Sunday, October 19, 2014

Mr. X Blind Items Revealed

May 16, 2014

What star of that quirky cable hit is becoming such a b**ch on wheels that her costars are afraid to be within distance of her?

Lena Dunham


  1. I'm not even gonna look and guess everyone got this one right.

  2. Yay! @Montana M nailed this one!!! Sorry Derek, you are still invited though :D

  3. She's under a lot of pressure. I think I'd be pretty short-tempered if I were in her shoes, too.

  4. Yippee! Nutty showed up! OK!!! The party officially starts now because in Lena's defense, there are few things I love more than bitches on wheels!!! *throws confetti*

  5. Well that was fast! Such a shame.

  6. I have never liked her, can't put my finger on it, but she just came across as a PIA from the beginning.

  7. Uh oh Derek. . Approach this one with caution umkay

  8. Eh, the only pressure she's under is the pressure she puts on herself. Girls barely has a million viewers per episode. It's technically an underperformer compared to HBO's real hits, but those other shows don't star the entitled children of a bunch of showbiz celebs.

  9. Within what distance?

  10. Mr. X is Ted Casablanca. I think.

    1. Oh the irony. Most of the whining on this site (including from me) involves:

      1. Enty's lack of grammar, spelling, or basic sentence composition

      2. How much everyone misses Ted Casablanca

      3. How much everyone hates Mr. X

  11. So nothing has changed.

  12. haha---still love her though. and I agree with Nutty---girl is BUSY and accomplishing more than most of us will in a lifetime. That being said no excuse to make a workplace uncomfortable for others and her new book is very blah.

  13. I mever understood ted's long convoluted stories, and by the time i finished reading it, i didnt care. You huys are clearly getting something out of ted i never did. Mr x too dull to be ted.
    If this supp to be dunham, whom i am not a fan of, i dont buy it. Every interview or article with her reads very differently.

  14. @Cobe, I agree with your list. Add punctuation to #1 and #4- requests for a Kardashian free month.

  15. Hate-filled talentless troll.

  16. So what is suppose to be Lena's talent? Looking plain isn't a talent.

  17. I just visualised Lena trying to balance on a skateboard, or squatting over a toddler's trike. Bitch on wheels.

  18. What pressure is she under? She's an entitled upper east side NYC brat who thinks her life is fascinating.
    She was on the cover of the NY Times Culture magazine a few weeks ago. Why I don't know.

  19. I'm tired of seeing them try and clean her nasty ass up by shoving her into a designer gown. If I want to see fat wings caressing a low cut gown I can look in the gotdamn mirror. I want my celebrities skinny, perfect, and better than me.

  20. she's nasty and apparently her attitude is as well. DON'T LIKE HER and can't bring myself to watch her show.
