Friday, October 24, 2014

Chrissy Teigen Quits Twitter

Chrissy Teigen quitting Twitter is probably going to be the equivalent of Alec Baldwin quitting Twitter. It will last about as long as it takes for Chrissy to get over being yelled at online and missing the attention of hundreds of thousands of people and she will be back. Chrissy bailed on Twitter because of some comments she made during and after the shooting in Canada this week. Chrissy said that in Canada it was a crisis but in America it is just a Wednesday. Many people took offense to that. So many in fact that Chrissy tried to explain what she meant but refused to apologize and when she started receiving death threats decided to quit Twitter. Meanwhile, Rosie O'Donnell also came into the fight and supported Chrissy because there is nothing Rosie likes to do more than throw herself in as many confrontations as possible. I think what happened in Canada on Wednesday is awful and that while a nation is in shock and in mourning is not the time to try and be cute or clever like Chrissy was doing and it is not the time to try and have debate on gun control laws in different countries, and especially to try and do it with a 140 character limit. After watching Rosie on The View yesterday, I don't understand why she doesn't do a talk show on MSNBC or something like that and be a talking political head. It would be right up her alley and she can talk about whatever she wants and argue and fight. I think people who tune into The View or The Talk just want some background noise and some light news mixed with celebrities. 


  1. Chrissy Teigen

  2. less than 6 hours till happy hour

    1. +1

      I say let's start NOW!

      Breaking out the Scotch

  3. I sorta agree with what she said but it was insensitive to the Soldier and his family etc. If everyone quit this place after saying a stupid thing or 2 the comment section would be blank...

  4. I like the Chrissy Teigen guess.

  5. I have no idea who she is outside of this site with the "Chrissy Teigen and John Legend" captions, but she wasn't trying to be "clever" or "cute", she was making a point about guns.

    Twitter is the worst thing to happen to the court of public opinion. Idiots who disagree are free to lob out death threats and call for women to be raped and murdered (gamergate).

    1. She was misquoting Colonel Bison to make a joke about a tragic event. It was more about riding the coattails of a news event to "validate" her opinions.

  6. And somewhere in heaven, and angel gets it's wings.
    Stick to gratititious pap shots doll.

  7. I like FSP's answer.

  8. Yeah, Derek, it was insensitive. But she was right.

  9. She was making a stupid point, considering among other things that two days before, another muslim had killed a Canadian soldier in Montreal using his car. Blaming guns for it is like blaming inmigration for ebola or cars for that murder.
    Threats were off the charts and disgusting, but that's not the question. She has insulted lots of people before and she deserved some backlash.
    And she is ugly and overhyped, but her husband didn't deserve the hate, just for being bearded by her.

  10. Fuck Chrissy and her moronic, idiotic, pea sized brain. While her comment about the shootings being like "Wednesday in America" or whatever the hell she said were extremely distasteful to both America and Canada what she so clearly doesn't understand is that here in Canada, events like this, DONT happen. They aren't a regular occuring event for us and while they may be more common in America, Canada rarely sees this type of thing. How disrespectful to Cpl. Nathan Cirillo and his family.

    1. I believe that was the point she was trying to make-this type of incident is not commonplace in Canada but that due to the prevelance of guns in the US there are considerably more shootings. I don't believe there was any disrespect toward the victim intended.

    2. I disagree. It was disrespectful to a nation, whose capital was under lockdown for most of the entire working day and she brushed it off. Her timing was horrible

    3. It was insulting to both countries. There's nothing clever/cute/funny about gun violence. She just proved what s pos airhead she is

  11. FSP for the win!! Or . . . it could also be Bieber.

  12. Internet ho's always say they'll quit and then jump straight back in with both feet. Especially when nobody cares what they have to say. She's not a politician. Death threats because of Twitter is stupid.

  13. Her timing certainly shows a lack of forethought and insight. Perhaps she should engage in a debate where her knowledge of constitutional issues could be spotlighted. Sleepless snark..

  14. Twitter is truly sad. A few weeks ago, I made a twitter comment agreeing with a sports reporter about the New England Patriots NOT being an elite team. One idiot kept commenting how much of a loser I was. So, I blocked her.
    I know I have been blocked by others, so screw them. :-)

  15. 30 persons are dying by gun violence per day in USA


  16. The greatest issue is not insensitivity. It's Twitter's inaction when it comes to death threats and other types of abuse. It's unacceptable and she likely left because there is no recourse for that. Same thing is happening with Gamer Gate. People are leaving because they're being doxxed (having personal info posted - address, family names and addresses, phone numbers, etc.) and Twitter doesn't do shit about it.

  17. @Tori +1

    Totally agree. Social media can be outright dangerous.

  18. I don't really know who she is but...I am thinking she might be perfect for that younger person they are looking for over at The View.

  19. This comment has been removed by the author.

  20. Ummm...2 cops were attacked with a hatchet yesterday in NYC. No guns were used Chrissy. Are we Americans allowed to be shocked now????

  21. Her validity was lost when she diminished a national tragedy. It's not that she didn't have a point, but in suggesting a soldier being killed on honour duty is just another Wednesday? Beyond tasteless. She deserved much of the backlash, minus the threats of course.

  22. Death threats from Twitter users who also follow Kylie Jenner and have Subway sandwich special sauce dripping down their chin only make me laugh. If you have to make death threats to strangers on the internet instead of engaging in an open and constructive dialogue, you've pretty much failed at life.

    Why doesn't Rosie go to MSNBC? Because MSNBC isn't going to pay her the $9 million a year ABC does. That's why.

  23. She's not the sharpest knife in the drawer, is she?

  24. Why can't models just shut up and look pretty like they did in the olden ages?! Haha

  25. Not "being yelled at online", Enty. Death threats. And Carolyn Criado-Perez got them for suggesting Jane Austen be on the £5 note. And consider, too, the women driven out of their homes for daring to have an opinion about video games and misogyny. And... and...

    Everyone has an opinion--some of them ill-considered or just plain stupid. No one deserves a death threat for them. Women seem to receive death and rape threats WAY more then men.

    1. Exactly, Snapdragon. I too am sick of the rape and death threats women get daily for simply having a different opinion.

  26. She was right, but I agree that it was insensitive to use a tragic death to make an obvious point.

    Celebrities are human beings and have the right to say what they want, but that being said, I wish most humans would STFU on Twitter. I don't want to know your politics, what you ate for dinner or view your wantonly exposed body parts.

  27. Why? She was right. Stupid people are so sensitive.

  28. To be honest beyond the insensitivity of the timing she is really isn't wrong. I heard everyone was upset at her and Rosie and trust me I don't like Rosie but I have to say when I read the comments I was like, huh? Canadians have been lucky leading a sheltered existence for the most part unless you live in parts of Toronto used by gangs to shoot at each other.

    I mean they just admitted on the radio today that the PM does not have 24-7 security and they are going to start now. Are you Fing kidding me, he should have had 24-7 security from the day he won the first election. But certainly when ISIS started throwing threats around.

  29. She was 100% right, and she posted that comment when the news first broke BEFORE it was known that the soldier had died. It wasn't a joke in any way, it was a comment on the gun culture that pervades the United States, a very sick, depraved, gun culture promoted mostly by people who call themselves "pro-life". Go figure.

    Oh look there was another large scale shooting event here in the US today. Chrissy Teigen was right.

    Also, she didn't quit twitter, her account is still there. She has taken breaks and said goodbye before, she'll be back eventually.

    Everybody in America has a right to voice their opinion, regardless of their paid profession. If an asshole like Mike Weiner (real name) Savage can have a radio program that insults military veterans, than a model can say whatever the fuck she wants on her twitter.

  30. I follow her on Twitter and she's funny. I think what she said was sadly too true. I can't believe she'd get death threats over it.

  31. @Gina Sz - but wasn't that exactly her point? That things like that don't normally happen in Canada but they're commonplace in the United States?

    That's a true statement.

    I like her. I looked at her twitter feed months ago and was surprised by how articulate, insightful and funny she was. And she didn't seem stuck up at all.

    Having said that, she's not that pretty so I don't understand why she's in SI's swimsuit issue and considered a top model.

  32. She is right.

    Gotta say I don't know why she is such a famous model with that big ol' round face of hers. I remember in the 90s when models had to be STUNNING to get as famous as she is.

  33. You know what? I'm Canadian and I have no idea why people are so upset about this. She spoke the hard truth. Like I posted yesterday, Canada is still practically Amich compared to the U.S.
