Wednesday, October 29, 2014

Mama June's Daughter Pumpkin Was Forced To Watch Anna Get Molested

On a day where it was revealed that Mama June also had a child with another convicted child molester, the police report leading to the incarceration of Mark McDaniel was also released. In it, the details of the molestation were set out in all of their gory detail. One of those details is that Anna stated that while she was being molested and forced to perform sex, her younger sister Pumpkin, who was three at the time was in the bed with the two of them. The abuse happened almost every day that June was at a work. The sad thing is that June didn't even have custody of Anna at the time but Anna's grandmother would drop her off at the trailer where June was living and basically brought her over to where the abuse would happen. The abuse lasted for six months before McDaniel was caught. I don't know why June has a ting for men who abuse children, but it is sick and twisted and I still can't believe her other kids are living with her. If anything happens to those kids, the State of Georgia is going to have a whole lot of explaining to do. 


  1. What do you mean, "if something happens to those kids"?
    Apparently something already has.
    This whole mess is absolutely disgusting.

  2. June would have "a thing" for any man who would look at her--look closely Enty. She's not exactly being chased after by a ton of men. een if she supposedly has monnay.

    I guess authorities in Ga. look at this as acceptable behavior because they aren't doing much here to re-arrest a man who shouldn't be near children and is breaking the law.

  3. I mean no disrespect (well, not much anyway) but it might be time to hang up your shingle when phrases like "at a work" and "State of Georgia" come into play.

    The gory details are gleefully reported on Radar and no linky because they're gross and it's a kid and people need showers after reading the details.

  4. I know NOTHING @this show or these people,however,if the State Of Georgia has been put on Notice of this current living/romantic situation(Which Obviously They have since I even have)& they know this guy's predilection for young girls,they have a Duty to investigate it under Federal Law,regardless of their State's 'lawless' Child Protection Laws & their 'Do-Nothing' Family/Child Protection Agency

  5. Maybe June was molested as well and she never got help. She's a mess. This can't go on.

    1. If so, that's even more reason to protect her children. She's vile! I hope they freeze her assets before she wastes her $$ on this POS. Those kids should have the money set aside for them and their therapy

  6. Omg.she is garbage. Hang both of them.death to pedofiles.

  7. I have no idea what makes june such a magnet for perverts, but my sympathies are with abused.

  8. The Public Outcry hasn't caused the state to move in immediately b/c they don't know which law /rights have precedent over the other one-In short, they're freaked out by all this attention & they have NO Clue what they're Supposed to do w/o making themselves liable b/c they've pretty much turned a blind eye to this crime which is sooo common in their State..they're now getting advised as to what steps they should take w/o opening themselves up to Liability.

  9. Take a good look at June…not appealing, without all this new money NO ONE would want her.

  10. Wait, where is this information about Mama June having a child with another child molester? I never saw this story...tried to find it and can't see it anywhere...

  11. I believe what makes June attractive to pedos is a constant house full of young daughters(children).
    And now for this duche, she's got BooBoo and $ to spend on him.

  12. As a resident of GA, I am STUNNED that a convicted child molester has access to children. This is a tragic wrong that needs to be righted for every kid in this State.

  13. @ILikeToBake
    Jessica shannon's daddy is the other child molester
    The news is known since 2012

  14. I was thinking the same thing Fear, I think June may have been molested herself and so sad the cycle continues. THese kids need to be removed from her house immediately. Heart breaking on all levels.

  15. Repulsive. Mama June is like the mother from Precious.

  16. No words for this woman who by some accounts seemed somewhat together and saving all her $$ for the day her show would be cancelled but too stupid to let a child molester around her girls.

  17. Cmon, we all know men pray on these hideously unattractive women with kids. Not rocket science! She is probably massively insecure any man that pays her attention. Paedpophiles work this way. Look at her.....horrible to say but no man would be interested in that!

    1. And it's not coz she's over weight. She is an idiot and also if she lost weight she'd still look inbred.

  18. I can hear the suitcases closing all over the country of pediphiles moving to Georgia.....apparently you can lay with a pathetic pig and have pick of her daughters...does ANYONE on God's green about more than a paycheck..? And get those kids out of there..? HELLLOOOOOOO.... .sugar bear....(what the HELL is this idiots real name..? ) should be smacked in the head a few times...for even letting his kid stay under that roof for one this thing on..????

  19. I wish those people had never come into our daily lives, unless it keeps that bastard in the public eye and prevents him from harming another child. That Mama Loon is just as sick as her disgusting boyfriend. I really hope that Boo's sister will try and get custody since her dad is not doing shit about it. If it were my kid I'd give that guy a serious beat down warning. The thing I take from this is that Mama Loon was probably molested as a child and sees this as no big deal.

    7:37 AM Delete

    1. I think she must have been molested to think it's 'okay and normal' to date a paed. Especially a pervert who sexually abused her own daughter. Disgusting isn't the word.

  20. There are no words for how disgusting, sick, twisted, and sad this story is.

    That woman needs help, and should be kept away from children.

  21. Is this normal or something where June is from, because she doesn't seem to care. She has put her children in danger more than once. She's a selfish, self-centered pig.

  22. So June had custody of her 3 year old, but not her 8 year old. Does anyone know why?

  23. "And it's not coz she's over weight. She is an idiot and also if she lost weight she'd still look inbred."

    @Amy that was by far the most paradoxically politically correct and viciously snarky comment I have ever read.

    It was beautiful...a work of art really!

    (can't even wanna discuss this post)

  24. ^^ agreed, a fine work of art!
    Apparently MJ doesn't even know who the father of pumpkin is :/

  25. Why hasn't the state taken her kids away yet? What is it going to take?

  26. Georgia's laws on sex offenders & where they are banned from are a mess.
    It depends on when he committed the original crime, which it turns out was one year before Georgia reformed its laws & made them stricter.
    So he has a legal right to be with them, which is just sick & perverted, like he is.

  27. Pathetic white trash losers.

  28. @VintagePrincess, June also spent some time in jail for check fraud, so I'd be willing to bet that's when she lost custody of her daughter.

    Do registered sex offenders in GA not have rules by which they must abide? Distance to schools, daycares, being left unattended with children, etc.? Even Florida has RULES, and we're pretty much a mess when it comes to most things.

  29. The sick bastard got out in March. The story broke at the end of October. That's too much opportunity for this scumbag. I wouldn't be surprised if something had already happened again. I read on another blog Pumpkin was told the molester is her father. He father was always said to be unknown. This may explain her lies.

  30. OK I am tired as f of hearing about "Maybe June was molested too." THIS IS NOT ABOUT JUNE THIS IS ABOUT HER KIDS! June is a grown-ass woman who can look after herself, and if she was abused or not is irrelevant. Quit making her the martyr! She has a responsibility to protect her children, I don't give a flying f what happened in her own childhood. Why do some people always insist on thinking that mothers like this must be mental or abuse victims? How about this--how about some mothers, like June, are just selfish bitches?!

    1. I don't see anything wrong with speculating about June and why she is okay with this - as a mother too, I wonder how could one be okay!!! Its baffling.

      And yes, it is ALL about the children. That is a given. But unless we understand where the mother is coming from we will not be able to appropriately address the issue and put a stop to the cycle, IF POSSIBLE. It looks impossible here, this selfish bitch is in way too deep. We support the kids involved, that goes with out saying, and speaking out to getting them to a safe place.

  31. Feel I come across a bit vague and silly in what I said earlier. I come from London and we have the same type here, we call them 'chavs' I think you would call them 'white trash? ?' Still shocking though that a Mum would put her children last. matter where they're from

  32. Cliché phrase "long time lurker, first time..."

    Does anyone think TLC HAD to have known their criminal backgrounds? All of them, incl Mark McDaniel molesting Anna. Also, I thought people entering into a reality show contract had to have psychological evaluations? That said, I'm calling bs on TLC saying they care about these kids, that they are a priority, and offering therapy to Anna, etc.

    I realize everyone is angry, but calling MJ names based on her apoearance (fat, pig, ugly, etc) is juvenile and has nothing to do with the situation at hand. She obviously has major emotional issues. Food has either become a comfort or an addiction or both. She's apparently passed this behavior onto her daughters, as they are all overweight with Honey Boo Boo being dangerously heavy for her age. (FWIW, weight can also serve as "protection" from attention from men and also used to become as "ugly" as an abuse victim/survivor feels inside.)

    I know I'm not gonna get much love with my post, but I feel very strongly about this issue as a survivor myself.

    Thx for bearing with me guys.. love reading you every day, ie Derek Harvey, Lady H., SYF, Tricia et al!

  33. The State of Georgia should have been put on notice when this guy was arrested and convicted the first time and the daughter said her mother knew and did nothing and when the mother had another child with another molester. Makes you wonder about the current husband don't it, hate to say it but you got be thinking it?

    I wonder if any mothers who know their children are being abused and take no action and they are not under threat of being abused by the molester have been charged with accessory to the crime. I know they have in cases where the women are actually recruiting for the pedophile, like the case of a girl that was kidnapped by the girlfriend for her pedophile boyfriend in Ontario. And they got lucky because a surveillance camera caught her with the child the day she went missing. Clearly casing the elementary school for victims.

    They should, need more blatant examples set for women who put having a man in their life over the safety of their children, whether he is their father or not. Just makes my blood boil.

    1. To be honest-I've never watched the programme but when I saw the Mum and that she had lots of kids-girls-I instantly felt the men involved must be a bit warped in some way. Maybe that's really wrong!

  34. I do see what you are saying Lisa, clearly MJ is screwed up herself if all of this is true but I just can't fathom ever allowing one's own children to be violated like this esp if you experienced it yourself. I also have read and seen in documentaries that sometimes abused children have mixed feelings, or over time they get confused about their emotions respecting their molester which is a whole other ball of wax and confusion to deal with.

    I know that abuse victims can become abusers themselves but I guess if you stand by when someone else is abusive to your kids I guess that's a passive form of abuse too.

  35. Hey there Lisa Hunt!!!- WELCOME TO CRAZYTOWN CDaN!! Kudos to you for speaking up & I'm sorry @your past-I too was in this situation so,I do NOT buy any excuse re: this MamaJune?The kids are chubby b/c of their budget diet & MamaJune has always been chubby so she sees nothing wrong with it- btw, NOTHING is 'cliche' here as you should well know! ;)
    TLC knows what it WANTS to know-this show was a cash cow for them so, I think it's a situation of "Don't Ask,Don't Tell"(JUST LIKE THAT DUCK DYNASTY SHOW)I cld go on but, it's pretty obvious,isn't it -
    On a sidenote-ET is Interviewing(exploiting the molested daughter tonight) I posted on their site what a low-life move it is but, that'll just entice curious voyeur types,ya know??!!
    So, On that Light Note, Welcome Again Giiirl!! LOL!!

    1. Rolo disagree .. ET Pays for interviews and as much shit as Anna has had to go through. . If she is going to speak out she should get $$ paid and have that nest egg for her and her daughter. . Probably 250-400k.

  36. This comment has been removed by the author.

  37. @Harvest Moon Cottage, Boy,that is a VERY disturbing & Visceral Visual!!!! damn.

  38. This comment has been removed by the author.

  39. @Lisa--hello! Thanks : )

  40. And I am new here so hello everyone! Just felt I should say something. ...

    -Sooo, how's YOUR day been??!! lol... wecome aboard!!!!

  42. @TinaM (How cld I have forgotten to mention you? I knew i left somebody out!) I'm with you 150%. I'm not making excuses for her, not at all. By all accounts, this (relationships with pedos & ignoring or not caring or not thinking anything is wrong with men molesting her daughters) is a repeated behavior on her part and she should be punished as well. She also needs professional help if her own views/perceptions are that skewed. Something is amiss; even if it's "only" narcissism at the helm.

    @rolo Thank you! Yes, diet is the reason but I also think it goes deeper and I'm glad others can see TLC is full of sh#t :)

    As for ET: anything for ratings. I'm sure there'll be tons of click bait tonight.

    @derek You're welcome! I feel like I know you all. I even have fabricated images in my head of what you guys look like ;)

    Ps I tried commenting on the Amanda item, but it wldnt let me. That whole sitch frustrates the hell out of me.

  43. well, ya left me out too Lisa ... ;) I truly am kidding!!
    Of course I know Diet's just a part of it.If you read my next blurb I Literally said I HAVE MOUNDS FULL TO SAY but, I am trying to keep this a GD Gossip Blog, Godammit!! I'm also erasing my portion wherein I ID'd myself too much for comfort..

  44. Oh,and @Lisa,since you're fabricating, I look like Rachel McAdams,fwiw..... lol ;)

  45. In short,I believe it's a situation wherein MamaJune doesn't know anything else b/c it obviously was an integral part of her upbringing-she's not being indifferent but she's also evidently,not the type to stand up & yell"ENOUGH"-i don't think it's part of her make-up b/c if it was,she woulda hightailed their asses outa that incestuous perverse situation with all the Money that she made-she's not going to change what's short answer, lol

  46. @Lisa Hunt

    "Ps I tried commenting on the Amanda item, but it wldnt let me. That whole sitch frustrates the hell out of me."

    Welcome Lisa Hunt & apologies, too. Maybe I blew up the Amanda thread when I blew off steam (again). LOL!

    Sorry about that. I swore I'd posted my last rant a couple of weeks ago re Amanda Bynes' situation, but I couldn't sit by & not comment on Sam Lutfi's ulterior ($$$) motives.

    Re the Mama June situation, I just can't comment after I read the crime report. It just sickened me.

    My heart goes out to survivors of any kind of abuse. You're all brave to share your stories.

    That said, welcome again, Lisa & Amy Casey, too! We're a motley crue, that's for sure. ;-)

    Take care,
    Bluezz :-)

  47. This might be a good time to ask candidates who want a vote that they change current GA laws to keep pedophiles away from children no matter when they child raped. If you can't get a straight answer, don't vote for the person running or person running. Write in a decent person instead of the usual skeeves you normally elect in GA.

  48. Oh, I don't wanna forget the Count. What happened to him? I remember I hated him at first! He grew on me tho.

  49. @pogue I'm not being sassy, just wanna say sexual abuse, any abuse for that matter knows no social class, and therefore denial (the mother or other parent) knows none either. I grew up in a million $ home w/porsches, mercedes, bmws in the driveway, but that didn't preclude me from the above.

    @rolo I don't recall seeing your name BUT I did, in fact, picture you as a Rachel M. doppleganger prior to reading your post!

  50. @corn I swear I wont either and then I read something new! Idk how to copy a link over, but, has a short video "The Doctors' Report on Amanda Bynes' Condition". The two female drs are spot on with their comments. I also read a terrific blog and left a veritable essay for the commenters & their ignorance on that one :/ PS Thank you!!
