Monday, October 27, 2014

Mr. X Blind Items Revealed

June 13, 2014

Which A-list singer/actress/comedienne hates being in elevators with other people, so she has her PR team usually call whatever hotel she's staying at to clear out the elevators?

Bette Midler


  1. I always hated that too!

  2. Bette is not so different of ScarJo,Madonna and Ariana Grande

  3. Maybe she compulsively breaks out into song when in elevators. Maybe she creates genius lyrics to jazz up the crappy elevator tunes and doesn't want anyone stealing her work. Maybe being in the elevator is the only time she feels it's safe to burp & fart so she's actually saving the general public from the odor. Maybe she's claustrophobic and doesn't want people to see her freak out. Maybe she's secretly a spy and while you think she's in the elevator she actually already climbed out of too hatch, broke into a locked office, and swiped their technological innovations from the hard drive.

    I think I've successfully created a Bette Midler I like more than the one that actually exists.

    1. Uh...the spy part was supposed be hush, hush...way to go, now they'll have to recruit Barbra...

  4. You're right Fg & sandy. They have zero problem expecting the plebs to pay money to see them, but they damn sure aren't going to associate with the unwashed massses.

  5. Well Duh! What if a person in the elevator says, "Hello"? Then what's she suppose to do?

  6. Who wants to be in an elevator with her? I call ahead and ask the hotel to make sure there are no celebrities in the elevator when I am ready to enter!

  7. Hey Bette, take the stairs!

  8. I'm with Simon. If you are a celebrity don't even THINK of approaching me. Thankyouverymuch.

  9. I see nothing wrong with this, nor when someone clears out a bathroom. Sorry, it may be totally inconvenient to us regular folks, but I get it and would do the same. People now days are so rude and inconsiderate. You always have one asshole that ruins it for everyone.

  10. God knows what kind of people you can get trapped with in an elevator. Still if it's busy it's rude to make others wait. For security reasons I can see it though.

  11. Damn, I wish this wasn't Bette.

  12. She doesn't want our ebolas.

  13. How is the fabulous and wonderful Bette not always and forever more A+++ list? She was Winnifred Sanford for crying out loud!

    Now I gotta watch Hocus Picus and revel in her awesomeness.

  14. I'm sorry Ms. Midler!

  15. She's afraid she'll be mistaken for Joy Behar and asked for an autograph.

  16. Oh bette, i so much very hope this is untrue.

  17. How exactly does that work? Do they post guards at all the elevators until she's come and gone? I don't know if it's just the way this blind is written or what, but it seems highly unlikely and vastly stupid.

  18. I once was waiting for an elevator at the Charger's game when we were held back by security in suits and dark glasses. It was Bob Hope and they wouldn't let any of us normal folk ride with him.

  19. Bette's a nice lady. She might have claustrophobia and doesn't want the public to see how she deals with being in tight spaces. Just sayin'...

  20. um.. I do the same thing. Well, I don't call ahead, but if people are in the elevator, I won't get on. On the rare occasion I do have to share with strangers, my husband has to hold me. It's an intense issue.
