Tuesday, October 21, 2014

Juliette Lewis Thinks Misty Upham Was Murdered

When Misty Upham went missing her family was quick to say that she had stopped taking medications and they feared she would follow through on her recent attempted suicides. When Misty was found at the bottom of a cliff, her family was quick to say that she probably fell to her death and don't think it was a suicide and they were wrong. Well, in comes Juliette Lewis who was good friends with Misty and said that Misty told Juliette that Misty often suffered extreme violence from those close to her on Native American reservations and people who did not share her beliefs and that Misty always felt she would be murdered. Juliette wants police to not make this an open and shut case and for them to at least look into the possibility that Misty was killed. She Tweeted that Misty's death was not a suicide and that she believes it was murder. 


  1. This whole thing is a mess. I hope they can find out what really happened to her.

  2. She knows this because her body thetans told her so.

  3. This could be just a normal reaction to traumatic news, but Juliette also believes in this shit too...
    I say let the professionals sort this out and let her family grieve FFS

  4. Funny how Juliette notices extreme violence and weirdness with Her friends but turns a blind eye to Scientology.

  5. I think yhe poor girl had mental problems and frll to her death. Whether suicide or she fell necause she imahined she was beong chased, i dont know. And yes right away family said she off her meds, then suddenly it became cop conspiracy to kill her. They gotta pick one story and stick with it.

  6. This is a tough one. What if she's right? Murder would be pretty easy to disguise as a possibly-suicidal tumble off a cliff. Especially when there's a delay in finding the body. Practically perfect scenario.
    Nothing wrong with being a crackpot, just don't expect the world to take you very seriously when you decide to be serious.

  7. Mallory Knox, Private Eye.

    Misty Upham was a troubled soul. Four suicide attempts and leaving a cryptic message to her parents doesn't indicate murder as much as it might indicate a deeply troubled person. Juliette needs to go get some auditing.

  8. I never liked Juliette Lewis---she seems like such a phoney. I am sure Mistys parents must be thrilled by this crackheads conspiracy theories and making their community a really awkward place to live. And I agree those that live in Scientology glass castles shouldn't throw stones

  9. Great idea. Anther celebrity giving their sage input. Take a seat juliette

  10. I don't do much on Twitter, but I actually saw this tweets.

  11. DM did a story that her family thought the cops killed her.

  12. I have no doubt that she suffered from depression - note the cut marks all over her arms here. But this story seems suspicious and so I hope the truth is found.

  13. Well look for any recent insurance policies taken out....

  14. the NY daily news printed a story about this and it included pictures of the cliff/ravine that she fell from.

    it was full of brush trees, thick with them in fact at least from the angle of the specific photos posted.

    I can see someone not seeing this ravine in the dark, and in a fragile state of mind off meds not thinking clearly becoming panicky and trying to escape then slipping but at least from the angles of the phones I saw I cannot see how someone FELL to the bottom. Too thick with brush, branches, trees to grab. but i guess there could be an angle or opening she fell thru.

  15. ok that would be PHOTOS not phones, typing in a rush while at work. Oops.

  16. It seems there a lot of possibilities here, nothing is too surprising these days.
    From tbe beginning I did think something was off in the falling off cliff and the body discovery. (Can't remember what it was - it was sooo long ago : last week?). But, I can also beleive her mental state was her demise.
    But, as far as Lewis and her tweets go, I think she needs to STFU in public!!! Helloooo! If she truly believes there's murderers involved, what makes her think they won't come after her???? (If I had to bet, I'd have to oppose her theory BTW) but Gurl. Don't go publicly outing murderers - keep that on the DL and with authorities.

  17. was Misty also a scientologist?

  18. Repeated previous suicide attempts.

    She left the house saying they wouldn't have to be bothered with her anymore.

    She's found dead at the bottom of a nearby ravine.

    If it looks like a horse and smells like a horse and sounds like a horse, think horse, not zebra. Occam's razor.
