Friday, October 24, 2014

Mr. X Blind Item #4

What former child star turned indie actor is growing weed in his backyard? Might explain the weight gain...


  1. Lotta FTW! Great guess

  2. Is hjo an indie actor?

  3. yeah he is doing small budget films---one of them looks interesting with a good director but it is slipping my mind...

  4. He is filming a Kevin Smith movie with Johnny Depp

    who names their boy Haley though?

  5. The same person who names their son Kelly

  6. Great guess.
    I thought his plumpness was for a role.

  7. Bang on Lotta. My brain was blank there.
    Speaking of Haley, I watched Sixth Sense with my girls a couple of nights ago. They'd never seen it before. It was so funny because they were terrified! These kids watch all kinds of blood and gore horrors, but this really got to them. They slept together for the first time in years. I'm gonna have to play some tricks on them. Mwahahahaha!!

    1. IJU. Loving your evil. My sis and I did a trick to my nephew when he was young and at 35 he still talks about it. My older sis was passed be me and Annette were pissing our pants laughing so hard. Highly recommend it.

    2. Goddamn spellczech. PISSED not passed.

    3. @IJU, you're evil, LOL!

    4. I'm the eldest of 8, so I've tortured many siblings, cousins, kids etc.
      When my stepson was about 14 I truly terrified him. We watched The Exorcist which would be bad enough. He was so scared and didn't want to go to bed. When we finally convinced him it was okay that's when my plan kicked in.
      My man has a T-shirt with Regan McNeill's face on it. It's horrible. I tied it around his head, like a living mask. We waited about half an hour til the kid was settled and less freaked out.
      Then my man burst through the bedroom door and screamed. It looked like Regan was trying to attack him.
      Well, our boy jumped out of the bed and started throwing digs and kicks. I was on the landing nearly wetting myself laughing. I've never seen anyone as scared in my life. It was brilliant.
      That's just one of many tricks we've played. Ya gotta be on your toes when I'm around....

  8. I know someone who smokes and she doesn't gain weight.

  9. we just watched him in "I'll Follow You Down"...not so good.

    I gotta tell ya,he totally shocked & awed me in "The Sixth Sense"-one of the most memorable characters of all time for me-it was haunting & almost scary how good he was in that role at such a young age.imho.

  10. Damn, FSP, you're good! :D

  11. Not illegal in CA to grow two plants for yourself. More power to him.

  12. I don't know many people who don't grow their own. So happy we live in a day where this blind makes me roll my eyes. Ahhhh Long Live MJ

  13. I am never hanging out with Its just U.
