Sunday, October 19, 2014

Blind Items Revealed

May 19, 2014

This A list entertainer (singer) is looking great and doing great, but not that long ago she was a mess and there is a video being sold which shows her having sex with a guy and getting urinated on. The guy is doing the selling.



  1. Replies

      Not surprised at all. Is Ke$ha actually cleaner after a golden shower?

  2. Kesha A list?? In what world? Where is the video?

  3. Heisenberg FTW...lady hoist your chalice!!

  4. never let them tape the act

  5. She is not A list. If Gaga is B Kesha should be C.
    She brags about drink HER OWN urine. She is trash and I don't believe a word that comes outta her mouth---

  6. When did golden showers become a thing? The first I heard of them was with KK. Do we have any written proof of their existence before? Any Shakespearian or biblical references to such?

    1. ^ killkill me...
      Hieroglyphics....cave wall art to! Spilled all the pharaohs kinks:)))

    2. All lace: Its been around for a long time. I remember there were paintings of it by the 1500s for sure but I bet it goes way farther back then that. I had one female friend who was really into S&M and liked being pissed on. She recorded those sessions too. Then one of my other female friends dated this creepy German dude recently who loved being peed on. I guess it's much more common than I previously assumed. Someone else can Google research for us

    3. I was wondering the same thing. It's disgusting and those who participate are sick.

    4. Now now Pugster, just because you (nor I) find it appealing doesn't make it "sick". Those folks may find making brownies creepy. One mans trash and all.

  7. She is most definitely A list. She's had close to a dozen, maybe more, top 10 songs.

  8. At least she drank she own pee, and not someone elses. That way she knows it will be sterile.

  9. Nvm, it's sterile until it hits the urethra.

  10. well her 15 minutes are up now. She will be joining the ranks of Debbie Gibson and Ashlee Simpson soon. No Dr. Luke- No Kesha.

    1. I can't let you throw shade on Debbie Gibson. She had a much bigger album, with several hits, and she wrote them all. And she's not a wreck nowadays, either.

  11. o_0---TRUE! My bad

    @LadyH---Not very lady-like!

  12. You know what humans are liking if A is doing B has to get on the band wagon and so on and so forth. As if this is a badge of honor of some kind. I am sure the truly kinky people have been doing it for centuries.

    To state the obvious it is an act of degradation but if you are into S & M, it fits I guess.

  13. I see Lady H has confirmed my suspicion.

    I mean there is only so many ways humans can have sex or do things to each other.

  14. Look at the Kama Sutra, it was written apparently between 400 BC and 200 BC.

  15. If you fucking TRIED pissing on me, I'd punch you so hard in the face.


  16. Kesha is A-list?! Bahahahahahahahaha!!!!

  17. i enjoy both giving and recieving golden showers. i always wonsered why but thanks to pugster mom i know. i am disgusting and sick!

  18. PugsterMom said...
    I was wondering the same thing. It's disgusting and those who participate are sick.

    It's as disgusting as sick as sodomy between males or any other thing liberals think is correct and over religious people don't.
    My opinion is that, as long as they both agree (I wouldn't in any of the examples), they are free to do it. But I'm not a hypocrytical liberal.

  19. What's it have to with being a liberal? It's like assholes, everyone has an opinion.

  20. I hope whoever is selling this video drops dead.

  21. If she wasn't physically forced then I don't see the problem. If it was two or more consenting adults then so be it. I've had a few "strange sexual requests" in my past and if I didn't enjoy it I didn't go back for more.

  22. Where is the piss being aimed? Tits or ass? Meh. Face? Hmmmm. Mouth? Hot!

    Bitch want tracks, bitch gots ta earn em. Next one in line would cut her throat and take the piss, no problem.

  23. Golden showers, circle jerks, bukake. as old as time itself. I think whatever floats yer boat. But scummy of this guy to show the video around. P.O.S
