Saturday, October 18, 2014

Mr. X Blind Items Revealed

May 23, 2014

Which has been was seen circling that Oscar winning producer at a party like a vulture? Thankfully he didn't go near her.

What same producer skipped the premiere of his latest film, saying he was doing humanitarian work for UNICEF? excuses, excuses, excuses.

Lindsay Lohan/Harvey Weinstein (Grace Of Monaco)


  1. The caste system of Hollywood at its best A+ list mogul ignores D-list sub human.

  2. Was Grace of Monaco released in theaters? I never saw any trailers, but heard it was awful.

    1. @all lace: I don't think so. At least Harvey was ditching because the film is a polished turd and not because of anything else more Blohan

    2. Who would possibly be able to play the fair Grace Kelly? I'm tired of these star biographies- the last good one was the Notorious Bettie Page, that I seem to recall.

    3. @All lace: it was here. My mum went. Our local theatre in Ballarat sent us free tix as members. Still. Did. Not. Go. Pee-ew!
      @LadyH: you can't polish a turd, but you can roll it in glitter.

  3. How does someone like Harvey get so far down the road with an expensive film, before he realizes how awful it is?

  4. This comment has been removed by the author.

  5. What do you mean "LIKE a vulture"?

  6. Weinstein is producing "finding neverland" the Broadway adaptation of the film(coming to Broadway in my family's theatre( that they run..) no one happy bout it cuz of the magnitude bof his doucebaggery....but they will accept the paychecks lol
    Myself and 2 other sisters have all had individual awful experience s with him...
    he's a class A fuckface scumbag..
    ahh feel better

    1. But how do your REALLY feel Tricia? LOL. I can totally see he'd be a douche. Too much money and power went to that ugly mans head. Ugh. I shudder to think of the leg he's pulled in the name of starring roles.

      On a nicer note, it's great that your family has a theater.

    2. @sherry....I don't like that I said that...but in this's wagranted.just unkind unscrupulous and soulless....the opposite of you fair lady....

      He really was offensive to my youngest sis...and my Achilles heel is family...don't Care he was rude to me....but years later...much more inappropriate with her...'s t be family bbiz in a way....made for great memories...hopefully they'll be musical theatre/thyroid blinds in future lol

    3. **theatre not thyroid lol

    4. @tricia - good to hear, I mean not that he was dick to u guys, but to know I did right long ago.
      When I was 19 my (model) agent called and told me that get wanted to meet me somewhere for a drink. I declined. I had no idea who he was but I knew I didn't want to meet some perv wanting to meet a 19 yr old for a drink. Later I told my bf, and he told me who he was. Still, I felt it wasn't for me.
      Sometimes when I see his name on big productions I kinda wonder...(but I always knew that life stinks...except the $$$)

  7. This comment has been removed by the author.

  8. Grace has been released in Europe not in America because Harvey wants a specific version of the film released here.

  9. This comment has been removed by the author.

  10. I really love insider dirt. Thanks Tricia.

    1. PS But I'm sorry to hear that you and your family had ugly experienced though.

    2. Tnx pugsterMom...that's why I do it...I feel the same, when someone has a personal's more connected, I think.

      It wasn't so bad, but tnx for kindness...harvey is a drive by assault/1 man douche cirque du soleil to most people not higher on pecking order:(

      But karma works.
      That's whatbi have to believe banyways....:)

  11. Human instincts are infallible for the most part.
    Good on ya!!'
    (Also had no doubt you had a background as such...can tell you are a beauty:$
    Um, if HW..well averted.
    He tried to auction off my(corporate high ranking younger sis who happens to look like a supermodel) off to some rich old dude he was sis politely excused herself, and when she came put of the bathroom , HW was waiting for her and said the most demoralizing , or attempted to...systematically destroy her in front of strangers.
    Because she has morals and is polite.
    Oy......crudeness is infinite
    But kindness>cruelty..always wins

  12. ^@SYF by he way lol

  13. My sister AND mother were auctioned off by HW. I also was hit on by Dave Matthews TWICE. Did you know he wrote a song for me? Sting asked to have tantric sex with me. I am way too classy and moral though. I said no. Oh well, c'est la vie. La vie en rose. Escargot.

    1. Whatvson by DM...." too much?" Or maybe "bartender(I imagine you know a few)Aside from your wayward facts(attempting to auction); and your poor choice in French delicacies....
      I love your style Pip!

  14. This comment has been removed by the author.

  15. Replies
    1. Well done! U getting there kid
      douche, is another

    2. Word...for elementary students

    3. It means..."shower"

  16. I know that's a gross story, @Tricia, but I giggled to imagine super model hot sister walking away, moral high ground intact, and the douche muttering the standard douche line in her wake ...

    'Lesbian ... '

    The cry of all shot-down sexist pigs. Good on your sister.

    1. It wasn't like that at all...he is a predator and does it often....
      she was A) with her fiance'now hubby) and *b) like me...not about that...nothing else to say..She's a co girl and polite...and unimpressed by pomp n circumstance...aka/.Jack holes

  17. Replies
    1. It's good...I know u r not my fan meanie...but no show here tonight...I actually prefer peace n love..
      always have:)

    2. @Tricia, no, not a particular fan, but we're cool. :)

  18. Alita..come to think of it, I think he actually uttered"do you know who you just dissed..whatnot just turned down...she was Like..yeah??

  19. Morons like that are of a feather, imo, Tricia. If it's not one attempted diss following a shoot-down, it's another. I was thinking of an evening I participated in, as a spectator, that ended in the way I mentally giggled at. Because the bottom line is that any idiot that behaves that way is utterly transparent to everyone around, and ends up looking a fool!

  20. Shame Tricia, I'd love a thyroid blind.
    Just think, the crappy jokes ( that we love) could go on for weeks. They'd just keep popping up ;)

    I know.....

  22. Just saw this.....:)
    We are...

  23. It sounds like Harvey and Lindsey deserve each other.
