Friday, October 17, 2014

Four For Friday -Traditional

Two weeks from today is Halloween. It is rare when Halloween takes place on the weekend like that. The great thing about it is that I think the time changes Saturday night so it is a perfect time for a party. Speaking of parties, if you don't have any to go to this weekend, I will be here blogging all weekend and would love for you to stop by. I am also on Twitter. Find me @entylawyer

#1 - This foreign born A-list mostly movie actor who everyone thought would probably be A list by now after his franchise ended certainly has a type when it comes to girlfriends. Edgy and someone who prefers women more than men.

#2- That didn't last long. Cheating on both sides is ending this marriage quickly. B+ list actor/performer/reality star and his B+ list celebrity wife.

#3- This A list network host is really young for his job. He was even younger when he used to hook up with the man who held the same job long ago.

#4- She (married B list celebrity/former model) posted one photo to social media, but the rest of the photos when she took off what she was wearing she sent to this C list celebrity offspring to convince him to make a sex tape with her. He has been wavering on whether he wants to. It will be a big seller, but he doesn't need the money and is not that desperate for fame. She is. 


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