Tuesday, October 21, 2014

Lowest Score Doesn't Mean You Go Home On DWTS

The lowest score really meant nothing last night on DWTS as several couples scored as low or lower than the person who was ultimately kicked off. I think last night's surprise to me was that Janel Parrish realized that maybe she is not the only woman in Val's life and danced like it. Before they took a week off to dance with other partners they were all over each other and the dancing was great but during their week apart, she probably heard some things from another pro who would also like to hook up with her and the mojo between Val and Janel was ruined or took a big hit.

When all was said and done on a week that had Leah Remini and Pitbull sitting in, it was Mean Girls star Jonathan Bennett get kicked off the show with his pro partner. They actually got a score of 32, and there were a few other teams who got 28 and others who also scored 32, but, the audience doesn't know who the guy is so his stay was always going to be short lived. You can get away with not being known if you are a good dancer. if you are a good dancer and known to the people who watch the show, you are going to go a long way. 


  1. Could not possibly give less of a fuck, Enty. Give me my 11am blind!!!

    1. I tried really hard to care about this, so here is the best I've got:

      At least he lasted beyond October 3rd ;)

  2. oh FFSKs---at least make it a teen mom story

  3. its 2 0clock here---so 3 hour time diff between me and Lady H

  4. Is this kind of creepy?

  5. #teamcarlton.
    NASCAR nation kept the worst dancer on the show.

  6. Hey! I'm completely alone on the East Coast. Step off.

  7. That judge kind of looks like Frasier Crane's dad.

  8. I hate everyone in this picture and everyone who's ever appeared on the show.
    Super, Uber Hatred for Julianne Hough.

  9. Zero fucks to give havent watched this in a gazillion years

  10. #teamSadieOrAlphonso

  11. I'm sticking with The Voice. There were no contestants on DWTS worth DVR'ing this season.

  12. Janel has a boyfriend and I thought it was probably a matter of time before he drops her. Even when they asked if she was single, she never spoke up and said no. The Hollywood way.

  13. I want some Old Hollywood Blinds. Those are the best.

    1. *high fives crila*. So with you on that one!

  14. I used to watch this show, but I cannot stand any of the judges. I really hate Carrie Ann Inaba and her name.

  15. As long as Antonio sticks around I'm happy. Lea acts more desperate every week and I feel completely sorry for her. I love watching Alfonso, he's incredible.

  16. Hey ent intern, last night's scores had nothing to do with his elimination. They affect only next week's elimination. The last two weeks he scored low. But yeah, obviously he had no fans. No surprise there.

  17. Was this your first time watching DWTS? Good grief.
    1. It's fake.
    2. It's the lowest scores from the previous week, combined with...
    3. Votes, and then Producer approval which leads you to see item #1.

    FFS, what's next? An item that they shockingly merged the tribes on Survivor?

  18. Val has said on his personal FB page a few months back that he was in a serious relationship with another backup dancer on the show, Jenna. Whether or not he still is, I don't know, but he acts lovey dovey with all his partners. I think the producers tell them to play that up for the viewers frankly, even if nothing is going on.

  19. Next thing Enty is going to complain about is Brock Lesnar not defending the WWE Championship within the 30 days they have told us is the rule for the past 40+ years. (Supposedly he's not defending it until the January PPV which means four months between defenses and they can't figure out why people aren't paying for the network for the PPV's)

  20. Janel broke up with her bf earlier in the week...she was feeling off. I was sad to see Jonathan and Allison go especially since Allison was amazing on SYTYCD.
