Monday, October 20, 2014

Evan Rachel Wood Dumped Ellen Page For Katherine Moennig

After her marriage to Jamie Bell collapsed because Evan Rachel Wood decided she could not remain faithful to one person, she then hooked up with Ellen Page. When Evan realized that match was not bringing her the attention she needed or wanted, she has turned her sights now on to Katherine Moennig, who you may know from The L Word and she is on Ray Donovan right now. Apparently the two actresses have been dating for several weeks and will probably continue until such time as Evan has no further use for Katherine. I'm trying to recall a time that Evan has dated anyone or been with anyone that was not solely to gain more attention for herself. When you Google her dating history it is a bunch of short term relationships that got her some red carpets and splashy headlines and even a couple of roles and then she makes everyone mad and moves on. 


  1. They will date for about 4 more tabloids.

  2. She has boy name.

  3. She is simply not attractive enough to tolerate all her drama. Anyone who has been with Manson is damaged goods. Ellen Page seems sweet and can do a lot better...

  4. Katherine is a cousin of the Goop. The much more appealing of the 2, btw.

  5. I think Katherine Moennig is more attractive than Ellen Page, which must mean I'm a horrible person, but there it is.
    She has some old school bad assedness that Page doesn't have that I find compelling in both genders.

  6. Kate moening is the bees knees...I loved her as her characte(Shane) on the L word, like most women..she seems pretty together, I don't think she'll support ERW's brand of exploitation or fame whoring(if that's what it is), for too long..

    1. Anonymous2:16 PM

      i am still crushing hard on shane/katherine how many years after the l word?

  7. I thought better of Katherine, she's one of these who keeps her private life private, doesn't want to be a tabloid star.

    I think Evan & Kristen Stewart need to get together actually. That would just implode! Too much alike. But some great tabliod cover stories for months.

  8. She did Jamish a favor!
    She's from a Town called Mallice.

  9. ..but why anyone would bother with Evan Rachel Wood is beyond me.
    Skip the middle man and go directly to Moennig-Page.

  10. Oh the lesbian drama.

  11. So you're saying you like her.

  12. Reminds me of amber heard.

  13. Hey, I want attention too!

    So surprising. Hollywood is filled with Nobel peace prize candidates.

  14. I didn't even know that ERW was out. I got squicked out when she was with Manson and tried to forget about her. I loved Shane on L word--that was a great show and I miss it

  15. i like katherine on ray donovan
    i saw a tweet she sent to erw a few days ago and i was like oh gurl she's baiting you.. run

  16. Evan says she's bi. I think she just wants attention. Her & Stew would be sooo good. It would probably be Nikki Reed's worse nightmare, Ward & Stew could compare notes. Them together would be a massive tabloid shitshow.

    I really like the L word & Katherine on it.

  17. I would think being with Jamie Bell would get her more attention. I mean, he's a good actor who might win an Oscar some day and she could vogue around all the A-list parties. Whatever. She sounds like way too much work to be bothered with.

  18. Katherine Moennig rocks! She was awesome in the L Word, and I like her character on Ray Donovan. I hope to see her in more shows after Ray Donovan - she's a breath of fresh air in the acting world.

  19. @jessica +10000i miss that show(the follow up version sucked though)
    @ Nora....she does. .. She did a film with amanda seyfried called Gone...not a great film and Moening totally undersued(small part) but I love watching her

  20. Is there anyone at all who just loooves ERW? She has irritated me since that Sela Ward show (Once and Again?) and I felt guilty at the time because she was just a kid but now I feel totally justified in finding her annoying. Seems like she just puts herself in the face of anyone she wants to use and won't go away until they cave in. KM seems way too cool for her.

  21. Hot bisexual bim, crazy as the day is long? Nah. Yer kiddin me.

  22. I just lovedddddd how she tried to get with Alexander Skarsgard, who hates fameho's (for evidence see the pics of him and Kate Bosworth in public- Sad Kanye all the way) and then was booted of True Blood. You can't say that was a coincedence; her character died a silly death (yet her storyline had barely started and her char was supposed to be superstrong.)

    I can't with this girl.. I just CAN'T. Her 'being herself' while shapeshifting into her lovers (Pin up girl for Marilyn Manson, hipster/tomboy for Jamie Bell), her contradicting statements, the attentionho behavior. GOD.

  23. ERW and Amber Heard should just get together. Keep all that famewhoring crap in one place so it doesn't rub off on other people!

  24. Exactly Beca...and others who said Heard and ERW..

    BTW where's her child? You never see her with him/her. Funny, I thought as much as her parents doted on her older brother that he would have been the insufferable ass. Guess she got that instead.

  25. Shane was my favorite on the L word. ERW is so boring. If she put all that fame-ho effort into acting, maybe she'd have a career by now. She even seems like a phony lesbian. Like she's playing at it to get attention. You know like Anne Heche.

  26. Both of them are gross

  27. "Is there anyone at all who just loooves ERW?"

    I really wanted to like her! That didn't work out though.

  28. I think its bcos Ellen Page doesnt wanna go out with her publicly. Honestly Ellen Page gets more attention than both of them as an actress. Kate is popular mostly only in among Lesbians.

  29. Going to get judgy here, but she really needs to focus on her child and stop jumping from relationship to relationship. Is her kid even a year old yet? I usually like Evan's movies, but she is becoming annoying.

  30. SYF .Town called Malice!! Lots of memories there. I love that song :)

  31. Gossips in Canada are saying that her and Ellen P werent really dating or nothing beyond friendship. Ellen got tired of her.

  32. Kate Moennig was in a relationship with Holly Miranda for several years when Evan started her flirting game. Evan is spoiled brat who will try and try to get what she wants. No care given for those hurt.

  33. Damn I have a story about Kate MOenning. I saw her (during the L word time) at a sushi restaurant (insert obligatory lesbian joke) and she is so hot. She sat at the table behind me and when I finally managed to courage to turn around ans day something to her, Kate Moenning was digging in her butt. I mean her hands were so deep in the back of her pants scratching the crack of her ass vigorously. Ugghgh totally turned me off.

  34. How many of these comments are by chatters? Genuinely curious because Kate's thread has been closed down, and the conversation has to be continued somewhere.

  35. Katherine is HOTTT.

  36. Evan is a horrible mother. Jamie will get sole custody if he stands up to her finally and don't give in to her crocodile tears.
