Sunday, October 19, 2014

Hannah Graham's Remains May Have Been Found

At a press conference last night in Virginia, the police chief in Charlottesville announced that a body had been found in an abandoned property and it is assumed that it is missing nursing student Hannah Graham who disappeared five weeks ago. It seems like much longer since she disappeared and investigators are confirming that it is her. They found her with no help from her suspected kidnapper and murderer Jesse Matthew who was arrested several weeks ago hiding on a Texas beach. he is the last person to have seen Hannah alive and is also suspected in several other rapes and killings in the immediate area. 


  1. Oh, this is so sad. Damn.

  2. I cant believe they had him for questioning in the case of the girl who went missing from the Metallica concert!
    So close to stopping him then!

  3. Effin monster......

  4. What a morning! Maybe some kindness BIS/reveals for balance?

  5. Anonymous8:16 AM

    I think this case has creepy racial undertones. The dark-skinned 'monster' - as he was called above - who chases after beautiful light-skinned women. I have no idea if the man is guilty or not, but the story plays into some very ugly stereotypes.

    1. I'm fairly certain Tricia called him a monster because he's suspected in several rapes and murders, not because he's black. There may be creepy racial undertones to the case, but point them out when it's valid to do so, instead of slinging that accusation onto anyone randomly.

    2. I don't think it's a Tricia thing, I think it's a 'media as a whole' thing. Actually, the racist overtones are much worse in the Ebola coverage. Yuk.

    3. This is the first mention of race I have seen so far.

  6. +1 bellaluna, I'm ready for some kindness after this sad start of the day. :/

  7. Very sad for her family. Now maybe we can focus a little attention on the thousands of women who go missing each year but aren't cute enough to make the national news.

    1. @Aeol +1mil My thoughts EXACTLY!!!! I am ALWAYS thinking that! Why is it that a beautiful girl/woman gets so much more attention?!?! And I cringe every single time a newscaster says the "beautiful" in the description of the person as though if they weren't beautiful (by whoever's standards) their life would be less important. Infuriating!

  8. It's sad that even as adults, women have to use the buddy system to have a greater chance of not being attacked by fuckwits like that guy.

  9. Anonymous8:46 AM

    The media coverage makes him sound like the wolf in Little Red Riding Hood.

  10. Well, he is kind of. She got lost trying to go home, he sees his chance, rapes and kills her. Allegedly.

  11. At least her family will have closure. I've said it before until they have definitive DNA on her that is his it's all conjecture. I believe people should be punished for their heinous crimes. Let's make sure he did it before we convict him.

  12. When I saw the headline, it took my breath away. Then I realized it is Hannah Graham, so Heather Graham's tits are still alive.

  13. This guy is an equal opportunity predator. He was insecure and didn't get his needs met so he preyed on defenseless women - he had a type all right - but the color of their skin didn't matter.

  14. I second all the comments that say calling the man who did this a monster doesn't come close to being racist. We'd be calling him a monster if he were a white man too.

  15. +1 Have to agree that calling a serial killer a monster is spot on accurate regardless of ethnicity, gender, etc etc etc.
    Recall that even the movie about white female serial killer Aileen Wuornos was appropriately titled simply 'Monster'.

  16. Rest in peace to her soul. I think we all cld hv connected the dots on how this wld turn out.

  17. If your kid was presumably raped and murdered, I'm pretty sure you would refer to the perpetrator as a "monster," too. Racial undertones, my flat ass. You're a fuckwit for going there.

  18. Okay which is it. Hannah's remains may have been found or investigators confirm that it's her? Two very conflicting statements.
