Wednesday, October 22, 2014

Off Topic

French fries might be the perfect food.


  1. Can we have an Off Topic not tied to food?

  2. First a few weeks ago you talk about wanting to loose weight then it's been non stop about food...confused much?

  3. And a burger, fries, and a beer is the perfect meal.

  4. Whataburger french fries are the best!!

  5. I try to resist. I've gotten much better at it too.
    If I get fries I eat them first while they're hot (but only 1 or 2, if any, before I get home) and then I'm basically full. Of coarse I still heat tbe burger or burrito too.
    Sigh.... I had fries last week but other than that I can't remember the last time I ordered them. (Except for Fish n Chips- my go to menu choice when an option. But in that case I count the fries as the vegetable portion of the meal.)

    Potatoes. Baked. My go to food!

  6. Whataburger...... nomnomnom

    28 reasons why Whataburger is the shit! Fancy Ketchup!

  7. Potato Skins with green onion, BACON and Ranch.


    1. I couldn't wait. I googled it (lunch time approaching)
      But it would be dinner time by the time I got to AZ.
      GOOD TO KNOW tho.

  8. I was in Dallas/Ft. Worth a couple of years ago. I wanted to bring a Whataburger restaurant home with me. That ketchup is addictive.

  9. Especially with mayo...

    We also have smoked chipotle ketchup from a small gourmet food co that's pretty tasty...

  10. Sweet potato fries melted cheddar and mustard.

  11. @sherry said "mayo"
    So off to lunch I go
    The ketchup sounds delish too.
    I'm gonna goigle the recipe and plug in my ninja chopper.

  12. I just had a baked potato for a late lunch. I love potatoes, I wanted to make fried taties and onions, but out of onions. Woe is me.

  13. Everyone knows pizza is the perfect food. All the food groups combined in one awesomely delicious dish. But if I could eat only one thing for the rest of my life, totally going to be banana splits.

  14. Salad with Marie's Bleu cheese dressing. THATS the perfect food- and I cant eat it anymore!!!!! Fate is cruel!

  15. Unless they're poutine (like a good french wet'n'savory every now and again) I rather like those McDumoy fries.

  16. I don't usually eat fries. Did you guys know that when you get older you get a LOT of heartburn and indigestion from greasy, spicy or otherwise fabulous foods? Nobody told me that, and I'm pretty pissed about it! LOL

    But when I DO eat fries, I really like the ones from Wendy's. Yes, Wendy's.

  17. no the hot dog is the perfect food. So says Tom Robbins in "Only Cowgirls Get the Blues" (or just another roadside attraction, or jitterbug perfume, they tend to run together).

  18. After working in food services, I've decided fries only taste as good as the oil. If it's new oil, the fries are very light colored and have very little flavor. After a couple days of deep frying fries, breaded chicken, mozzarella sticks, etc. the fries have a beautiful golden caramel color and the flavor is much more robust.

    I also think the oil is why people say more exotic meats (like alligator) taste like chicken. It doesn't actually taste like chicken, it tastes like the oil you cook chicken in.

  19. Whataburger - tradition in Texas.

    And agreed on the oil. If I get crappy fries anywhere I call em on their oil. It's always the issue and you will get new fries with oil change.

  20. Tater tots please or sweet potato fries!
