Sunday, October 26, 2014

Blind Items Revealed

June 18, 2014

This B list singer/part-time tweener actress threw a fit yesterday when she decided that the suite at her hotel was not large enough. She told concert promoters she wouldn't play unless they upgraded her to a three bedroom suite. She was staying alone. The promoters upgraded her.

Ariana Grande


  1. It wasn't grande enough. .duh..

  2. SSandyFTW...he knows his venti beaatches

  3. She's such a twat

  4. Uh-oh, somebody forgot to check the spreadsheet! In February, Ariana Grande was A list on her way to A+ list.

    LOL @sugarbread!

  5. There IS a Heigl in this situation

  6. What does her tour rider say? If it wasn't part of the contract they could just threaten to due the little prostitot. Someone get a copy of that to see her outrageous demands.

  7. Enjoy your ride sweetie, its gonna be brief.

  8. Not even 1 bit surprised that it's her. Her talent isn't great enough for her to be this massive of a diva at this point in her career. I hope she's going to have fun tumbling down that ladder of success. Hopefully it won't be too much longer. Since she had to give away copies of her last album it really shouldn't be too much longer.

    I rarely use the word hate but I sincerely hate this girl. She has this amazing opportunity and she's throwing it away by being an entitled bitch.

  9. I would have deducted the upgrade out of her pay AFTER she played. What a little bitch.

  10. For how awful she is acting on her way up, it's going to be a rough fall down. I really can't get the hype over her.

  11. I need to understand why people feel the need to play these kind of games, boredom, a need to asset control, a constant need for affirmation of their importance? Or is she sneaking in 10 friends, now that I could get with.

  12. I got 'upgraded' recently at a Homewood Suites to a 2-BR suite. I was alone. It made all the difference in my trip.

  13. And I used to think she was the sweet one. Now I can't stand this little twit.

  14. Maybe she was sneaking people in.

  15. @Scallywag I went to a comic convention back in, 1995 (I think, it could've been 96 or 97) and anyway, the hotel messed up me and my friends reservations. He was all up in arms about not getting the room he asked for (the cheapest assed room he could get) and I was just, whatever you have will work. Well, they finally had a cheap room ready for him and gave him a couple of drink vouchers to make up for it. But since I was cool about it, they gave me a suite on the same floor as all the celebrity guests for the same $49 I was going to pay for my room to begin with.
    The cool part was I went to the hotel bar and met Frank Miller (Sin City, 300, The Dark Knight Returns) and had a few beers with him. My friend comes in and has no idea who he was (my friend was a poser and just got into comics because I liked them), so I introduce them. (At this point I need to describe my friend, he's 6'3" but about 375 lbs. always wears plain black orthopedic shoes, khaki pants and polo shirts that go down just far enough to maybe reach his naval. Oh and has a blond jew fro.)
    The waitress comes over and asks us if we'd like another beer and me and Mr. Miller both say yes (we kept buying them for each other) and my friend says "I want a rum and coke.." and then whispers to her "hold the rum". She brings our drinks and Frank pays for mine and his beer and my friend says "I've got mine" and hands her one of the free drink coupons and then says to the waitress, "I still have one of these left, why don't you let me buy you a drink". She looks stone dead at him, then at us and shakes her head and says "When someone offers to buy me a drink, I usually expect them to actually BUY the drink. You obviously need that ticket more than I do". Me and Frank looked at each other, already a bit tipsy and just cracked up.
    TO make the story shorter, my friend was pissed when he came up to my room to get me for the convention the next morning when I opened the door and there was the waitress in my bed. He barely spoke to me on the trip back home until he finally said, "I think I messed that up." Not wanting to be an ass and honest by saying he never had a chance, I just told him "Yeah, you have to see things from their point of view, using that ticket wasn't giving anything up for her, women take that kind of personally". Then a year later he marries my cousin, lies to her about our trip and how I tried to get him to sleep with the waitress and she never talked to me again.

    No big loss but I got a great story out of it lol

    1. Thanks for that amazing story @Rowdy!

      A friend of mine was dining with her girlfriend at a hotel in LA a few years ago. I believe the W in Westwood. This nice man approached their table, said he had been overhearing them and asked if he could join them for lunch. They talked a lot about Hollywood shit, living in LA, student gripes etc...then after a while he politely dismissed himself. When my friends asked the waitress for the bill, she told them that their guest was Frank Miller and that he happily took care of everything.
      I'm so glad you had a great run in with him too. He is apparently just that kind of guy :)

    2. Frank freaking Miller. I am so jealous.

  16. I'm wondering how hard it can be to NOT be a raging bitch about everything. I know we all have our moments when we want to get snappish, and then do get snappish. But most of us don't do it on a regular basis.

    Great story Rowdy. Just shows that sometimes being nice works for you.

  17. I look forward to her crash and burn.

  18. Veruca Salt "but I want it NOW!"

  19. I want to snatch her up by that damn ponytail and swing her around in the air a la Bam Bam.

  20. But she's so tiny. A closet would have been big enough for her.

    This girl better check herself.

  21. This little twat needs a good smack and to go away.
