Saturday, October 18, 2014

Mr. X Blind Items Revealed

May 23, 2014

What Oscar winning legend was seen wearing a noticeable wig, sparking rumors that she's battling cancer? (She isn't)

Sophia Loren


  1. This is how rumors get started..

  2. that is so stupid. everyone knows is a wig-wearer.

  3. LOL @Bacon!

    The woman is 80 years old and likely has thinning hair. She had a horrible childhood and went on to become a sex symbol and award winning actress. Playing it off like she has cancer is just trite.

  4. This comment has been removed by the author.

  5. Bl?
    I thought it's been said she always, always wears wigs.

    Ok then. I'm gonna spill some tea.
    Rhianna wears wigs.

  6. They all wear wigs or extensions.

  7. two of my grandmothers lost most of their hair late in life and relied on wigs. No shade from me. Sophia is a legend

  8. Even if she still has hair it may not be what it used to be and she may have always worn wigs, it was very big in the 60s and 70s to wear wigs. Dolly Parton been wearing wigs for decades.

    I will say she is thinner than she used to be but that could be caused by any number of more minor illnesses that happen too when you get older.

    1. Tina-not to memtion its like s million times easier to wear a wig!! Lol

  9. She's still such a gorgeous classy lady.

  10. Getting older is a bitch…everything changes, your middle thickens and your hair thins…

  11. Yeah, after menopause the hair thins (EVERYWHERE on the body I might add) and it also changes texture and of course there's the grey.

    I can see why Sophia Loren would wear a wig at her age. There's only so much you can do with grey, wiry, thin post-menopausal hair!

  12. And you can get some really good quality wigs today - yes I remember my mother got a wig because we went on a six week trip when I was 10 but pictures from that trip are so weird. Joan Collins been wearing wigs forever too, the Gabor sisters.

  13. She's been wearing a noticeable wig for years. I'm saving up for my wig, women in my family don't fair well in the hair department.

  14. She's definitely a fan of wigs. Once upon a time, she was the face for one of those mail order wig companies (still may be for all I know...).

  15. Didn't Raquel Welch have a line of wigs?

  16. How is this even a blind... Front Lace is the New Black, Enty (I type as I shift my wig in place)!

  17. Joan Collins and Raquel have both had a line of wigs for quite sometime. No big news flash that ladies like their hair looking good. If that was the cancer criteria, half of Hollywood falls into that category (wigs, weaves & extensions).

  18. Sophia Loren has worn wigs throughout her career

  19. Um entern..Marilyn Monroe always wore wigs.. they all biggie

  20. My elderly neighbour wears a wig made out of wool... it's kinda awkward. I would love to bring her get a better one but I am not sure she'll be happy with that conversation... ^_^

  21. I think what's happened is that wigs, extensions and weaves have become so common place there's no need to hide you're wearing one.

    And as several people have noted as you age your hair thins and changes texture. A wig is much easier to handle.

  22. My nan had about 6 wigs. Different cuts, colors etc. she used to lovingly comb them
    She also planted fake plastic flowers in her front garden & watered them.
    Hmmm I've only now realized she was a nutteršŸ˜³

  23. she Always wears wig. She says it. I've been to a show about her career and there even was a Wig on display!

  24. Jan Crouch : beautiful, shy rose, wears wigs and no cancer goss about her because she OWNS it!

  25. I'd rather be with a woman that had on a wig than one with boulders on her chest.
