Wednesday, October 15, 2014

Mr.X Blind Item #3

What A++ list rapper and mogul is actually 3 yrs. older than he says he is? His birth year magically changed when he started seeing his wife, who also is 3 years older than she says she is.


  1. I dont know why they wld chg their dob and lie about age, unless they fear ageism.

  2. It's good to know that Mr. X is working hard and keeping his ear to the ground to get these challenging blinds for us.

    1. Lol, que the pink panther music as mr x hides behind the curtain with his magnifine glass.

  3. Takes a lot of money to have that removed from the interwebs but if you can rent the Louvre you can afford it.

  4. Jinx sandy...I heard/read somewhere she was 7 years older...3 more likely

  5. @crash.....exactly! Mr. X is furiously working over in marguerita Ville I think

  6. People in the deep south have difficulties with documenting thingys. Filing papers like birth certificates is sometimes overlooked especilly if no hospital was used. In NYC slightly different.

  7. @Sherry - I think the renting of the Louvre has pissed me off more than any other absurdly excessive thing these people do.

    1. Why?
      Elvis used to rent out an entire amusement park for himself.
      I can't stand either Jay Z or Beyonce, but if they're dumb enough to pay the price, let them.

  8. Oh shit, I had no idea that Jay Z was born in the sixties. And I fucking knew that Beyonce was born in the seventies. Don't ask me how I knew but I always had this feeling that 81 was not her birth year and that it had a 7 in front of it. Selective pop culture psychic abilities? Do you think it's marketable? Planning my move to LA now so that I can get started on The West Coast Blind Item Medium.

  9. Y'all ragging on Mr. X but at the very least the blinds are written so WE CAN READ THEM.

  10. Lmao @ Megly...exactly. Most days I wonder if Ted C has secretly signed on as one of our Entys.

  11. Why? And who would care anyway?

  12. Jay to the jizza

  13. Why go to so much trouble for only a 3 year difference?

  14. Good morning America's Bianna Golodryga says she went to high school with Beyonce making her 3 years older And a popular radio host says Jay z and he are the same age which is 50 lol i really believe Beyonce is lying about her age

  15. And it is known because they didn't lie on their passports maybe?

    After 9-11 everyone was supposed to go through a thorough security check on their next passport renewal or application, this would have been under a Bush government, does Jay Z have a criminal record BTW?

  16. Yes.. I was coming here to say same thing that bianna from gma went to high school with her and is always making little snide jokes about beyonce which I find Highlarious. .

  17. Anonymous9:29 AM

    everyone knows bey has been lying about her age for years. oh and that pregnancy thing too

  18. Er, um, let me see, who could this be....

  19. They should chat with Catherine Zeta-Jones about how to avoid the TSA when your age is DUN-DUN-DUN magically revealed!

  20. How can Beyoncé be lying about her age? That would mean Kelly Rowland and the other two original DC members were lying about their ages too because they all went to school together. Also there is a video on the internet from 1993 of them on Star Search. Use your brains people.

  21. I believe everything else, but Beyonce is in fact 33. I'm not anyone special, but I was present at her 18th birthday dinner in 1999 in Houston. And yes, I tell everyone in the world about the one time I sat at the same table as Beyonce.

  22. I went to school with a girl who became an interbationally recognised model. Years later she returned home , was interviewed in our city paper, and was suddenly ten years younger than the rest of us. How we laughed etcetera .

  23. They rented out the Louvre? Better than renting out a video arcade or amusement park. Get Blue used to the finer things in life.

    As for the age thing almost everyone in entertainment lies about their age.

    No one here ragging on Beyonce and her little girl bangs? I know where she gets her hair made but they don't cut it. I guess that's why she's wearing the hats all of a sudden.

    1. Aoife-i dont think that is her hair but rather some low rent wig. With clip on bangs. She trued, learned it doesnt work. As for museum renting, 1) nio museum is gonna turn down that kind if money and 2), i agree, better a museum than toy store or go carts. Matter of fact, good role model.



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