Tuesday, October 21, 2014

Off Topic

Bag number 16 of chocolate was consumed last night that will never make it to the door for Halloween.


  1. Let's add to the occasional KK ban, a ban on Enty eating stories.

  2. Kit Kat # 31 just fell into my mouth about 5 min ago.

    1. Haha! That's a riot! I've consumed way to many carmels instead of saving them for Carmel apples!

  3. And offtopic number 1600 will have three comments again.

  4. I spent $75 - SEVENTY FIVE DOLLARS - on Halloween candy. And, I'm actually thinking I need to buy more.

    Gah! We get like 10 million trick-or-treaters.

    Does it kind of annoy you how high schoolers are all into it now? In my day, me and my crew felt totally lame trick or treating even in the middle school years.

    1. My husband and I (when we decide to hand out candy) have a "good" candy bowl for the little ones and a "crap" candy bowl for the teens & parents who still trick or treat

    2. Tillie and susan- everyone gets the same crap at my house, lol

    3. @Tillie I like that idea. May adopt it this year.

  5. Enty is out of control and just put a hit out on yo tasty ass! RUN, @ROLO!!! Run!!!!!!! I'll hide you in my office until Augustus Gloop over here gets ahold of himself!

  6. @ Rosie ha ha. I would hold back from responding if I thought it would prevent Enty from posting lame OT items.

  7. Enty , im going to start nicknaming you piglet.

    I am of the opinion if you are gonna have a chest day, you get something ridiculously, orgasmically good.-- like a chocolate soufflé. .. So I usually forego indulging on holiday candies to hold out for the good stuff

    1. Lol @ chest... freudian slip I guess. I meant cheat day.

  8. Two total shockers in a row:
    Nicholson screwed someone
    Enty ate something
    Red letter day

  9. Fat boy goes round and round ah
    He'll spin your head around ah
    Sometimes he'll put you down ah
    Big boy don't lose your mamas
    I heard the things you said
    I see the things in you ah
    Come with me fat boy ah
    And I'll be there for you ah

    Hey fat boy, I wanna make you smile
    Hey big boy, come play with me for a while

  10. this is why I do not buy Halloween candy until the last possible moment

  11. Admitting you have a problem is the first step, Enty. Maybe your severe chocoholism is what is keeping you confined to his parents basement, and from achieving your true potential. Chronic sticky fingers also explains your writing. I'm here for you.

  12. Well Hun, it's been eaten!
    Halloween in London is quite something. Kids just hold out their hand & say 'can I have a pound?'

  13. ladyH--lmao @ Chronic sticky fingers also explains your writing.

  14. Sixteen bags-wow. Now, was this A++ list candy? Foreign made? Do women adore it? Skippy..are they asking for money or a lot of candy?

  15. LadyH---you are on a ROLL lol @at the Heathers gif---so appropriate for moi at times ; )

    1. @Derek: LOL! What evaaaa! I write what I want! My posts are pure ART baby!

  16. Yeah, I've had years where there were buses bringing children for other areas to the neighborhood. I don't know, seems maybe tbe city did something bcuz last year that didn't happen. It makes it hard to estimate the amount if candy needed. And ya know, we want left overs but we shouldn't.
    I'm just now pulling out a bit of decor in a half assed way. BOO. OK I'm awake now.

  17. I have no idea what happened to the jumbo bag of Reese's Peanut Butter cups that I just bought Saturday. *kicking orange wrapper under desk*

  18. Kellie, I always thought it was money. I'm now rethinking. It may have been their quest for sherbert;)

  19. My grandcholdren have discovered my stash of dove chocolate squares. Man, they love those things and plow thru them like shermans troops thru georgia!! I wld have the bag for a week or more, not with them around tho!!!!!!!

  20. Haaha! That's why I do not buy chips till the day before.
    To be fair, I also buy the 80% off stuff the day after!

  21. Do you guys have nextdoor.com where you live? That's a social media site for micro-neighborhoods. As in, your ACTUAL PHYSICAL neighborhood. It's kinda cool.

    I use it for crime alerts among other things. Hear sirens? Post on nextdoor.com and some neighbor will know what was going on. Packages being stolen? Post about it and your neighbors will let you know whether it's happening to them too. Car stolen? Post about it, neighbors will give you great tips for (a) tracking your car (b) preventing future thefts and (c) beefing up security.

    And, neighbors tend to post about crimes they witness or have been victim to, so you get a better idea of what is going on in your neighborhood - because otherwise you might not know unless it makes the news. And small stuff doesn't make the news.

    Also, we discuss local political issues, lost pets, recommendations for local handymen, babysitters, daycare; we post furniture for sale (great if it's someone in the neighborhood who buys it, higher level of confidence that they'll actually show up to see it, plus easier to haul away). Let neighbors know when we're having a garage sale. etc etc.

    Anyway, they have a treat map for hallowe'en every year where you can add your address and say you're giving out candy. Then I guess parents of kids in your neighborhood can print it out and know where to trick or treat.

    If your neighborhood doesn't already exist on nextdoor.com they'll be happy to start it up.

    And when I say neighborhood, I mean maybe 16 square blocks. So while I might generally self-identify as living in the X district, on nextdoor.com they break down that neighborhood into smaller chunks.

    BUT, when you post, you can choose to share with contiguous neighborhoods as well, you're not restricted to just your immediate neighbors. But it is intended to be very geographically centered around where you live.

    No, I don't work for nextdoor!
