Tuesday, October 21, 2014

Blind Items Revealed

May 6, 2014

Well, they actually showed up to the Met Gala after all.... but left right after they walked the red carpet. The guy was heard scolding the woman about how she made him a pariah, after fellow celeb guests gave them the cold shoulder.



  1. You made your bed.

  2. Nah.. the stayed and got tons of photos. . And gueenye made himself a piranha

  3. I agree, Sugarbread. This is total crap

  4. He thought the fallout from his Taylor Swift rant was bad. Marrying KK was an even bigger mistake. He should have come out, married Ricardo and had Taylor and her kitty be his best man. All would have been forgiven and the world would love him again.

    1. ALNL - That is so true. If he did that everyone would love him again. I wonder if he will ever figure it out. I'm sure Ricardo would marry him. They would be spectacular together!

  5. @Vera FTW!
    Hope you have Kimye some aloe for that burn @Vera! ;)
    From Yeezus to Pariah: The Tragic Tale of America's Greatest Rapdouche

  6. I CANT WAIT till my friend meets Khloe and Scott next week---it is gonna be a shit show~!

    1. @Derek, you're friends are meeting Khloe and Scott-where?!

  7. Derek, does she have to be careful of not getting caught sharing info? Or are there enough people involved that leaks won't be traced to her?

  8. BS
    They stayed and made many many pics with the other peoples

  9. Still in a quandary about who made who a pariah in that couple :/

  10. @Derek: tell your friends that Khloe will be more likely to kick it with them if they bring a vial of Colombian marching powder!

  11. Let's review:
    This is not true.
    Kimye stayed for quite some time, there are hundreds of pics of them at the Met 2014 and even some video on Vogue's page.
    Nothing about this blind is true.
    In summary:
    This is utter bullshit.

  12. I am repeating myself from last week---so bare with me those that I have already told.

    My best friend works PT for an event company. Our other friend works FT and this Halloween they are working a Haunted House party thing in Ottawa. The guest of honour is going to be KHLOE KARDASHIAN---and a real whos who ---Scott Disick, Denis Rodman, Audrina Partridge, Brody Jenner (jealous about that!) etc. My friend that works FT will be working for the "celebs" directly and my best friend is doing set up etc. The kicker is that neither of these girls read gossip have cable etc so it will be funny---I had to explain to them who Audrina was and why she is called ceiling eyes. They also thought Scott was Rob Kardashian lol

  13. Didn't she wear a carpet to that event ?

  14. Didn't she wear a carpet to that event ?

    1. @Misch: Riccardo hate styled Kim into 1980s Laura Ashley couch upholstery realness

    2. This comment has been removed by the author.

  15. The slipcover joke dress was 2013.
    This is one of those pics that was taken in the nanosecond it took Kanye to tell Kim she'd ruined his life, but he would still be marrying her in the summer and maybe they should hang around here for a few hours...

  16. Okay, here's what I don't get: I know why we, the little people, don't like Kimye. I daresay most of us live decent, respectable lives. But 99% of the celebrities at the Met Gala (and everywhere else) are psychos and reprobates. Even the ones I really like, I still sadly accept that they are probably at best assholes.

    ...so what about Kimye would other celebs find so appalling? I mean Beyonce, you think you're too good to be Kim's friend, but dude, you walked around with a tummy pillow for months and you and your husband have an utter sham of a marriage and you are a fame whore yourself (albeit one with talent), so pot, meet kettle.

  17. @All Lace, now THAT is a wedding I would watch! :-P

    @Derek, PLEEZ share any and all details here!

  18. YOU chose her, Kanye. Deal with it.

  19. Are they bringing their E camera crew? If not, they could see some wild stuff. They should borrow Rodman's phone and send a nasty text to his bff, mini Kim.

  20. haha of course---I warned her I will be calling the crack of dawn the next day for details and I don't care how tired she will be

    1. Not good enough, derek. You need constant text updates too!

  21. Enties: Renee Zellweger's face?!?! OMFG. We need to talk about this.

  22. Yes Kimmy looked like a floral overstuffed sausage - she must have mirrors everywhere, have they all be rigged to make her look thinner?

  23. Oh wrong year man how time flies.

  24. @Susan--I KNOW! WHAT AN IDIOT! She looks like a cross between Robyn Wright and Cameron Diaz now--but not in a good way

  25. Rene h always been a surgery junky. Just check her out in 1994 Reality Bites compared to how she looked in Bridget Jones---

  26. I'm sorry to hijack this thread. But, I am DYING re: Renee Zellweger. This has got to be a career killer, no? I thought a third Bridget Jones was in the works? How could that even work now. I know she's pretty much been in hiding except for the Oscar appearance with the Chicago reunion. Wasn't that 2012? 2013? I don't know. Her face is COMPLETELY unrecognizable. I just can't even wrap my head around this... This needs its own post. OMG! I need a drink.

  27. She looks like a completely different woman. Most of the time when celebs have bad plastic surgery, they f**k up their faces, but you can still recognize them (think Meg Ryan).

    I truly did not recognize her new face.


  28. Susan - agreed. It's a career killer. There's nothing wrong with being a 45-yo Oscar-winning actress, but she's gone to being a 45-yo "unknown."

  29. You just have to have some serious mental health issues to want to completely change your entire face, in my very humble unexpertised opinion. I don't get it. And she was GORGEOUS, in the first place. She should be proud of her looks. Now everytime I watch one of her films, I'm going to wonder about her state of mind.

    I need blind reveals and dirt on her relationships and career like right now, Enties. LOL. This is the story of the day for me. Sorry, Oscar de la Renta. That happened last night, anyway. RIP.

  30. She can no longer be called "Squinty McGinty", and no replacement name has risen to the surface yet.

  31. Kim's couch dress was 2013. 2014 Met, she obviously stayed because she tweeted every damn name she could and really bad vampire photos, including one with Cara DeLasagna.

  32. Like Kim held a gun to his head and forced him to marry her.

  33. I hate plastic surgery but I don't think Renee looks bad at all. Except something looks wrong about her lips. If she wanted to change her face so much, she probably wanted to change her life.

  34. Yeah, blame it on Kim. It has nothing to do with you being a completely unlikable douchenozzle, Kanye.

  35. Well...that's what you get when you marry a pariah. She thought he'd be good for her low life image, but instead, she's made him an even lower life.

    He should just come out of the closet and date a guy. It would be better for his image and he'd be more respected.

  36. I think the only real major thing she did was her eyelids, and that's why it's so hard to recognize her. There also may have been some legitimate medical reason why she had the work done. #TeamRene

  37. What did he think would happen? He'd marry her and make her "legitimate? "

  38. I sort of know what ceiling eyes is. But not really. Any help?

  39. Audrina Partridge always looks like she is looking up. Like 24/7.

  40. Why would anyone think marrying Kim would make their career better? The public hates her.

  41. Oh please! Dont believe this-kanye wld never detect derision from others about him or Kim, such is his ego bubble.

  42. I have a hard time believing Kanye using the term "pariah". Were they serving sushi at the Met Gala?

  43. Lie down with Kardashians, wake up with cold shoulders.

  44. @figgy, I guess you answered your own question - it boils down to talent. Kim Kardashian doesn't have any talent. And maybe even in today's celebrity world, profiting off a sex tape makes you a bit of an untouchable.

    I realize some people think Kanye has talent but he would be shunned for being the most egotistical asshole ever.

    So between the two of them, they've got the shun franchise covered I would think.
