Friday, October 17, 2014

Charlie Sheen And His Porn Star Split - Did He Get Brooke Mueller Pregnant?

Some of Brooke Mueller's friends were downright giddy yesterday and in between hits on the crack pipe said that Brooke Mueller is pregnant with Charlie Sheen's baby. Brooke is a pretty brave woman for not only having sex with Charlie Sheen, but for wanting to go through all of this again. They have not exactly been poster children for great parents. Charlie said in a statement about his split with his latest porn star girlfriend that he wanted to spend more time with his kids. Considering he just sold Denise Richards' home and kicked her out of the neighborhood, that only leaves two minor children and an adult child who probably is happy just to get a monthly check from dad and not have him show up on her doorstep in the middle of the night wanting to bond.

Considering Charlie spends most of his time drinking and drugging and occasionally going to work to pick up his $1M paychecks, maybe there is something to Brooke's friends spouting off that Brooke is pregnant. We can only hope that if she is pregnant, that multiple trips to rehab are not necessary this time. Crack is not a baby's best friend. 


  1. Here's another POS who should tie things up.

  2. ugh---so are we really gonna complain about Jude now?

  3. FSP I think that's my friend Steve in your avi..No shit.

    Oh Lord where to start with this one..

    For me..5 days clean, kids..sobriety is very odd...

    1. @Sherry - congratulations! Happy for you <3.

    2. @Sherry - I know a Steve that looks like that too. And congrats!

    3. @Sherry Congratulations!

    4. Way to go Sherry! Keep up the good work!

    5. Keep it up Sherry!!!! You are doing great- stay posiive

  4. @derek harvey
    So true

  5. Oh good Lord. I'm surprised Stan hasn't dragged him to georgie's doc and had him snipped. What happened to the kid's they had? I remember she lost custody or something..

  6. @derek Ikr? Jude isn't looking as bad now

  7. brooke wanted 3 kids cause denise has 3 of charlies kids.. its just about being competitive. hiv babies are the new black huh??
    charlie will never see his kids with denise i can honestly say they are better off..

  8. Denise Richards only has two children with Charlie. Her third child she adopted on her own.

    1. The adopted one is charlie's
      from a hooker hookup.

  9. @Sherry! Good for you! xoxo
    (to be honest I didn't realise you were "using" anything but ciggs and a few occasional drinks?) but regardless my thoughts are with you xo

  10. FSP it would be funny if it was the same one! LOL

  11. Positive thoughts to you @ sherry...fight the fight fight, as my grandmother says:)

  12. Gross. What a waste of space. I wonder if all the entys appalled with wishing ppl going to the light will be appalled when i say
    Go to the light to this POS. Brooke too. Fuckem.

  13. Good woman Sherry. I'm proud of ya. If you need a shoulder (especially this week) you know how to find me.
    Remember what I said before, God loves a tryer. X

  14. Ick Nast. But honestly, if they keep rolling in the mud with pigs, they deserve each other. Dem babies don't deserve to have such wretched parents though.

  15. Thanks IJU..You know what else is happening today as well so for me to be sober during all this is a pretty good feat honestly. I wish I could hear your voice. I'm sure you've got a lovely Irish brogue. I'll imagine your words of encouragement.

    1. Sherry, staying sober through everything that's happening today is the best thing to do. You need to be present and lucid to appreciate and process it properly.
      Stay strong babe. You and your man need each other now. X

  16. has FX given up on him yet the studio head said they won't do another 10/90 pickup again. What a mess.

  17. Most, if not all of his kids, don't have as shot in hell. I just wish he was smart enough to keep his trainwreck of a life to himself, and not pass it on to the next generation.

  18. connie.. supposedly the adopted one is charlies through a porn star / stripper that denise agreed to take full custody of

  19. 'Crack is not a baby's best friend.' Lol

    Understatement of the day.

  20. Loser. That about covers it

  21. @Sherry, way to go! Hang in there and keep up the good work!

  22. stay strong sherry <3

  23. Congrats Sherry, one day at a time. Thinking of you.

  24. <3 Much love to you, Sherry. As with IJU, you know where to find me, too.

  25. Mike Judge predicted this apocalyptic nightmare :(

    @Sherry: I am sorry you are going through rough times and I have an inexplicable amount of admiration for your courage and strength at this time. I wish you the best and as always, lotsa HeisenHugs

  26. Sherry, you're always one of the most positive, upbeat posters on here. Sending that good karma back your way-you deserve it!

  27. You guys are all great and have been such wonderful supporters. I know some folks HATE personal OT's so I'll keep them to a minimum. Hugs to all.

    Rhysie and IJU have been very special to me for some time. LadyH I would welcome a personal mail from you as I have with Derek and others. For people to say you can't make friends across the distance I will never understand. I certainly have been blessed.

  28. Sherry well done . It's pretty amazing how much you start to like yourself. You realize that you're smart & funny & fabulous & people really enjoy your company.
    All in all much happier.
    Stay strong, it's worth it :)
    Incredibly brave of you to mention it on here. Hugs :)

  29. Congrats and good luck, Sherry.

  30. Omg, she already has two damaged children, she wants more. Well of course she doesnt take care of them, and spends the day high, so nbd to her. I swear people who do tjis on purpose, deliberately getting pregnant with child who id 90% likely to have problems, shld be mandadtory sterilzation. Why wld that be ok to do to a kid?! Infuriating. However, this is his pattern, break up with whore du jour, spend some time with crackie crackerson, they fight, then its oh denise youre a saint i love u. So predictible.

  31. Where are the twin boys these days?

  32. @Mikey: I think Brooke got them back. Someone please tell me I'm wrong.

    Every time I'm reminded that Sheen is a grandfather, I marvel. Given how low-key his grown daughter seems to be, I really hope that means she's a sober, functioning adult. You think she calls up Peepaw Martin and Uncle Emilio from time to time to be like, "Ugh! My dad!"

  33. I read recently about a test where you the doctors can look at the babies first bowel movement (meconium) while its in the fetus and determine whether the mother used drugs or alcohol during the pregnancy. I think they should apply this to Brooke Mueller who has no business having children. Her boys don't even have a chance without Denise.

  34. *remove the "you" :)

  35. This comment has been removed by the author.

  36. If Brooke Mueller lived around here, she would have lost custody of the first two kids already and CPS [called CAS Children's Aid Society here] would be getting the paperwork ready to take child no. 3 away after it shunts out of the womb and trying to monitor the mother. I have a friend who took in 3 babies into foster care from the same mother, a raging alcoholic, all three with FAS. She ended up adopting the third baby who is 14 now - he has issues but with all the love and attention he gets he is thriving and living a relatively normal life considering the start he got. She is aware that this woman had more babies after the boy she adopted, in total she has like 6 or 7 and none of them in her custody. They grab the babies as soon as they are born. The solution for this is simple S T E R I L I Z A T I O N.

    1. Tima- I cld not agree with u more!!!!! She shld have that baby taken from her asap!'

  37. I'm surprised she can even get pregnant. Had IVF to get the boys. CPS needs to intervene.

  38. Way to go Sherry. You know you can do this. I also understand that it is a very sad day for you. There is nothing I can say to take away the hurt but just know that I know your pain, and am sending a big hug and lots of good thoughts your way.

  39. Can somebody just kidnap these two and sterilize them both?
