Wednesday, October 22, 2014

Kesha Testified Previously She Wasn't Drugged By Dr. Luke And Never Had Sex With Him

Kesha is going to have a tough time if her case ever goes to trial explaining the differences in her lawsuit she filed against Dr. Luke and the testimony she gave in a deposition when a former manager was suing Kesha and Dr. Luke. In that deposition, Kesha was specifically asked whether she was ever given a roofie by Dr. Luke and Kesha said no. Kesha was then specifically asked whether she ever had sex or was intimate with Dr. Luke and again she said no. In the lawsuit Kesha filed against Dr. Luke she said that she dealt with years of sexual abuse and verbal abuse and that he raped her after giving her some type of drug which knocked her unconscious. Her attorney, Mark Geragos said that Kesha was forced to say what she did in the deposition because she was under the control of Dr. Luke and she did not break free from him until after she went to therapy. I actually believe Kesha. I believe she was sexually assaulted and subjected to verbal and sexual abuse. The problem for her is that she will have to admit she lied before and that she is telling the truth now and convince people she was forced to lie or felt pressured to lie and come across as believable while saying it. She then will have issues with her former manager coming after her and this just becomes a much larger mess. If she wants to be free of Dr. Luke, I suggest she write a really big check which will be very painful and then hit the road for two years to make it all back. 


  1. Maybe she doesnt have the money anymore to write him a very big check. Betch lived large when she was doing whatever she was doing.

  2. She just got out of rehab/therapy and she's finally breaking away from all the music industry garbage. It probably will be a big expensive mess, but we read all the time how people screw for tracks, mess with each other, pass partners... I think she def had to cover for Luke in the first trial.

  3. Why would you believe her? Seems to me she will say whatever is convenient. She committed perjury. I don't care if she was told to say what she said, she lied. I don't trust liars. And neither will a jury.

  4. I won't be surprised if it turns out that the guy never did a single thing to her. Even slack-jawed yokels will do literally anything today in order to be noticed; people in the entertainment industry are even worse.

  5. I heard stories before of Dr Luke screaming and being abusive towards Katy Perry but she just tolerated it because without him she knew she had no hits and no sound. . But I have heard similar allegations regarding kp..

  6. I feel for Kesha. I think she's pretty messed up.

    Good googly-moogly I hope Blogger doesn't eat my post. It started being a bitch first thing this morning.

    1. Yeah it was. I had to write my RZ comment 4 times before it showed up!

  7. And Geragos has such credibility, snort

  8. Mb she was too fightened to testify before. Isnt this common with young kids who ard sexually abused?

  9. If anything, being asked those specific questions bolsters her credibility to me. Why would the other attorney ask years before if not for rumors and talk?

  10. In sure Dr Luke is the epitome of upright morals. Eyeroll.

  11. I love how Kesha is being raked over the coals, but some would think Dr. Luke doesn't use his position to have his way with over-eager girls trying to make music. Because THAT never happens. Dr. Luke is so trustworthy himself.(sarcasm)

  12. This comment has been removed by the author.

  13. I actually don't believe Kesha. One of many things an eating disorder does to someone is teach them how to be a professional liar.

  14. Geragos doesn't need to be credible he needs to be a great lawyer and make his client look credible and not sure if he's the guy for this kind of litigation now, maybe 10 years ago but now?? but one has to think that Geragos knew about all the hurdles here and has a way to back up what she is is claiming.

    To have any chance they need CREDIBLE third party witnesses WILLING to testify to some or any of the things Kesha is alleging, aye there's the rub. Which hey let's face it what Kesha is alleging everyone in the business knows happens too many times.

  15. ETA Also to explain why she contradicted herself in that deposition.

  16. Have they heard of Stockholm Syndrome? Continued abuse is a complicated thing for some people to understand. It isn't necessarily black and white like some might think. I could totally believe that he did that to her.

  17. I believe her,. I think the fact she was even asked this before is because people knew it were true. It's pretty clear she was covering for him. She didn't just go for therapy, she went inhouse treatment for a long time. She was serious about getting healthy. I have a lot of respect and admiration for the courage it takes to break away from someone who clearly controlled her so thoroughly and abusively. I believe her 100%. Why would she lie? She stands to lose way more by telling the truth and turning on a big music exec.
