Friday, October 24, 2014

Chrissy Teigen Quits Twitter

Chrissy Teigen quitting Twitter is probably going to be the equivalent of Alec Baldwin quitting Twitter. It will last about as long as it takes for Chrissy to get over being yelled at online and missing the attention of hundreds of thousands of people and she will be back. Chrissy bailed on Twitter because of some comments she made during and after the shooting in Canada this week. Chrissy said that in Canada it was a crisis but in America it is just a Wednesday. Many people took offense to that. So many in fact that Chrissy tried to explain what she meant but refused to apologize and when she started receiving death threats decided to quit Twitter. Meanwhile, Rosie O'Donnell also came into the fight and supported Chrissy because there is nothing Rosie likes to do more than throw herself in as many confrontations as possible. I think what happened in Canada on Wednesday is awful and that while a nation is in shock and in mourning is not the time to try and be cute or clever like Chrissy was doing and it is not the time to try and have debate on gun control laws in different countries, and especially to try and do it with a 140 character limit. After watching Rosie on The View yesterday, I don't understand why she doesn't do a talk show on MSNBC or something like that and be a talking political head. It would be right up her alley and she can talk about whatever she wants and argue and fight. I think people who tune into The View or The Talk just want some background noise and some light news mixed with celebrities. 


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