Wednesday, October 29, 2014

Jessica Biel Is At Least Three Months Pregnant

According to Radar, Jessica Biel is at least three months pregnant and this presumably happened after having sex with Justin Timberlake which would make him a first time father. Probably. The article says that Jessica has tired to get pregnant in the past but failed. It doesn't say whether those times were with Justin or someone else in her life. The baby is supposed to be due in April and if true, would put to rest all of those nasty rumors about the couple splitting or them having to sue tabloids who claim either one of them was flirting with someone else. I guess there must be a no flirting policy in public. It is not like either of them goes out in public all that much. Justin did flirt with a koala in Australia last month and Jessica seems to have a pretty close relationship with hiking trails and her dogs. To me they are an incredibly unlikely couple on par with Ryan Reynolds and Blake Lively but those two are having a baby so I guess Jessica and Justin could be having one too. 


  1. Such an odd pairing, I agree.

  2. Lot of shade in that

  3. What better way to secure the Timberlake millions than with a rugrat. Although I still say she's a lesbian.

  4. Justin needs to flirt with a drop bear.

  5. This increases the prenup…good move

  6. Yeah...Jessica and Justin are more of an odd pairing the Ryan and Blake.

  7. Does she get hazard pay if she actually did the do with him? Because unprotected sex with a pop star sounds like a one way trip to Valtrex Lane to me.

  8. Lol! Yes, probably this couple is as weird and mismatched as Ryan and Blake...we'll see who splits first!

  9. Biel has the hero…she got it from……Derek Jeter

  10. HERP….geez I'm a mess

  11. I thought you were using a euphemism there Misch!

    What an odd post..Justin flirted with a Koala? Is that supposed to be funny?

    1. Right? Is Enty implying that Justin is a furry?!?! Nosy Neliies need to know! :D

  12. Weird. Just weird.

  13. I'd forgotten that she dated Jeter! That kicks the ick factor up a notch. (Shudders)

  14. The Jeter herpes trail must cover most of NY and LA

    They are a weird couple who don't seem to generate much heat. If it is just for show, I don't see what they gain from each other. He does just fine without her and getting married hasn't raised her profile or killed the lesbian rumors...Or maybe they really love each other. What do we know?

    1. Haha maybe they do love each other and the jokes on us...!

  15. @Cheryl you said that and in my mind I pictured an illuminated map of "the Jeter Herpes Trail". It looked like photos of Las Vegas from space. Only larger.

    1. OMG. Let's play six degrees of separation using Jeter and his Herpes Trail. Who is safe? the government should quarantine that

  16. That pic looks to be about five or six months.

  17. Ok hold up Enty...first you say they are both gay and double-bearding. Now you say they are actually gold star fans of bestiality. Maybe JT only goes for male koalas and Biel only like lady dogs? I gotta keep mah gossip game tight, so please confirm ASAP. Thanks!

    1. When Enty backtracks, he does so in style.

  18. Turkey baster worked then ;)

  19. If these two are so insufferable, then I guess it is best they wound up together, no?

  20. She'll do whatever she has to to keep him, she would be doing tv shows & cable movies without him.

    They are the guess for another blind, they were pregnant, but lost it due to her drug use & are now pregnant again, but aren't announcing it yet.

  21. @ Veronica - that is pretty much what I pictured too!

  22. @FSP a drop bear hahahahahaha. Thank you !

  23. I was going to mention the turkey baster-someone beat me to it. I could picture Justin looking in the mirror while he puts in in the cup-stroking his Jheri curls.

  24. They are so blah. Why are they famous again? Next!

  25. @NL&A - Lol! Dude certainly gets around!

  26. I think it's a pretty apt comparison: Justin + Jessica ≈ Ryan + Blake

  27. Or Jessica ate all those cupcakes from that bakery she was gonna open? That could def cause some major bloat

  28. With Jeter Herpes Trail, I think we've coined a new Urban Dictionary entry.

    He's probably responsible for more infections than the flu.

    1. You can actually Google "Jeter Herpes Tree" and find a really detailed illustration of this trail :)

  29. whew...tough crowd.
    at least it's not worms....
    congrats,I say!

    -Koalas all around!!!

  30. If thats what they want, mazel tov. They are def two of the coldest people ever, and i already feel sorry for the baby, with these unaffectionate parents. Then again, babies are completely iressistable, so mb there is hope.

  31. Maybe they just have an open relationship and actually really enjoy each other's company and companionship? I've known other couples that were more like besties but perfectly happily married. Not in the traditional sense, but in the family that they created.

  32. I totally trust Radar to send someone sniffing around the Biel/Timberlake garbage cans for an EPT stick.

  33. I'm almost 40 and everyone has the goddamn herp.

  34. A golden ticket, and I don't think it's Mr Timberlakes baby.

  35. Turkey baster's work.
