Sunday, October 19, 2014

Mr. X Blind Items Revealed

 May 16, 2014

What Oscar winning actress got a new facelift for the press tour of her latest movie?

Jane Fonda


  1. Anyone still do her workout tapes?

  2. OT Mazels to Matthew Morrison who just married a female.

  3. Don't care for her but seen much worse work done. She looks great - not real - but great.

  4. She's one of the few aging actresses who is doing plastic surgery right (or as right as you can). She always looks great.

  5. not sure this is really a blind. she admitted to recent plastic surgery

  6. She doesn't have that same pulled so tight that she now breathes through her navel look that so many other older actresses get after a lift.

  7. And???? She talks since many years about her plastic surgeon

  8. Truly shocked and devastated here.

  9. Everyone in Hollywood should get his name, wouldn't be the Botched doctors would it but they may be too expensive. You watch Botched and you shake your head at what fools will do like get plastic surgery done in other countries - what are you going to do sue them for botched work? Good luck on that. If it is cheap it is cheap for a reason.

  10. I just wish Jane would name her plastic surgeon, so I could make him my full-time slave/surgeon.

    OTOH, that surgeon is to blame for most of the ruined faces in Hollywood - the fillers, the trout lips, the mangled eyes.

    Everybody looks at Jane Fonda and thinks, I'll have Jane Fonda results. Wrong.

    That woman looks amazing.

  11. When she published her autobio, she claimed she only had her eyes done.

    If anyone looked at her, you could she she had more work done. Still looks amazing for a 70+ year old.

  12. She probably does more than just plastic surgery. Years of exercise and eating right have probably also helped.

    BTW I used to do her tapes when I was younger, and they were HARD!!!

    1. Oh hell yeah they were Basil. And since I didn't answer this last week when posed, yes I have a VHS player and Janes tapes still. God knows why.

  13. And I do imagine that genetics and keeping care of your skin all along has to help the overall process even if you get plastic surgery down the line. You know Cinbin, Cindy Crawford is getting tweaked too sorry Valerie Bertinelli you know it is true, probably mostly fillers but very subtle.

  14. @Tina:

    Brazil is the plastic surgery capital of the world for non-Academy-Award winners. They do fantastic work there.

    And it is far cheaper than having the same work done by a no-name doctor from a no-name medical school in the States.

    I haven't had any work done there. But I once asked a Brazilian woman who worked with me if everybody middle-class or above had plastic surgery.

    I was at lunch with her and two other women we worked with. She replied, yes, of course. "I had my ears pinned back when I was ten. I had my nose fixed at sixteen. It's totally routine, just as middle-class kids in the US get perfectly straight teeth."

    We were all a bit agog at this great dirt. I for one really need that ear operation. So we were all staring at her imagining she had my ears and Maria's nose, when she said, it's not without risk. My best friend's mother died during liposuction.

    I am really sorry for the following. This happened in 1996. I said, her mother died during a routine liposuction??

    Everybody glared at me.

  15. Yes Basil I should have said keeping care of yourself properly not just your skin is going to help even when you finally feel the need to turn to surgery.

  16. Pip Squeak you are right you can get good surgery elsewhere but you have to do your homework and you have to understand if it is really cheap something is up.

    If someone says they can do your eyes for $150 in Mexico that should be your first red flag. A facial costs that much.

  17. @Tina: @all: I'd like to point out that there is another commenter here called just Pip. Everybody, please don't get us confused, for both our sakes.

    Tina, I live in South Florida and my neighborhood is probably at least 50% well-heeled Latinos. All the Latinos head to Mexico for dentistry unless it's an emergency.

    I think it's called medical tourism.

  18. Truly Jane has the trifecta of a healthy lifestyle, exercise and a very good Dr.

  19. Couple more pull backs and Jane will have saggu boobs for ears and a clit on her chin.

    She is my least favorite Fonda.

    1) Bridget's ass
    2) Peter
    3) Henry
    4) Hanoi Jane

    1. Agree w Count's ranking. Not the arse, but Peter Fonda? Leg-en-dar-eee. Ps. The Douglas Men only have chin dimples because their ball sacks are dimply. They've lifted as far as they can.

  20. She looks awesome, and shld reccomend her dr to everyone. Heather locklear, daryl h and jessica lange, i am looking at you. Oh yeah.

  21. I'm always happy to see a photo or some footage of Jane. It never frightens me or leaves a scar. You can tell she's been worked on, but she's doing it about as right as you can. IMO.

  22. Money well spent. Looks phenom.

  23. I won't stoup to her level but I hope karma catches up with Hanoi Jane.

  24. @Sherry, not only did I do Jane's tapes, I did something called the 20 Minute Workout. It was Canadian, but I think they showed it in the States under a different name. Basically soft core erotica with girls legs spread from different angles, it was one BITCH of a workout. Looks easy, but it wasn't.
