Sunday, October 19, 2014

Nicholas Brendon Was Arrested

Former Buffy The Vampire Slayer actor Nicholas Brendon was arrested Friday after a night of being called Xander by half drunk sci-fi convention attendees in Boise. It must suck for Nicholas that he is forced to make a living traveling the country signing autographs and taking photos at $20 a pop so when he got back to his hotel and wanted his complimentary cookie and didn't get it, he started an incident. The fact that he was wasted probably led to him getting a little more vocal about the cookie and the conditions of the hotel which were just a reflection of his life and when the police came, it was too late and he was on a roll. He walked away from the police which they didn't like and arrested him and charged him with a multitude of crimes. As he was led away he could be heard talking smack about Sarah Michelle Gellar. 


Lady Heisenberg said...

When you give a drunk a cookie, he is going to also want a glass of milk..,.

SugarTitz said...

I love my free cookie.
don't know who he is though

All Lace no Leather said...

Everyone is Hollywood needs a contingency plan (employable skill) that is not tied to their life in Hollywood. Signing autographs for a role from 10+ years ago has got to be depressing.

ladybaus said...

Hes sorta cute. But working at a hotel I can tell you I have seen it all...

Anjelicka64 said...

Ohhh the travesty of not having his cookie.. Got arrested instead

Now! said...

@Lace, I agree with you. The problem is that so many people in Hollywood have so little education. Most big stars have never gone to college, and a lot of them have never even finished high school. It makes it difficult to manage your own money - which tends to come all at once - and hard to see through charlatans, religious or otherwise.

Sincerely,Your Friend said...

I read he got hitched 2 weeks ago in Vegas. Showed pic of he and his bride.
In the pic she looks quirky.
Not that I knew who he was.

CoBe said...


err . . . no.

Sincerely,Your Friend said...

Most importantly, what hotels provide a free cookie?

All Lace no Leather said...

@SYF, IMDB says under his wife's bio they married the beginning of this month in Vegas after a 2 day engagement. Sounds like he makes spontaneous decisions.

Krystie Rachelle said...

The last time I was drunk in a hotel lobby i also complained about the old stale cookies. But then we bought a pizza and hung out with random old musicians that I don't remember a thing about in the lobby. Followed by throwing paper airplanes off the parking garage. I woke up the next morning to fresh baked cookies outside our room and a paper airplane. The key is to be funny happy hot mess. Not a dick.

All Lace no Leather said...

@ Nutty, it's similar to the problem with athletes, though many do go to college to become eligible to be drafted. I think baseball and basketball will draft you out of high school (I.e. Kobe), but a few years of college improve your prospects.

Derek G. said...

This piece has more slant than a Fox News article.

Dorothy said...

I wish this blog had a thumbs up button because your comment is spot on. What I don't get are the ones who can't be bothered to even take acting classes. I was surprised though not surprised when LL mentioned in an interview that she had never taken a class which made the play that much more challenging for her.

MollyMo said...


Lady Heisenberg said...

@MollyMo: I was crossing my fingers that someone else would get my If You Give a Mouse a Cookie reference :)

sifichick said...

It's making me crack up that he was talking smack about SMG.

SugarTitz said...

syf.. i think the marriot always gives a free cookie

Lady Heisenberg said...

Anjelicka: I know right? This sounds like a Tracy Jordan story arc! What a mess!

ladybaus said...

@sugarbr---no we don't
I think its The Hilton

Sugar said...

I recently took a Buzzfeed quiz -topic was can you tell who said it between Chandler Bing or Xander Harris. I'm a big fan of Buffy and I failed the quiz. I was heartbroken.

Erin B said...

Doubletree gives you a free one when you check in. You can't expect a free one everytime you show up, dude!

Tina Mallette said...

Krystie I love your story and it is so true be a fun friendly drunken mess and free things may indeed show up. We livened up a restaurant and got comped the wine which we really did not need more of but WTF?

Unknown said...

Is he the guy who plays Garcia's sometime boyfriend on Criminal Minds?

If you google his name the first news blurb comes up with a mug shot of Phil Spector. WTF?

Anyway I saw him in one of those horrible ION TV "original movie" Christmas specials that I believe are made in Canada with C- list actors and are always completely awful, and he was even worse than the usual actor is in those made-for-TV "Hallmark Lite" movies.

Alvin said...

check out the movie he was just in called Coherence - one of the best films I've seen this year, seriously, great reviews too

Chicky said...

When he finishes his milk, he's going to want to raid the minibar...

SugarTitz said...

Yeah just came to post doubletree at Hilton.
Stayed there in Cleveland once and they were like here's your cookie
and I was like I get a cookie..

Sherry said...

Oh no AllLace, that only breeds a confidence feeling for your career. You simply must BELIEVE you will be famous forever.
Most people don't remember that even Bette Davis and Joan Crawford realized they had a shelf life and struggled to work in later years.

SugarTitz said...

I don't stay at hotels much but they had the most awesome citrus and verbena toiletries from Crabtree and Evelyn I keep wanting to order them for my house. I still have all the leftover toiletries I grifted from back in January. .

Sherry said...

Awesome story KRachelle

Sugar said...

The W hotel only gives out free apples. No one throws a fit because they didn't get their free apple.

Sherry said...

Yeah as a flight attendant it was real great when our layover was at The Doubletree.

Krystie Rachelle said...

Thanks Tina and Sherry :) This was at the Hyatt Place so apparently they do cookies too. The double trees are yummy too, and in the winter they give you warm apple cider! Maybe next time I'll just start loudly protesting "don't you know who I am?" And see what happens.. Lol

nico123 said...

This is really sad.

Sugar said...

I agree, nico. I keep coming back to this one wondering why couldn't anyone just go and buy this poor drunk actor a cookie?? All he wanted was a cookie! :-(

Lady Heisenberg said...

I agree with Sugar and Nico - this is crime could have easily been prevented!
I was also able to confirm an answer regarding the debate on the Hannah Graham post: Monsters can definitely be white, but they are also often blue.... Nicolas Brendon is a MONSTER!

Unknown said...


auntliddy said...

Heidi-lol to galaxy quest. And jesus enty, way to read into and extrapolate someone's life based on one incident!

Paisley said...

I think his first stint in rehab was around the sixth season of Buffy.

I really enjoyed him in Kitchen Confidential (with Bradley Cooper) and was surprised it didn't take off.

SnowCherries said...


surfer said...

I like him on Criminal Minds.

Henriette said...

Speaking of conventions, I read that Jon Bernthal, Shane from TWD, does A LOT of conventions. I was shocked since he does so many movies and seems so on top now. I also read he LOVES underage girls, which is really sad.

Unknown said...

Even Cookie Monster has curbed his addiction. Xander, cookies are a sometimes food. Get a grip and eat an apple. His BSL's must've been depleted from signing autographs.

Aoife said...

His problems with alcohol have been known for a long time. It's why he's never worked much after Buffy.

Unknown said...


Take a bow!!! That was classic - LMAO!

Alexa Rose said...

Are you freaking serious? This was the one of the funniest things I have ever read on here. Dude it's a cookie, and they aren't even that good. Go to Mc Donald's and buy some.


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