Monday, October 20, 2014

Blind Items Revealed

May 7, 2014

This B+ list performer(singer)/reality star was noticeably absent from a photo shoot she was supposed to attend. She can't stand this female A list singer who was also there so our B lister skipped it and really ticked off her sometime employers.

Shakira/Gwen Stefani


  1. So what did Gwennie do? Hips dont lie.

  2. Awwww what's not to like about Gwen?

  3. Team Gwen

    Maybe Shakira was busy filming her yogurt commercials

  4. I wonder why. They're not really competitors, are they? Slightly different niches.
    Maybe Mr Soccer Bitch hates Stefani, so Shakira has to hate her.

    1. Isn't Shakira against drugs? That could be why

    2. Orrrrrr, maybe Mr. Shakira (playah) DOES like Gwennie.

      (Yeah, I wasn't clear about tbe ratings here either, and so then wasn't sure Who Hates Who?)

      But hopefully, the writer listed then in tbe same order as they were written about.
      But I would have thought Shakira was at least the same rank if not higher.

  5. Ok so which one is the B lister and which one is the A lister cus Gwen ain't had a hit in a minute and they are both on Reality TV.

  6. This comment has been removed by the author.

  7. Montana - to take the alphabet ratings seriously leads to madness. Rageful madness.

  8. Who is the A? who is the B?

  9. i thought shakira was A and Gwen B. Shakira is the bigger international star, does a lot more work with charities than Gwen, in fact, she donates the most out of the pop stars, etc etc etc

  10. Gwen looks like Tori Spelling in drag

  11. This BI was originally posted May 7. This photo (scroll down to the second one) was taken May 5:

    So, either Enty has his facts wrong or there was another shoot that Shakira skipped b/c she doesn't like Gwen.

    Perhaps Shakira caught wind that day that Stefani was angling to get her chair on The Voice? Perhaps some shit-stirrer has Enty on speed-dial?

  12. Can't stand Stephani. When the guidos are no bueno...

  13. I think Gwen is A, but would have thought Sharkira was too.

  14. Well, I can only name one Shakira song and I can name..uh..two Gwen Stefani songs and a No Doubt song. So I'm putting her at A and Shakira at B. Done. You're welcome.

  15. I'm on Team Shakira for this one. I like Gwen OK, but she's pretty annoying at times on The Voice. She plays the whole, "Do you like clothes? I could get you clothes. I want to play dress up with you! I want to do your hair! We could have SO much fun together!" routine waaaay too much.

  16. From what I've heard Gwen has a little Mean Girls action to her and she's not as friendly as people would think. I heard someone once refer to her as "somewhat a snob". She's really close to Gwyneth, if that tells you anything. But who knows!

  17. Shakira and Gwen are both respectively A-list, no?

  18. Shakira is FAR more known than the No Doubt singer. Cmon. LOL.

  19. I really wish someone could tell me which one is B or A, and I hade no idea any of em was on reality tv

  20. Pretty sure Gwen is A based on hits in the US.

  21. Anonymous10:35 AM

    wow...I'd never have guessed stefani was the supposed A lister. Maybe in the US (?...americans are notoriously low brow) but globally Shakira is definitely A list compared to Gwen; and Shakira already had a huge body of work before she started singing in English. I am a bit farklempt that anyone would refer to Shakira as B list anything. Whatever with Gwen Stefani, she has no real talent, and no originality, and doesn't seem very likeable at all besides that. I have loathed her since her most famous whine "I'm just a girl"...she totally traded on looks and fashion to get what fame she does have, where Shakira is a worldwide, multi-talented singer songwriter. Gwen is not fit to lick Shakira's heels so I can see how she would be jealous and intimidated by her.

  22. "Americans are notoriously low brow". Gee, THAAAAANKS.

  23. As an American, I'm with rodnia elan on this one. Most of the population is notoriously low-brow. No other way to explain the popularity of Honey Boo & Duck Penistry.
