out candy to the ghouls and gremlins of the neighborhood! I can't wait!!

  4. @Meanie, you're more likely to see princesses and superheroes. Kids don't wear scary costumes as often anymore.

    Elsa is from Frozen.

    1. @Karen, aw, I hope so! If I do, I will watch my language, I promise!

  5. This is the first time I am not giving out candy. Just moved and heard that this is the neighborhood kids get bused in and it's bumper to bumper traffic the entire night through the neighborhood. No thanks! I'm taking Mr. SaintsFan and we are going to sit by the river and watch boats go by.

    1. I applaud you! That shot happened to me, somehow I think someone put a stop to it, but it was maddening.

  6. OT I just finished watching the last episode of Boardwalk Empire and it ended exactly the way it should have. I hope the idiots who wrote Dexter watched and learned

    1. Yes, Sandy. I'm surprised Enty didn't give us an OT for that yesterday. Dexter's finale was a fucking abomination

    2. I will never understand how the hell Dexter could willingly leave his friggin son with a serial killer! In 10 years once he's an adult male that boy is DEAD.

    3. Sandy i didnt like brdwlk ending. It ended too soon and too abruptly.

  7. Take a shot in front of them while they're still waiting for maximum awkwardness. Bonus points for a serenade of "Love is an Open Door".

  8. I wish I was Elsa. She's so pretty and magical.

  9. I saw a little of BE and when they had Nucky through the years their teeth were horrible! One guy looked like it was a joke we were supposed to get.

  10. I'm dressing as Anna (even dying my hair red and braiding it,) to escort my 5-year old Elsa around the neighborhood. I'm the mom who's still dragging her whining "Can we go home now?" kids around at 8:30 because I can see a house three blocks in the wrong direction with their porch light on.

    1. @Gayeld, I don't have kidlets, but if I did, I'd be right there with ya! :)

    2. It's free candy. Free candy always taste better! Why wouldn't you want to get that last piece? And that one and that one and....

  11. Liddy they had to end it because it cost too much to make, and it had become extremely violent.

  12. @crlla16, I'm sure you're pretty & magical. Just not quite so chilly :)

  13. I'll be at the food bank waiting with hot chocolate and cookies for the kids who are collecting canned food for "Trick or Eat"

  14. I would have said "Ebola"...wait and seeeeee
