Brittany Maynard Decides Not To Die Tomorrow
For the past several months, Stage IV cancer patient Brittany Maynard has been documenting her story of living with brain cancer and her plans to take her own life tomorrow. She and her family moved specifically so she could be in a state which allowed that right. She said that she wanted to die on her own terms and has been a lightning rod for discussion of the topic of assisted suicide. In a blog post this week Brittany says that since she is still feeling good and able to live life the way she wants to live that she will not be taking her own life tomorrow. I think that is a great idea and that she should live as long as she wants to live. The will to live and the fight for life can will you beyond what you or anyone else thinks you can do. No matter what your views are on the subject I think that setting a specific date was always going to be like this because you don't know how you are going to feel that day health wise. Brittany may live another year or another month and one of her reasons for setting a date was she didn't want to try and live every day like it was going to be her last on earth which she would feel obligated to do in her condition and she doesn't want to wait too long. She completed her bucket list and has a loving husband so just enjoy the time you have with your family and don't rush to end that.