Sunday, October 26, 2014

Jack Bruce Has Died

Jack Bruce, bass player, singer, and songwriter for the 1960s rock trio Cream, has died. The British band, which also featured Eric Clapton and drummer Ginger Baker, sold 35 million albums in just two years, breaking up despite their popularity in 1968. He was 71. 


  1. Badge is a classic song...."thinking bout the Times you drove in my car...thinking that I might have drove you too far....." on in that big sky Jack

  2. Good morning derek and Tricia!!

    Any chance either of you know WHY Cream broke up?

    1. Hey Cobe!!1
      I think creacreativffernces between ginger baker/Clapton....Clapton then created Derek n the dominos I think

    2. Seems to be a curse of greatness . . .

    3. Cobe-ive read alot about why groups break up. Its usually because each member thinks he is the boss and everyonr shld follow his musical vision. Naturally this does not work.

    4. My guess is that things went sour.

  3. Morning Derek...question:is it you who has an Adrian Grenier crush?? He's hosting a party for my Bldg(an artist's exhibition...the studio affilate of my Bldg...)Tuesday

  4. Good morning ladies

    Not I with the AG crush---he is cute but dont forget Paris has tainted him! I've always wanted to go to the--I believe it is called Art Basil?--festival in Florida

    1. Yes 2nd week December!! happens in my hood(arts district)I'll hook you up with accommodation..:)

  5. oh how I wish---maybe next year! The one benefit of working at a hotel though is that I get mad discounts around the world : )
    Sounds like you live in a rad area though. My hood is not bad either. a few blocks away was voted by Vogue Magazine as the 2nd "hippest" area in the world.

    1. Do you have to live in the hotel or just work there?

      That's cool about the discount!

    2. Can I start out Sunday morning saying how nice it is that Derek and Tricia are buddies now!!!
      Easy like Sunday morning. .

      The cream of Clapton I played my entire 21st year.. Nothing but..awesome. .I miss cds.

  6. I love that song @Tricia, think they collaborated with George Harrison.

  7. Tricia, I moved from Miami Beach about a year ago. I miss it like crazy.

    Enjoy Art Basel!!!

  8. And I always wanted to go to art basel too..
    sounds like fun Tricia. . Bring back the good gossip umkay. .

  9. I love Cream. I was too young when they first came out, but became exposed to them later when I became a Clapton fan. RIP Jack.

  10. Rip jack. Good journey. Loved the group and the music.

  11. I think Cream was one of the few bands to really just go in other directions. Ginger and Jack had never gotten along and had creative differences over everything. Clapton had been raised up to rock god status when Hendrix and Led Z came onto the scene. I remember reading an article where he said he watched them live and thought there was no way he could ever compete with that and so he needed to go in a different direction.

  12. They're starting to drop one by one…RIP

  13. My heart dropped when I read this yesterday. When I told Mr. Bluezz, he thought I was kidding. Then he broke down & cried.

    I think I was 8 or 9 when I first heard "Sunshine of Your Love" on the radio. Between being fascinated with Cream & the explosion of Jimi Hendrix around the same time, I think it kept me from going down the bubble gum pop road like my other friends were.

  14. @CoBe Cream broke up because Clapton was tired of mediating between Jack Bruce & Ginger Baker. Those 2 guys fought constantly.

    Eric Clapton then formed Blind Faith with Ginger Baker, Ric Grech & Stevie Winwood (as he was known back then).

    I'm hobbling back to my rocking chair now. ;-)

  15. Badge was written by Clapton and George Harrison.

    Cream broke up because (i) Clapton was sick of Bruce and Ginger Baker fighting all of the time, and (ii) Clapton was enchanted by the simple music and lives of Delaney and Bonnie.

    Notice that the people who played with Jack Bruce are praising him with faint praise upon his death - one line tributes. He was a mercenary asshole who refused to share songwriting credit with his bandmates - who, truth be told, contributed mightily to the songs he wrote with Peter Brown. Legally, his bandmates don't have a leg to stand on, but mortally Bruce was a greedy pig.

    People now ignore the fact that Bruce was a drunk and a junkie for over three decades who drank after his liver transplant.

    1. White-see now, drinking after transplant really irritates me. There may hv been a kid who ckd hv used that liver. No bueno.

  16. Re; break-up - I read it was creative differences between Baker and Bruce.

    RIP Jack Bruce - thank you for the memories and songs. When I heard the news yesterday, a piece of my teen years died inside me.

  17. Jack Bruce also had an amazing Blues voice. RIP crazy guy.

  18. For those interested in Cream, I suggest watching the documentary "Beware Mr Baker."

    Baker is mad crazy, but a musical genius who led an over the top fascinating life. Bruce was also talented, but like someone said above controlling and an asshole.

    Baker and Bruce's constant fighting was too much for Clapton.

    Here is link to Hendrix's slaying performance (when he jumped up on stage with commentary:

  19. Wow! Thanks for the scoop everyone!

  20. Another great Jack Bruce song was "Theme from an Imaginary Western" which Leslie West and Mountain had a big hit with. Great song.
