Saturday, October 04, 2014

Mr. X Blind Items Revealed - Kindness

April 18, 2014

What A-list actor and multiple Oscar nominee donates boatloads of cash anonymously to several autism charities, in his son's memory? His "wife" hit the ceiling when she first found out, but she's ok with it now.

John Travolta


  1. why would she "hit the ceiling"? is kelly in denial?

  2. If Kelly doesn't mind him donating boatloads of sperm to every male massage therapist in town, why would she care about the money?

    Oh . . .

  3. He couldn't admit his soon had autism while he was alive. COS couldn't cure their son. I thought his son's death would be the catalyst for him leaving the church, but I was wrong. They must have something more than the gay double life on Travolta.

  4. Kelly has bought the Co$ baloney that there's no such thing as autism. But what I dig about this reveal is that Johnny donated money anonymously. I detest people who try to get milage out of being charitable. So whatever hijinks/sexual assault's this dude's guilty of, I give him props for this.

    1. +1..., though I wonder if the anonymity was partly because the cos might freak if they knew one of their high profile members was giving to a charity for a condition they don't believe exists. But whatever the reason, it was still a cool thing to do.

  5. I think he knows he would not be able to see his other kids, like Nicole Kidman.

  6. OMG - please excuse my unnecessary " 's" there on assaults. Another one of my pet peeves! Yikes!

  7. Way to go @kday! (And Ron Travoltoid!)

  8. His guilt must be overwhelming ……

    1. I kind of feel his whole life is torture. Whatever keeps him in the cult must be huge.

  9. As much as I dislike Kelly Preston (solely due to her turn in Jerry Maguire), she's not John Travolta's "wife", she's John Travolta's wife. And they both acknowledged Jett was autistic in court. The only hitting the roof I see here is Kelly finding out that E's accountant friend is spilling the beans yet again on his clients' charitable givings.

    Fun (well, not really fun...) fact about Kelly Preston: she was engaged to Charlie Sheen, who claims he didn't shoot her, the toilet bowl did, and he thought a naked bleeding lady was hot. Oh, Chuck.

  10. Wowww so maybe it's true that he wants to leave CoS but she (or CoS) is making him stay. Who knows why she was angry. Either she doesn't believe in autism or she's worried they'd get in trouble. What torture to be forced to belong to a group who is probably to blame for their sons death.

  11. I am fascinated by pink diamonds and I alway remember that Charlie gave Kelly a pink diamond engagment ring which she refused to give back.

    Yes what a "religion". You don't have autism kid you just aren't trying hard enough. Oh and by the way get your parents to cough up another couple million will ya.

  12. The biggest question is indeed WHY was she upset? Still tragic they lost their son. Losing a child is nothing short of hell.

  13. The Scientologists get all the ammo they need to keep celebrities in line during auditing. Very rarely do the big stars leave for fear of secrets being exposed.

  14. Everyone knows Travolta's "secrets" by now. At any rate good for him.

  15. Kelly sold the Pink Diamond and bought a condo…I remember this…

  16. Scarlett Drawl, have we heard any Leah Rimini secrets leaked?

  17. I agree: what a religion! To have to be audited, have all your deepest, darkest secrets used against you...sounds like a bad marriage.

  18. I wasn't aware Travolta has multiple Oscar noms.

  19. Travolta seems like such a tortured soul. I doubt he's ever going to escape.

  20. A lovely illustration of the principle that people aren't all just one thing.

  21. Co$. Doesn't believe in autism and all medications are strictly forbidden even aspirin. Jet died because travolta stopped giving him his anti seizure mess and he had a seizure in the bathroom in Hawaii and died. No one found him in time..
    John Was going to bolt scio after but cos had minders surrounding him for over a year after.
    Just like after Nicole left Tom he was going to bolt but miscaivage stopped him.

  22. Why is the word wife in quotation marks?

  23. Travolta has his issues but he's always struck me as a sincerely kind person. I imagine Kelly was upset because every cent given to a charity is a cent that can't be given to help Scientology.

  24. Scientology has him for life

    I think Kelly was upset because she genuinely believed Jet didn't have autism

  25. Say what you will about John but the dude has a good heart. He also flew his own plane and supplies in to New Orleans after Katrina while George W fuckhead sat on his ass and had to think about whether or not he should send in help. I could give a shit about Travolta's sexual preferences. Kelly Preston is a fruitcake.

  26. Even during that whole Masseuse extortion thing, I felt bed for Travolta. Remember, he didn't assault anyone, he just offered himself up and was refused. He doesn't seem like a bad person and is remarkably loyal to his friends. Remember that awful Christmas CD he did with Olivia Newton-John? Now that is what a true friend does. He was also on Kirstie's Fat Actress show, and has appeared at several of Newton-John's concerts to sing their Summer Nights song. Other than blackmail from CO$, maybe one of the reasons he is staying is because he is loyal to his friends there and doesn't want to put them in a bad position by leaving.

  27. CO$ must be furious somebody else is getting Travolta's money.

  28. This comment has been removed by the author.

  29. Good for him. This is a cause that needs more research.

  30. Good for him. This is a cause that needs more research.
