Thursday, October 23, 2014

Mama June Hooks Up With Her Child Molester Ex

Ten years ago Mark McDaniel was sentenced to jail for molesting an 8 year old child. He made the girl perform oral sex on him. At the time, Mama June from Here Comes Honey Boo Boo was dating McDaniel and he did this to someone who is very very close to Mama June. McDaniel got out of jail in March and Mama June immediately started hooking up with him again and buying him gifts and giving him cash and letting him close to her children and presumably other children have come into contact with him since he was released. Now, TLC has decided to hold of on airing new episodes of the show and have no plans to shoot any additional episodes. No network wants to be known as directly or indirectly helping to support a child molester which is what they will be doing if new episodes are aired. I can't believe she would get back together with a guy who did this to someone that close to her. Think about the person he did it to and how she feels to have this guy suddenly back in her life and forced to see him and know that he is hooking up with Mama June. Her whole life and income has now been put on hold because she hooked back up with this guy again. 


  1. they inbreed when she comes from too. She doesnt strike me as being very intellectual.

  2. You expect human decency from this bunch?

  3. Are you saying this guy molested one of her kids?

  4. This is terrible, also does this mean she was cheating on Sugar Bear way before him going on online dating sites?

  5. I hope little Honey Boo Boo was not the victim. TLC just needs to pull the show. Its done.

    1. @Connie, since this was 10 years ago, this particular victim would be about 18 by now so it's not Honey Boo Boo. Whoever it is, what a fucked up scenario to be in. :-/

  6. I think when you're that unfortunate looking you take the the "affection" from anywhere you can get it. She's a f*cking idiot.

  7. I always found those people utterly revolting, too revolting to even considering watching, let alone find entertaining! Now I know where my true disdain is coming from, she's not only physically disgusting, she's also mentally disgusting. I hope she loses all she has...

  8. Ugh! I cannot stand women who don't protect their children from monsters like him. At least TLC is taking a stand.

  9. This is sad all around. It sounds like Mama June has some abuse in her past too.
    That's not to excuse her bringing this man around her children and grandchild, just an observation.
    Sadly, it happens a lot.
    She better snap out of it though, or she'll lose her kids.
    Shouldn't he have restrictions on his release though? Maybe someone should inform his parole officer.

  10. Networks put shows like this on because the people in charge find these people's stupidity to be funny with people who have even average intelligence. Then they get outraged when these same people do or say something stupid. DUH!

  11. That show needs to go away for good...and I hope all the chdren remain safe. But seriously, what did they expect?

  12. To paraphrase Maya Angelou: When someone tells you they're white trash, believe them.

  13. WOW~ This is very disturbing on all levels.

    Lol, Dex.

  14. Yes to sandybrook! Outraged by outrageous behavior from people encouraged to be outrageous.

  15. So, is this where we can say "You can put lipstick on a pig, but it's still a pig " and not get yelled at?

  16. Is being around kids a violation of his release? Or is everybody so inbred in their neck of the woods it doesn't matter?

  17. TMZ said they are not naming the victim but "it's someone very close to June". June just happens to have an 18 yr old daughter who would have been 8 ten years ago, I'm just sayin.

  18. Aw Sugar Bear looks like the white knight compared to this guy

  19. Allegedly, jail makes you think about what you have done and rehabilitate this kind of animals, therefore, he is a normal person right now. I don't believe it, and I'm an advocate of the death penalty , so I would have had the dude wiped out on the spot, but the law is the law and he is innocent until he rapes another aisha-aged girl.

  20. Really hope, she isn't that horrible of a mom to get back with her child's rapist.

  21. I think it's pretty sad too. I don't know why she can't hold off on being in a relationship and put her kids first. She also needs to focus on having better self esteem. She seems too desperate to be loved by a man and just going for anyone that will be with her.

    As for her show, I never watched it. It's too exploitative from so many angles.

  22. Yep... im pro death penalty. He'd ate my 22. And she's just as bad if it's true

  23. Is she nuts??????? Or stupid?????? Zero second chances for molesters. Ever. Isnt it enough she is overfeeding her kids crap which will prob predispose them to diabetes and high chorestrol?? Ugh.

  24. On a ten point scale that measures evil with one being Ian McKellen and ten being Hitler, where would I rank for thinking "anything to get these people off the air" after reading about her hooking up with the child molester?

    I'm thinking maybe about a two?

    Three tops?

  25. Anonymous8:44 AM

    The Palins of the south.

  26. If she's hooking up with a guy who molested her daughter then she's worse than the molester. You're supposed to protect your children. Not rub their abuser in their face. I wonder if she yelled at her daughter when she found out about the molestation. I hate people like this SO much. Your children are 1000 times more important than getting banged.

  27. The oldest daughter should be the right age. Might explain the teen pregnancy too. Even though they are classless I thought she was a loving mother. If she got back with the man who molested one of her children, she is the most disgusting person.

  28. So, is this where we can say "You can put lipstick on a pig, but it's still a pig " and not get yelled at?

  29. Dueling Banjos !!!!!!

  30. As someone who's family comes from the South, let me say this:
    I tired watching this show a couple of times some years back. Absolutely hated it. It's the modern day Beverly Hillbillies--absolutely horrible show that shows Southern whites as being stupid, inbred, and just all around horrible. Imagine both the Beverly Hillbillies and Honey Boo Boo being about blacks, Hispanics, or Jews---no way in hell would people stand for it. But if it's Southern whites, somehow that makes it "ok." It doesn't.
    Not an Adam Levine fan but I love what he said about this show. (my clicks is not working either but you can google it.) Shows like this stereotype people and people do get hurt from it. I saw how my mom got hurt years ago when I still lived back East, every time she opened her mouth and people heard her accent. I for one hope this show is done.
    As for the remarks about abuse and rednecks and incest and all--sexual abuse and incest happen in all walks of life, in all races and ethnic groups, and in all socioeconomic levels. In short--just shut the f up.

  31. @EvilK why is Ian McKellen on the list???
    @sifichick probably rubbing their abuser in their face isn't quite the right way to put it in this scenario. :(

  32. No matter if it was her daughter, niece, cousin, third cousin 30 times removed.... if someone has sexually abused ANY 8 year old I know, I would beat them down. I'm not kidding. I'm not exaggerating. How DARE they RUIN an entire lifetime of a little person? How dare she (if it is true)- even still acknowledge this person?? If someone so much as THOUGHT of any of my children that way, I would have no problem taking matters into my own hands. No regrets. as a mother, my number one job is to nurture & protect my children. And I also feel the need to protect ANY child I know. Sorry for the rant :) I hope I offended none.

  33. I am no fan of this trash but she says the photo circulating of them together is photoshoped and I believe her.

    1. I hope so Derek. I really hope so.

  34. It isn't because she's fat and ugly. I'm fat and ugly and I would never do anything like that. I'd also never push my kids into pageants or be on a reality show so we can acquire wealth by looking like idiots.

    If she is that pitiful, and I hope she isn't, it's because of how she was raised.

  35. @derek
    Good to know!
    I was finding this pretty shocking because I've believed she was a very caring mom, albeit some poor choices have prob been made in her past I don't see her doing this now.

  36. Shouldn't this creep have some sort of condition on his release where he is not allowed to be around young children? I'm Canadian but US and Canadian law are similar in that regard

  37. @skippy: Because he's the most incredibly awesome person on the planet.

    So he'd be a "1" on the scale.

  38. Well, the good (?) news is that it wasn't one of Mama June's daughters. The bad news is that his conviction was for forcing an eight year old boy to perform oral sex on him. Nasty man. I'm glad (surprised, but glad) that TLC is doing the right thing and not paying June more money that she can give to this scumbag.

  39. Who else would fuck that fat pig?

  40. She a pig and she has to take whatever she can get.

  41. She's a stupid fucking cunt!

  42. Probably you, @White.

  43. TLC has some very bad programing and MTV. I hope someday all the bad and ugly and crapt gets cancelled. We need people in charge that know how to put good stuff on. This show is done and should be cancelled.
