Friday, October 17, 2014

No Jail Time For John McEnroe And Tatum O'Neal's Son

Last summer, the son of John McEnroe and Tatum O'Neal was busted ater buying a very large quantity of prescription pills. The 27 year old Kevin McEnroe bought 30 different pills and when he was arrested he was charged with buying with the intention to sell which would have resulted in some serious jail time if he was convicted. Bring in the lawyers, and the plea deals and the the next thing you know, having 30 pills on you is just misdemeanor possession and if he does some rehab and stays clean for just six months the whole thing gets dismissed like it never happened. Six months? That is nothing. At least throw a couple of conditions on there like drug testing or something. Meanwhile, his grandfather Ryan probably called the kid and asked him if his mom was looking hot these days.


  1. Was that an incest reveal enty.

  2. whats with Johns face? Is he trying to pose like an Olsen twin or is he that methed out?

  3. He looks like a smug little bastard

  4. *kevins face---the kid lol

  5. 30 pills is a lot? whoa now I'm doubly glad for being clean. I'm lucky I was never busted.

    1. Haha thats what i was thinking sherry. Add a zero maybe. 30? Amateur hour. Best of luck to you btw. Its a bitch.

    2. I'm glad you're doing well! Be gentle with yourself

    3. Rosie not to make light of my past consumption but it was legendary. And stupid as hell I should add.

  6. Legalize everything.

    Yeah what is that last sentence about?

  7. Ryan hit on Tatum at a funeral

  8. I like and root for Tatum. Hope her kid gets it together. Hopefully her daughter is doing well.

  9. @Sugar,Ryan hit on Tatum @ a Funeral a # of years back;he was out of it supposedly admiring her from the back,not realizing it was tatum, or sumthin' like tatum's book(?)BTW< LOVE ur usual :)
    -Enty, he DOES have conditions & He's First time Offender Alt.Treatment in lieu of Prosecution;30 pills is not a lot in comparison to what D.A. usually deals with;He'll get random drug tests etc

  10. Yes Enty! Let's wrangle up the non violent drug offenders and lock em up for LIFE!!!!!

  11. I know pill poppers that could drop 30 pills a day

  12. Reno, I like Tatum too. A couple of my favorite movies growing up was The Bad News Bears - along w/ Paper Moon. I also thought her book was very interesting.

    I actually feel bad for the O'Neal blood line. That gene pool is just riddled with drug addiction. Sad because Tatum, I think, is/was a very talented actress. It's a waste she never utilized those talents.

  13. What a genetic cesspool the maternal side of his family is.

    Is Ryan O'Neal the all around worst piece of moral filth ever in Hollywood?

  14. This comment has been removed by the author.

  15. Lady, I don't think he's promoting prison..maybe a reality check. We all know every time a celeb or celeb kid od's, there are endless posts wondering why didn't family or friends help..always..and this family thinks a clean record is what's important. A nobody wouldn't have had the advantage..and this is no 27 you should take some responsibility.

  16. I thought the McEnroe kids would do better, drug-wise since they were raised by John and not the O'Neals. Guess I was wrong. The drug gene won.

    I don't think throwing him in jail would serve a purpose. Let's see if he gets as bad as Michael Douglas's kid. Then we can talk.

  17. rolo.. thanks.. i am in love w/ that avi too!!!
    essie.. absentee parents who just give their kids money as a substitute for parenting is never gonna end well..

  18. Maybe it's 30 different types of pills.

  19. All I get out of this is they have an excellent lawyer, which is good for them and not really newsworthy

  20. And the cycle continues. Very tough to break. Genetics and learned behavior are bad enough. But throw in some privilege and you've got the trifecta.

  21. @kelli &@plokzy, actually a "nobody" with a public defender easily would get the same deal. assuming this is NYC or East Coast,i should say..Cali. is different

  22. The kid looks like a smug little weasel.

    Watched the old "Andy Griffith Show" the other day and Tatum's mom, Joanna Moore, played Andy's girlfriend. She was drop-dead beautiful, had a sweet voice, and could act. The poor thing became an alcoholic and died at a relatively young age--62 or so, I think. Anyhow, that sick creep motherfucker Ryan O'Neal used to abuse her, too. He's a filthy piece of shit.

  23. This family is textbook certifiable dysfunctional addict family. They've got it handed down from generation to generation.

  24. He got caught buying six bags of cocaine, 10 OxyContin tablets and 20 morphine pills in Alphabet City. So yeah, he is his mother's son.

  25. Thanks Scallywag - I see Alphabet City hasn't changed. And yes, that still sounds like personal use amounts to me, not intention to distribute unless maybe sharing at a party counts.

    Still sounds like personal use amounts (no sharing) to me.

  26. I'm sure Ryan has the attorney's on speed dial for such an occasion.

    In Tatum's book she talks about Ryan's inappropriate behavior towards her. She doesn't allege incest, but a lack of boundaries, like sleeping in bed together when she was way to old for that, and going to adult parties with her as his date.

  27. This family's history makes me wonder if there's a genetic component to addiction.

  28. PS He's a good looking kid. You can see both his parents in him yet he's better looking than either of them.

  29. i took it as he had 30 different kinds of pills---not 30 pills.

  30. If you can afford good lawyers you are golden.

  31. Ryan hit on Tatum at Farrah Fawcett's funeral; that's why Enty put in that last line. If anything went on earlier in Tatum's life with her father, I never heard about that.

    It's really sad to hear about Kevin though. I actually thought the kids wouldn't get caught up in 'the life' like that. When Tatum and John split up, John had full custody most of the time due to her drug use.

  32. Must be nice to have money to buy your way out of serious trouble.

  33. I stopped watching Bones because of Ryan O'Neal's role as Bones father.

    Sorry I'm with Enty on the outrage regarding the light sentence. I wonder who he rolled on.

  34. I've often wondered how Ryan got that job on Bones. My hubby & I laugh over how his character is suppose to be this badass superstar. He looks like a paunchy alkie who couldn't punch his way out of a paper bag. I imagine he's always playing grab ass with all of the women on the set. He's disgusting.

  35. He was so beautiful when he was young - I think the high point of his career was "Love Story." Then come to find out what he is REALLY like - a total pig.

    CDAN has really disillusioned me about a lot of my favorite actors and performers.

    Is there something on the gene that expresses artistic talent that it goes hand in hand with being a sex-crazed amoral asshole?

  36. I've spent some time with Tatum. She definitely has issues. But she introduced me to her friend,"Eric," so who am I to judge since I had no idea who he was...only afterwards did I learn his last name was Clapton. I think he liked that I was clueless.

  37. The little shit's watched Zoolander too many times and thinks Blue Steel should be emulated.

    p.s. Who says he was buying for himself?
