Friday, October 10, 2014

Off Topic

Yeah, I haven't slept yet because of American Horror Story.


  1. Not watching it this season. Sucky plot-- carnival. So disappointed that they keep picking crappy season plots. I didnt watch the sanitarium plot either.

    I loved the 1st season and last season though. They need to focus on plots like that... id like to see a vampire plot for the next season or zombies.

  2. That clown could get it

  3. I think Enty is mixing up AHS with last night's horrific Kindness Blind bloodbath

  4. That being said, I'm interested to see where this season goes. Chiklis is the MAN!
    *Evan Shockerhands was jacked from a Troma character in Tromeo and Juliet. Come on. Plus...that ruined Evan for me once and for all
    *How can a murder suspect(s) become publicly famous without drawing police attention? This arc only makes sense if you view Paulson's character only as a pawn being used to draw people in to see Elsa sing
    *We're all stars the freak show! Wave yo flags high and proud
    *Why don't the conjoined twins just pin the murder on the clown? Sounds like a reasonable alternative suspect and theory to me! Haven't they been watching How To Get Away With Murder?!?!

    1. Anonymous4:02 PM

      The cop(s) did come! Oohhhh Evan is and will always be pshyco hot


  6. Off-Off Topic:


    Hope you see this shout out.

    I wondered if you were the CB bellaluna, but I never asked cuz I'm not always here. But, recently, I saw you ask another poster if they were from CB, so I thought I'd reach out. :-)

    I was just a lurker at CB. Never posted. But I wanted to thank you & your crew for the hours of laughter provided re The Cracken. I was going thru a tough time, but could always count on y'all's creativity for all the Cracken parties. :-D

    The seven-layered Crack dip was the ultimate creative item & vodka-soaked melon balls still make me giggle to this day. ;-)

    Just wanted to let you know a lurker appreciated the hilarity of those online parties & to, again, say thanks for lifting this ole girl's spirits.

    Bluezz :-)

    1. Thank you. Yup, that's me. I'm more of a lurker on CB now (bad experience with some so - called friends).

      I'm so glad you got some great laughs out of that. The Cracken truly is the gift that keeps on giving!

  7. I DVR'd it. I love the shit out of freaks. In fact, I'm sad that freak shows no longer exist. The closest I'll ever get is the Mutter Museum in PHL. A pale imitation.
    Isn't that heartless of me?

  8. OMG, I feel like that clown is EVERYWHERE!

  9. Who would have thought they could make clowns even creepier?

  10. Love the show, but that premiere was scary by no means. I don't get all the "can't sleep because of that clown" hype. The scary stuff hasn't even started yet.

  11. They have clowns this season? Yeah im really not watchin now. Lol

  12. Check out Tod Browning's "Freaks"

  13. It's pretty brilliant, Lange is at the top of her game. The kidnapping murdering clown's face is the thing of nightmares. It just is.

  14. @ Kno Won Uno - I remember going to the Mutter Museum years ago. I sill have nightmares about the soap lady!

    BTW - Great pic! Go Birds!!!!

  15. Off-Off Topic:

    @Lady H:

    Just wanted to say thanks for the gifs yesterday. They were both perfection. Particularly, the "Smooch Me" one. (Can that one be mine? She shamelessly asks.).

    I've been known to use that little ditty on Mr. Bluezz occasionally to offset a tense discussion before it goes off the rails. :-D

    I was mortified when I went back into that thread last night. I really felt foolish for asking. You hadn't responded yet, but my phone wouldn't let me delete/post with so many comments.

    Anyhoo, thanks for trying to add a little levity. You rock, chica. ;-)

    Bluezz :-)

    1. That's too funny @cornblues. I felt strangely compelled to post that "you want to looooove me" gif, even though it wasn't technically the HeisenHug you requested. And of course I will bookmark that gif as YOURS! ;)

      PS- Never feel bad asking for a HeisenHug! There are plenty to go around and I always respond if I see the bat signal. XoXo

    2. sorry @cornflowerbluezz***
      I was so concerned with not mixing up cornflower and @cornbread that I somehow created an entirely new name! :/

  16. So was that Meryl Streep's daughter who was drugged and presumably raped? And if Elsa filmed it, does she have a side business doing freak porn?

    1. Anonymous4:04 PM

      Yes I was confused as to how she ended up there...

  17. @cornflowerbluezz, you just keep reading this thread & you'll have many smiles & ROFLs...sounds like you'd appreciate 'em & could use 'em -whatever it is you're having a low time with,Lady H's GIFs always lift ya up!!! ;)

  18. I live about 10 miles from Jupiter - I'd watch it if it had been filmed there. And yeah, not interested in creepy clowns.

    AHS pales compared to that saaad,disturbing true story...

  20. Since were on the topic of good shows, id recommend to enty or anyone else for that matter to watch the following:

    Sons of anarchy: this season is killer. Cant wait to see what happens on the next episode.

    How to get away with murder: very clever plot twists and witty dialogue.

    Extant: was good for 4 episodes then the writers fucked up and now the show is boring and monotonous.

    The Strain: my boss is tired of me regaling him of stories on how good and awesome this show is. This show is at the top of my favorites.

    Last Ship: Another surprising favorite. Nice plot twists and fast paced. Very good show

  21. @Eros,I like:
    "How To Get Away W/Murder";
    "The Strain"
    "Last Ship"(surprisingly)too;
    I've been into "Outlander";
    Guilty pleasure: "Forever" cuz I Lerve looking at him!!

    1. @ rolo I think I may be obsessed with the strain. It trumped walking dead snd that aint sayin too much cuz last season wasnt all that great.

      I will check out outlander and forever. I give them all- the shows- 30 minutes to impress me and thats it. Too many useless, talentless shows on television unfortunately. Its always a pleasant and refreshing to find something interesting and new.

  22. Yea this season NEEDS to get better. Lange and Bates are supposed to be the best actresses of our time yet I'm distacted the entire time by their horrific accents. What is Bates even trying to do? Do we know? Philly? Cuz I'm from there and that ain't it! LOL For a minute I thought Gaelic? lol!!

  23. They stole the picnic murder scene from Fincher's Zodiac. NSFW

    1. Even had the same actor doing the killing,

  24. @JBE.. I thought the exact same thing! Fincher did it way better. That scene still sticks with me.

  25. Zodiac:Unmasked is a terrifying book. The film was based largely on it. I thought the same thing @JBE

  26. We just have to go downtown for the freaks.

  27. I don't get the bearded lady's accents either, one minute she's a hillbilly, next she's British. Kind of like Madonna.

  28. Eros- SOA being Hamlet- who will live to tell the tale? Me thinks Juice, who will tell Able. Kind of like John is telling Jax through his diary.

    And the homeless woman is the three witches...

  29. On topic: I haven't seen the new season of AHS yet, but feel free to spoil away 'cause I'll still watch. I like the Murder House and Coven seasons.

    So glad to see Last Ship got renewed, because I dig that show.

    Still catching up on SOA, and will see that through, spoilers be damned, because I will watch that show no matter what!
