NBC Camera Operator Has Ebola - Reporter In Quarantine
A NBC camera operator is being flown back to the US after becoming infected with Ebola. Ashoka Mukpo from Rhode Island was working in Liberia with Dr. Nancy Synderman, who is NBC's chief medical correspondent. She has been placed in a 21 day quarantine. Ebola has been in the news for much of the past two months, but in a I hope they get that thing contained over in Africa kind of way. As we watched from afar I think many of us were wondering how come they could not get the outbreak under control and if they would only follow proper protocols that everything would be fine. Then of course there is the man in Dallas who was diagnosed with Ebola, but only after he was already in a hospital and they let him go for almost a week to spread the virus before he came back and they realized what they have. There are so many things that could have been done from not even letting him get on an airplane to fly, but the way this has all been handled since he arrived in the US. Even now, people who have been exposed to him have not all been put in quarantine or told to stay indoors. Cleaners refuse to clean his apartment. A man who was with the victim while the victim was vomiting has not been warned by the CDC to take any extra precautions. If we are having such a hard time getting control of this or diagnosing it, then it is no wonder that in Western Africa they are having issues considering the resources they have are much more limited. My fear is that this mutates into an airborne virus which seemed out of the realm of possibility before but as the disease is allowed to flourish and the outbreak not contained, I fear it may happen.