Tuesday, October 28, 2014

Couples Who Broke Up Yesterday - Literally A To D List

So, there were three celebrity breakups yesterday that managed to make the tabloids. One of them was Jennifer Lawrence and Chris Martin. Apparently Jennifer was sick of all the time Chris spent with The Goopster and didn't understand that whole dynamic. No one does understand it, but she should have been more concerned about his old flame, Alexa Chung and all of the time she spends with him. The other thing is that The Goopster actually likes Alexa and hates Jennifer. Gwyneth also hates Kate Bosworth, but even if Kate would suddenly be single, there is no way that Chris is going to get back on that train again. Someone who went on a date with her once described it as a horror movie where you could feel the life force being drained from you and the longer it went on, the closer to death they came. Sounds like a thrill. Oh, Jennifer blamed her split on schedules. Yeah, like they have not been in the same city almost everyday for the past month, but whatevs. The people out there in supermarket land who only read Kneepads don't know that so it makes for good cover.

Another split recorded yesterday for posterity was that Bachelor guy Juan Pablo Galavis and Nikki Ferrell. No one thought they would last and once they ran through the cycle of reality shows for which they were eligible they both said goodbye. Juan said his goodbyes from beneath a pile of strippers.

The final split yesterday was Debra Messing and Will Chase. With the show Smash no longer on the air and Debra needing someone who can be with her on set of her new show for the few more weeks it has left in it, she moved on from Will Chase and will find someone else on the set of her new show until it ends and she will call it love and romance and blah blah blah. 


sandybrook said...

JLaw's free!!!
The Batchelor b.s. is a surprise??
Messing is difficult as we all know.

FSP said...

Yawn x 3

Unknown said...

I kinda liked Martin Lawrence together. But she's way too young to have to deal with Goop drama.

Tricia13 said...

I can only imagine t be things Gwyneth said to Chris about Jlaw(no pedigree....etc) she probably likes Chung because she's far more wordly(which =worthy) in her mind...Jen will be juuuust fine, if she avoids the pratfalls of drugs etc.oh, and most men in Hollywood:(

Brin said...

Wonder what Chris thinks of Goop's new guy. Does her dare tell her?

Kelly said...

Jen and Chris together was gross IMO. Who knew Juan can Nikki would even last this long?

Tricia13 said...

He's married still her new dude brad I think....he still consciously couple d

rolotomassi said...

Goopster was threatened by Jen Law not at all by Alexa..
Goopster's like Amazing Amy in "Gone Girl" except for the smart part

rolotomassi said...
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Tyler said...

Goop barely knows Jennifer which leads me to believe
her dislike is fundamentally a jealousy issue.
For starters, most people actually LIKE Jennifer.

Unknown said...

Alexa is borderline Ana like Goopy & a d list celeb, & willing to play 2nd fiddle to Goopy.

Jen is none of those things & good for her.

Sunshine said...

Huh? I thought that Jennifer Lawrence was engaged to Tom Cruise?

auntliddy said...

Jlaw is too young to get tied up with divorced man with kids and looney wife. Esp when man cant put the smack down on said looney wife.

Shelly Shell said...

Jen is the anti Goopy, she's the hot young startlet 20 years younger. She would easily become take over Goopy's power postion in Martin's life & the kids would like her more, she would be cool aunt Jen.

Alexa is more desperate than Goopy & would be willing to be bossed around & controlled.

@ sunshine-I think you are thinking of that April Fools blind posted by Blind Gossip.

MISCH said...

Don't be so sure about Martin and JLaw….

MISCH said...

On Debra Messing…the show is o.k. she looks awful

bellaluna said...

I agree. I am older than JLaw and I can definitely say I wouldn't tolerate Goop. At. All.

Rosie riveter said...

I love Jennifer Lawrence! She probably said she aint got no time fo this

Brenda L said...

As I found out earlier this year, there's nothing worse than a guy proclaiming to the hills his singleness, except for that pesky ex-wife who runs the show.

Run, Jennifer, run....and don't look back.

Essie said...

Enty, yet again you are not keeping up. Debra Messing's new show is a hit, for now, and the network has ordered a full season. I like the show. She's funny, her co-stars are handsome and the nasty little boys' roles have been diminished. But keep on hating on Debra.

I still think the Jen/Chris thing was never a real thing and Gwynnie knows it.

bellaluna said...

It's now in the show contract, after all the previous embarrassing incidents.

Tina Mallette said...

You know Goop is gloating as she munched on gluten free muffins, an evil cackle, "Well I showed you who has Chris Martin by the balls, Jennifer Lawrence" Meanwhile Alexa Chung and Chris Martin are..............

Unknown said...
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Unknown said...

But JLaw's old enough to take nudies and then cry when the world learns what a slut she is.

Fishstick new JLAWs undies were going to stick on her like tartar sauce and put the hook in it with Chris.

Unknown said...

Why do people think Alexa is Chris' doormat? If anything my impression is that Chris had a far more serious thing going on with her. This liason with Jennifer seemed like a PR stunt. She's too loud, immature and just wrong for him and he for her.
There were blind items about Alexa and Chris for over a year. Maybe he tried to make her jealous so he tried it with Jennifer.

Topper Madison said...

Jennifer Lawrence needs to find a guy her own age. He was waaaay too old for her, and quite honestly, I do not understand what she possibly saw in him. He looks dirty and smelly to me, and not in a Mike Rowe kind of way. ...More like a Dave Pirner kind of way. ew.

Susan said...

Agree with auntliddy 100 percent. What 20-something wants to deal with a divorced man, his two kids and wackadoo control-freak wife? JLaw just wants to get her sexay times on and take selfies.

Feedly said...

I thought Will Chase was married to Audra McDonald!

califblondy said...

Hadn't heard about Debra. I know she never mentioned him by name on FB/WhoSay. I thought she dumped the hub for this guy? Oh well.

Feedly said...

Nope. Will Swenson. Just kidding.

AKM said...

Sometimes I see Chris Martin and I think he's just bland and boring as porridge, and then sometimes I see a picture like that one and see what all the fuss is about. He looks pretty good there. His music, though? Not so much.

Well, you say that about Debra's show, but I just heard on NPR the other morning that it is in fact doing quite well in the ratings. I dunno...I like it. I like her. I didn't watch "Smash" because I can't stand McPhee -- and I stopped watching the first episode of "Scorpion" as soon as she came onscreen, which made me sad because I really wanted to watch that show -- but I still really like Debra Messing, Coke Mom or not. *shrug*

Someone remind me, though...Josh Lucas? We don't like him?

Wendy W said...

Without ascribing any blame, people are forgetting that(if this was real) JLaw was a rebound girlfriend. We all know that those relationships rarely last.

Again, ignoring GP's issues, she and Chris Martin will always have some sort of relationship as they have two kids together. Frankly, if the parents have an amicable post-marriage relationship it's much better for the children.

Pip said...

Chung is fug and boring as shit.

Trilby said...

I would tolerate an ex-wife like that only for the sake of harmony for the kids - but I'd have to feel the guy was a real soulmate. Otherwise, I'd be like JLaw and bail out early, rather than deal with that whole co-dependent mess.

Juniper Girl said...

I always felt that Gwyneth was just jealous of the fact that Chris was dating someone who wasi incredibly successful and was old enough to be Gwyneth's daughter.

auntliddy said...

Meme, huh??!! As for the nude selfies, if they were never intended for public viewing, thats her business. The hacker is the problem. And private naked pics dont make u a slut.

MeanieRhysie said...

+1 @auntlicky

KevinA said...

I'd take the "schedule" nonsense seriously IFFF the tabs, as recently as SUNDAY, weren't busy saying she was buying property close to him.

Likely, this was rebound fucking on both sides that would always end now.

Or pure PR.

I mean the "insane" schedules didn't change overnight, did they?

crila16 said...

Of course Gwyneth doesn't like JLaw. JLaw's gorgeous, young, extremely likeable, America's sweetheart, funny, witty, talented, got an oscar without her daddy having to buy it for her, she's the top box office actress w/ a memorable character...and seems to be real, where Gwynnie is fake, hated and offensive. Not to mention, extremely gawky looking.

Yeah. I'd find JLaw a threat too. JLaw doesn't need this stupid drama w/ Gwynnie and boring Chris. She's got way too much going for her. She needs a hot boyfriend who is age appropriate. Not some old man.

kelliknows said...

Jlaw is Julia Roberts in the 20year look back mirror. See her picking off unavailable guys till it gets old.. oblivious under the America's sweetheart bubble.

Henriette said...

Who would want to put up with Goop? Geez, I would run from a guy if she was his ex with his kids.

Messing's newest show sucks really bad. I don't watch it, but when I catch the last five minutes before L&O comes on, I can tell it sucks. It's got only one premise: Doll up Messing from frumpy to glamorous for a new case each week.

Henriette said...

I totally agree. JLaw is Julia Roberts 2.0. Sometimes I wonder if JLaw watches Roberts old interview tapes, because she seems to be going for the same persona.

Tigercat said...

Another +1 for Aunt Liddy.

Whatever happened to Chris Martin's long time thang with Natalie Imbruglia?

I seem to recall rumors that she was the insp gor "Green Eyes" and that they still carried a torch for each other.

MinPinGirl said...

JLaw was nuts to date him in the first place. I wouldn't go near Goop's ex with a 10' pole. Who wants to be sucked into that vortex of horror?

OKay said...

So...Goopy LIKES Alexa now? Cuz that's not at all what you said before, Enty.


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