Monday, October 20, 2014

Off Topic

I feel like we should discuss Walking Dead from last night.


  1. So Enties is going to join the conversation?

  2. am I the only person that has no desire to watch shows about zombies and vampires etc.?

  3. No. I am also of the WTF? Zombies?! Tribe.

  4. This show is truly getting more bizarre each week.
    (I have never read the comic books it is based on.)

  5. I don't watch it either.

  6. It sucked like usual. I don't get this show. The worse it gets the more people watch.

  7. Did Enty miss Peyton Manning's TD Pass record in favor of zombies?
    Wow. Weak.

  8. Poor Bob, by the time they find him it will be bones only.

  9. Closing eyes, sticking fingers in ears.

    Who thinks the Snow Queen is one of Emma's foster mothers?

  10. I wish Revenge got as much love as the zombies. I'm obsessed with that show.

    1. Me too! Shout out to Revenge and OUAT!

  11. Which one would be faster on one leg? Bob or Hershel?

  12. I am in the minority then! Love, love this show...

    1. Simon youre not in the minority. Fucken show rocks. One of the best things on tv. Its ratings are through the roof too. So its uber popular.

    2. @ Simon. Also , many women dont watch the show. Its a high testosterone-driven show or so says the studies ive read. Sons of anarchy, walking dead, breaking bad are some of the shows most watched by guys.

      Enty needs to remember that when he posts the off-topics. This crowd is probably into romantic soap opera like dramas. *gag*

    3. How many women do you know?

    4. I think I kinda love you Princess Bananahammock.

    5. I'm female and love all forementioned shows Eros. And I loathe soaps & dramas.

  13. I learned that if men cry, they will get eaten alive by cannibals. As if there isn't enough pressure!

    In the comics, Dale was the one captured by the cannibals, but his meat was tainted. Maybe Bob was bit earlier in the day? What do you all think? And what's the deal with Priest?

    1. I think we was bitten when they were in the water. I noticed he was walking a little weird afterwards and maybe that's why he was breaking down outside?

    2. Took the words right outta my mouth @Roots! Things were going too well for Bob.

    3. I thought he was maybe bitten in the water, too, because he acted a little strange when he asked Sasha for one more kiss and then he was crying outside. I thought he was going to go off alone to kill himself because he knew he was going to turn.

    4. Lady H, Roots, Dena... exactly what I was thinking during the episode.

    5. He most def was infected with the zombie bite in the food bank! Question is what happens to the cannibal crew- did they bite off more than they could chew by way of BBQ? ;)

  14. I never understood the fascination with one-dimensional mindless nasty zombies.

  15. But it's not about the zombies, it's about the survivors. Lady H: I think it wld be great if those termites saved Bob by cutting his leg off. He cld have been infected when pulled in that water & it explains why he was outside crying. Don't know about that priest but how did he survive w/o barricading the windows, doors, etc. I'm waiting for Morgan, who is also following them, to show up.

  16. Where is henriette... she always has awesome wslking dead insight. Why was bob crying?

    1. And in case Henriette comes on-- wtf is the deal with the chickenshit preacher. I was hoping he'd get eaten.

      I know he is gonna get squirrely and pull some move that will almmost get everybody killed.

    2. My preacher theory is that he did something to get his congregation killed and that's what his massive guilt is about.

    3. @JMo: That'd be rreally interesting if the cannibalism saved Bob but killed the actual cannibals by poisoning

      I just hope the Priest wasn't a pedo. I remember he made a comment about baby Judith. He would sacrifice anyone in a heart beat to get away from zombies. When he panicked he could've wrecked that stairwell and got them all stuck down there. At least we know preacher didn't piss off the cannibals, because, ya know, nothin personal

    4. @ RootsRfortrees, I think u hit the nail on the head... im wondering if they will do a memory flashback for the preacher so we get to see what went down.

    5. too! The girl with the cat eyeglasses, was that his wife or just a parrishiner of his church?

      Yeah, I thought I heard that the priest has Beth??

    6. Wow, that would be pretty crazy if the preacher has beth. I didnt think it could be him though because when dale spotted the car, the preacher wss back at the church enjoying himself. That part doesnt add up for me.

    7. Or I mean the logic of the preacher taking beth when he was back at the church with everyone having a good time doesnt jibe for me. I do like the idea though!!

      I think it may be someone fsmiliar that took beth-- like maybe a past character just a hunch

    8. Something just isn't right about the priest. Maybe whoever took Beth in that car, USED to be a part of Gabriel's church?

      I didn't get to watch talking dead last nite... Going to catch it later. Did anyone see it?

  17. Gabriel was the angel who banned Adam and Eve from the Garden of Eden, so that priest is definitely bad news. And does anyone else think the people who took Beth are the ones harassing Gabriel bc of the cross on the car?

  18. Bob was bitten by the underwater walker at the food drive, so he went outside to cry and then die. The Termites are most likely eating the leg that was bitten. sucks to be them. The preacher isn't a bad guy, just a coward. He barricaded himself inside the church with supplies, and he left tons of people he knew outside to die because he was scared.

    1. Oooooo, TLC you brought the tea!! Juicy insight! So now im anxious to see if youre right and the termites turn! Also I am wondering if bobs girlfriend will turn because she was all kissyface with him afterwards.

  19. I thought when They showed Gareth eating it was going to be Bob dreaming, like hallucinating because he got bit or scratched. Omg never thought about the termites eating the infected limb!

    Oh boy

  20. OT: Alita! We keep missing each other, damn time zones! :)

  21. Don't watch Walking Dead. I did see Agent Cooper from Twin Peaks on Good Wife. That was...strange.

  22. The Termites aren't long for this world, but Gareth ate the infected meat too, and he's a series regular this season so.....? I'm just going by the comics. I know they don't always follow them, but from everything I've seen so far and comments from producers it seems like with this particular story line they're following it pretty closely.

    1. @Tlc It would be really odd for them to cut their storyline short so quickly. It seems like they were gearing gareth's character to be the next governor villain type which tbh is very much needed in walking dead. They need another shane or governor to get the drama crackin like fireworks. So far the season is looking teally good... I like the added edge of mystery in the last two episodes.

  23. I thought Bob got bitten too; however, wouldn't Gareth see the bite mark when cooking his leg?

  24. @Bees knees I agree that's strange. Maybe it was more of a scratch and they didn't think anything of it. If I'm remembering correctly, in the comic after he realizes his leg is being eaten he tells them that they're eating tainted meat. Then they freak out and leave him for dead, which is when Rick and the gang find him and are filled in on what happened. Then Rick and company go postal on them...but then again on the show it will probably be very different to keep us on our toes.

    1. I can't wait for the group to take out Gareth! But I'm sure it will be awhile for the sake of ratings!

  25. It was straight from the comics, but different characters. #taintedmeat

  26. Count me as another who LOVES this freaking show! It's so well done. Bob definitely was bitten, his reaction at first when asked if he was OK, and then his asking for another kiss seem to reveal his fate.

    Interesting theories on the priest and him hiding out and not allowing anyone in. I'm ready to see where Beth went and what's happening there. Love this show so damn much.

    Anyone else gag with the water zombies this eps? So nasty, Nastier than usual that is.

    1. They looked like they stank. I would never have gotten in that water. Yuck!!

      The part when that preacher lost his shit and scrambled in the water was sorta funny. You know his character shat himself. He played that role good.

  27. This is OT even for an OT post but I think I have some juicy MV gossip!

    I'm watching The People's Court about a rapper suing about something with her autotune. Harvey Levin is the guy on the street with a mic and always has a crowd around that he asks a question to. He asked, "Who is the worst autotune offender? I know, but I can't say." A girl said Britney. Harvey quickly replied, "She doesn't even sing!". He asks again, "who is actually the worst offender? I actually know the answer." "Tell us!" "No. I actually know who it is. I'm not going to tell you. I'm actually not allowed to say." Every time he spoke holding the mic in one hand, he pointed to his noggin with the other hand. My body language sense tells me that means its in the vault, for real. Why is this so juicy?

    1. MV is not Britney.
    2. Enty is Harvey "I'm a lawyer" Levin

    It's almost time for the anniversary clue!

  28. Does the year tmz live went on tv coincide with when this site seemed to have changed hands?

  29. Damn Kat! *drops mic, leaves room*

    Thats a helluva juicy piece of gossip... not sure what to think or say about that one..... veddy interesting...

  30. Good share @ Kat....
    its Lopez right??

    1. That's who I've always thought Trisha. I remember when Selena came out, there was confusion if it was her singing or not. She was coy about it for a long time until they finally said she was lip syncing.

  31. I think the Termites will panic when he laughs at their dumb asses for eating tainted meat, and they'll beat him and drop him off in front of the church to lure out Rick and co. Rick will be on to their plan, and they'll somehow sneak up on the termites and attack them. That would be very true to the comic.

  32. @Kat: I love it! I agree MV is JLo. Enty being Harvey would explain his unquenchable desire to bring the Kardashians into everything. But hasn't Enty already been ID'ed as some probate lawyer or some ish?

    I am obsessed with this thread...
    Hello again @annannnaaaaaa I'm glad you got out of your new love cocoon for a few to say hello! How is my Cherrybomb sista in crime doin?

    1. @lady that was the New York Post....... I think it's more fun to believe that the identity is still unclear.
      At the very least, I'm positive Harvey knows who MV is. So all we need to do is hire some twink to spike his green juice with truth serum

  33. I don't read the comics, but I love the show.
    I have a theory about Eugene and the cure.

    On the traincar Eugene said he could explain it toothed all, but if he didn't make it to Washington that the cure would die with him.
    I think Eugene IS the cure.
    He has experimented and maybe came up with an antidote, but it's in his blood (or other DNA). That's why he's being protected and they are so anxious to get moving. He needs to weapons his blood.
    Just a theory.

    1. *too them


      Damn phone!!

  34. Skipped all comments, as I'm just finishing up season 3.

  35. The priest supplies Terminus with people who stopped by looking for sanctuary at the church. The church and funeral home where both used to trap/lure human meat for Terminus.
    Or the priest sent some people to Terminus to be eaten or the facility that has Beth. Terminus for food, facility for sex trade.
    Either way the Priest is up to no good.

  36. I love how loving a sister Maggie is. What a strange way to act. She has not shed a tear for her lost little sister. Only Daryl cares about looking for Beth.

  37. All of you people who think The Walking Dead is just a show about zombies have CLEARLY never watched it and I have no idea why you are commenting on this thread.
    I DO watch it and thought Sunday's episode was fantastic, as usual. My question is, does anyone think Bob was crying because he got bit when he was attacked? And if so, will the virus transfer to the cannibals feasting on his limbs?

    1. Hey Jenn B.. At the risk I'm a day late on this thread, here's what I think--- I think Bob was in a really good place with Sasha, so the realization he was going to die from being bitten in the water was too much for him and he broke down.
      Hopefully the cannibles will become infected! Would serve them right! And I agree with you about it being more than just a zombie show. I made fun if my family for watching it, until I watched it myself and was hooked!
