Monday, October 06, 2014

Bruce Jenner And His Changing Look

Since Bruce Jenner is leaving the Kardashian cabal, I think it is ok to talk about him. Or her. At what point do you think, if ever that Bruce Jenner will talk about his changing appearance. When you look at the transformation that has taken place with him since he first entered the public eye in 1976, it is pretty startling. Over the past year though, it has really taken on a life of its own. If the guy wants to transition to a woman, I think that is great. I fully support him if that is what he wants. I wonder though if he should discuss it. It is not that it is any of our business what he chooses to do with himself, but because he is in the public eye, and speaks in public so often delivering motivational speeches. it seems to me that it might be a good idea for him to discuss it so people who are going through the same process or thoughts in their life could have someone to look to who is doing so right in front of us. We had Chaz go from female to male and that was great, but Bruce is a much more public figure and I think he could do a lot of good. That is of course if he is transitioning. Maybe he just thinks he looks better this way.


Unknown said...

He looks fucking glamorous. Leave Bruce alone!

Cleodacat said...

Maybe he is trying to meet '70s (as in 1970) perfection.

snookiemonster said...

They broke Bruce

SugarTitz said...

Barbarella doesn't owe anyone an explanation

Sillygurl said...

I think he should too. He can really represent the heterosexual men that enjoy dressing as women. He looks so fucking less stressed in life.

sandybrook said...

When I saw this yesterday I didn't think he was transitioning just a guy wearing long hair like lotsa washed up sixtyish rock stars. The fingers may say another story. He cant transition without the media making a big deal over it so that privacy stuff is oot.

Unknown said...

Maybe he hasn't fully adjusted to the changes- especially if he is now taking estrogen. Wait for him to complete his transition and is fully comfortable with him/herself. Then maybe he will be able to discuss it with the public.

FSP said...

Leave C-Bone out of this!

Seven of Eleven said...

I'm trying hard to care, but I don't. His life, his choices. I'm sure he's just glad he got out of the clutches of Grendel's mom.

Me2 said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Studio54 said...

He needs extensive counseling. He was in an abusive relationship for 23 years. I don't think he is thinking clearly. He will be going from admired athlete to a laughingstock as a woman, a non stop punch line. He's one of the most famous athletes in the country. He should make sure that a sex change is what he really wants, because he is going to get slammed for it. He's never been a figure of ridicule, and that's all he'll be as a woman. Plus his sons, what are they going to think, or do? They didn't even know their dad, and now he is turning into a woman.

Me2 said...

I think Bruce should live his life as he wishes to live it. If he IS transitioning to a female it should be his decision to discuss it or not.

that is a deeply personal on every level transition to make, and it should be the individuals decision.

bruce doesn't owe anyone a thing. I wonder if bruce isn't sick of the public eye after living with the kardashians as long as he has.

i remember him from back when he won the olympics.

discoflux said...

He looks fabulous but we need to warn him about the mom jeans! They look good on NO ONE.

Jordan T said...

He looks like a my little pony with that flowing mane! You do you baby

Cheryl said...

Yeah, I'm kind of thinking leave him alone. Unless we know that he is transitioning, he might just be a recently divorced man trying to find himself. Or maybe both. Compared to the Klan Kardashian, he looks pretty normal.

Shelly Shell said...

I have my doubts he will officially transition, but he has been more femine the past few years, & now he seems to be wearing mid aged mom clothese circa 1989.

Hopefully he has a good counselor to talk to.

Cheryl said...

And yes sandybrook! He looks like the least popular member of a random rock band on Behind the Music.

delete account said...

I love Bruce and wish him/her/whatever all the best. The man did x amount of years with the Kartrashians and survived! That alone makes him a hero to me.

Tillie said...

He's an adult. He can do what he wants. He doesn't owe anyone an explanation.

Unknown said...

In the pic he reminds me of a Steven Tyler/soccer mom hybrid. That being said, it's his life and he should do whatever makes him happy. Life's too short to have to pretend to be something you know you are not. I imagine it would be hell to feel like you were born in the wrong body as the wrong gender.

Audrey said...

I say good luck to him on doing whatever he decides. It's his body and his choice.

Unknown said...

I'm sure Bruce Jenner will be tremendously relieved to hear that Enty fully supports him.

He creeps me out. God bless him, go ahead and do what he wants but I cannot look at photos of him lately.

Studio54 said...

I remember when the dreaded DISCO came on the scene, and there was a flamboyant GAY producer named Allen Carr, who was associated with a lot of disco crap, and who did he hire to star in those awful disco movies, but then all-American national Olympic hero, Bruce Jenner? Bruce was the epitome of a straight national hero, like Michael Phelps, and I think Carr had a huge crush on him and who knows what else happened?

~Z~ said...

This cracked me up.....From the Superficial....
“Would you put me on a box of Wheaties? *applies lipstick* I’d put me on a box of Wheaties.”

Murphy said...

At least he's finally using conditioner.

Unknown said...

Can't even imagine living life in a fishbowl- but they wanted to be there$$$ so they have to take the good with the bad. No sympathy for any of these famewhores.

Sincerely,Your Friend said...

I like what I've seen if his personality, although from things he's even admitted I think he's mellowed and became more of a family man with tbe K Klan. It's said that he told Robert
KARDASHIAN that he'd take care of them financially- and bailed Kris outta of debt. I think that says a lot. (As a younger man and father I guess he was more driven to achieve other successes). But he seems mellow, with common sense and quite manly in the things he does outside, of his appearance.
I can't figure out if he's wanting to be feminine in appearance or just a prettier man. Some have mentioned he might like Brandon's look (WHO DOESNT? ????) and that's the kind of look he'd like.
It's diuficult to ignore his changes in appearance. At the same time, it's upsetting to think how the talk could be making him feel. (Yet he goes out and about regardless).
But living on the beach, playing in the sun and water is a better life than many others have.

Pip said...

He shouldn't have to discuss anything, it's none of our business.

skippy said...

Leave Bruce alone!!
His hair has a marvelous lustre to it.
I always want him to be happy. It seems like he has calmly withheld his opinions on matters, when he really wanted to scream or sigh deeply.
I like him. He has certainly copped some shit over the years.

Anonymous said...

Theres some psychological issues going on with him. I would put money on that. I feel bad for him tbh. From appearances alone -- his life/lifestyle, he doesnt appear to be in a good place.

Anonymous said...

Hes starting to resemble the transvestite that plays a role on soa.

ForSure said...

Studio54, people have been pointing and laughing at Bruce Jenner since the first bad plastic surgery years ago. If his transitioning to a woman makes him a punchline, it says more about the people making those jokes and the way our society chooses to treat transgender people (which is "mostly horribly" in case no one had heard).

I agree that I hope he has a great counselor, and I also agree that his life choices are none of our business until he harms someone or some aspect of society. If he decides to do an interview, I hope he does it with Jeffrey Tambor since his new series deals with exactly this issue (and hey, maybe it was secretly inspired by Jenner).

Go on with your business, Bruce.

MnGddess said...

He looks more and more like a he's a member of my family. I'm scared.

NEPhillygirl said...

Kris has already emasculated him enough dontcha think? Bruce is a good guy who got caught up in a family of fame whores, now I think he is doing everything he can to distance himself from them..and possible give Kim K a run for her money in the lovely locks contest!

Studio54 said...

@FS - I disagree. Bruce Jenner is an iconic American athlete the way only Mark Spitz and Michael Phelps are in my lifetime. This is no "Chaz". That's why he's been able to use his name for decades and live the good life. People remember when he won the decathalon. It was the year of America's bicentennial, and he was the all American boy, waving flags. He's not just another athlete. He became rich off his name and image. When he met Kris Kardashian, they BOTH were broke. After the disco fad, Bruce's career in Hollywood was finished. Kris saw gold in his name still, and had him and her sell home exercise equipment in the 1990's, which made him rich, got him on the lecture circuit and easy street. He will be a punchline like no one else if he turns into a woman, which is why he should take PLENTY of time and reflect.

auntliddy said...

Z-love it!!!!!!!

auntliddy said...

Correction sincerely, SHE bailed him out of debt.

auntliddy said...

Bruce not such a great guy to me. He hardly bothered with his 4 kids from other marriages, and by his admission was no father to them. He let Kris do whatever she wanted as long as money rolling in and can play with his expensive toys. He abdicated his role as Kylie and Kendell's father, and lets Kris whore them out. How is that a great guy?
Having said that, I dont care if he transitions into a rocket ship. He's in the public eye, and after i looked long and hard at DM pics yesterday, i cant believe how much he has changed. If you are a man in public eye, and you start wearing lady jewelry, getting lady manicures, getting a poofy hairdo, shaving you adams apple, thinning your nose, wear earrings and have boobies, people ARE gonna talk. He owes no one an explanation, but people WILL notice and talk about it.

Anothergrayhare said...

If he chooses to go out in public with waxed eyebrows and earrings, people are going to talk. I too believe that it must be very difficult to really believe you are born into the wrong body. Children are being treated for this at much younger ages nowadays. Either way, he reminds me of Janice Dickinson. Not a good look. But he was an amazing athlete and very attractive before he messed with his face years ago.

Anothergrayhare said...

@liddy you and I were typing the same thing at the same time.

Dexamyl said...

@auntliddy I'm in full agreement. Some people are pretending there's nothing going on or that this isn't quite proper to discuss. However when you go out in public like this, folks talk.

In one recent pic, he was wearing a bra underneath his T-shirt as well as foundation and pale pink lipstick. Who's kidding whom here? It's pretty bad when you're no longer sure which pronoun to use. He may not owe anyone a detailed explanation but it would be nice to know whether to use he or she.

Studio54 said...

@auntliddy - I see it as a Yoko Ono/John Lennon "relationship". Both Lennon and Jenner's business person wife made their fortunes, and neither wanted to rock the boat of whatever they wanted because they didn't think they could make that money on their own. Both neglected the kid/kids from earlier marriage because the warden/boss/business wife didn't want them to have a relationship with the kids. Except Jenner was with Kris for double the time John Lennon was a prisoner of Yoko's. Look at one of the last photos of Lennon, naked and attached to a disinterested looking Yoko. What does that do to someone's psyche? That's why I hope he gets counseling to make sure this isn't he getting free from jail, etc.

Unknown said...

Love his long flowing hair

You do you Bruce

FearN said...

Go Bruce! I just started watching 'Transparent' on Amazon and its spectacular. He is def toeing the idea of coming out. I support whether he stays in the transcloset or out. I wish him peace with himself.

Unknown said...

Just to keep it real, folks, gender identity is not a "choice" - Bruce Jenner may feel a very deep-rooted need to appear as a woman. I think it's fair game for us to notice it and discuss it, but not because he "chooses" to do it in public - he is not trying to draw attention to himself, he just unfortunately has to do it in the public eye.

Henriette said...

He looks like my dyky Femine Studies colleague.

Sherry said...

I swear it looks like he was wearing a bra in the picture I saw yesterday.

Whatever makes him happy..

Brenda L said...

Wait. Yoko Ono made John Lennon's fortune for him? tell.

ForSure said...

Of course people are going to talk about it, it's what we do. Knock yourselves out, but the idea that Jenner "owes" anyone an explanation is utter bullshit.

I agree, gender identity is not a choice, just like sexual orientation. You are what you are. Your behavior in reaction to both is a choice. Bruce is making the choices that are (hopefully) right for him. Again, if he is not adversely, evilly affecting society, its his business, and his families'.

Studio54, again, if you or anyone else is making Bruce a punchline, that is your choice and it says more about you, or whomever. He cannot sit at home and say 'gee, people are going to laugh at me, I really need to try harder to please everyone else'. Do you do that? Of course not. So what if he won a gold medal once, in 1976 and made money off of it? That's irrelevant in this situation. His life, his choices.

(and yeah, if he has been horrible to his children, I do not support that at all, but I am applying general thoughts about transgender people living their lives to this specific prominent public figure).

Fine, go after Jenner - public figure, fair game, all that - but please consider compassion for transgender people in general, that's the main thing.

Sincerely,Your Friend said...

I did see a blueprint of KUWTK where Kris makes reference to Khloe that she sold Bruxes toys because "they" owed $$$$$ in taxes. I thought her choice of words was sketchy.
I thought I'd heard tbe girls even talk about Bruce taking them under his (financial) wing.

But I don't doubt that I could have gotten it wrong. :-). It's hapoened to me once before.

Lo Key says stop with the censorship already! said...

As long as he's finally happy. And free of that harpy. (No disrespect to actual harpies intended)

Unknown said...

Why isnt that body swathed in an elegant Dior gown? the face and hair DESERVE it!

kelliknows said...

It just hit me..he and Julianne Moore have amazingly similar face features

MinPinGirl said...

He's not obligated to do anything for anyone but himself.

CK76 said...

I think his hair looks nice there.

The Unusual Mind said...

He's definitely transjenner

Ms B'have said...

Can't Stop the Music!

Ms B'have said...


Now! said...

@Brenda L After the breakup of the Beatles in 1969-70, the assets of the band were frozen for several years. All four of them were cash-poor, although they owned real estate, cars, art, etc. Paul and George toured heavily, Paul more successfully than George. Lennon, while a great mind and a great wit, was never a particularly hardworking type - he called himself 'the laziest fellow in the world' - and was fighting persistent drug and alcohol problems in the early 1970s. Around 1975, he found himself in poor financial shape and jealous of Paul, whose 'Band on the Run' album and tour and publishing investments were making him rich. John handed his financial arrangements over to Yoko, who invested in real estate, ultimately making him rich - although never as rich as his rival Paul. Read 'The Love You Make', a book-length story of the Beatles' financial arrangements, for more info.

Topper Madison said...

I don't think he looks feminine at all here. He just grew his hair out. Unless there's some real confirmation from him, I'd say stop making mountains out of molehills and let the man be.

auntliddy said...

Topper, u hv got to be kidding! Lady nails, jewelry, bouffant hairdo, boobs, lady jewelry, shaving down his adams apple- thats nothing????!!!!!!!


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