Sunday, October 19, 2014

Blind Items Revealed

May 21, 2014

This C list celebrity married to an A list mostly television actor who is trying his hand at some movies right now decided she needed an assistant. A full-time one. This would be in addition to the two nannies she has. She says she needs the assistant to deal with the constant demands for her time. Umm, no one wants her time, she just forces herself on everyone.

Hilaria Baldwin


  1. Violet and Simon 2 way tie..

  2. Damn, fame ho'ing is hard work!

  3. Hiiiiiiiilllllllllaaaaaarrrrriiiiiiiaaaa needs an assistant to snap those photos of yoga poses she posts online

  4. C list?????

    What is the world coming to? Even Courtney Stodden has some TV under her belt at least.

  5. So Alec Baldwin is just now getting into movies? And is mostly tv? So 30 rock and the narrarator for Thomas the tank engine must have been his entire career.

    1. @KRYSTIE, no kidding huh?! I guess Enty doesn't know about AB's 25-year career in movies or that Oscar nomination.

  6. WOW just caught up reading about 2 wks worth of enty ,since last night, so pissed i wasnt here for DEREK's 100th meltdown. Only thing missing was his note "goodbye cruel world" must admit i searched for it.

  7. she needs a full-time psychiatrist

  8. When is Angry Alec going to show her the door? There's got to be a countdown going on somewhere.

  9. speaking of...Get lost freak.

  10. no wonder I freak out with losers like you here. Done and done.

  11. What is the over/under on how long until that broad gives Alec a heart attack?

    I hope he gets lots of pretzel sex out of her, including lots of O-ring time. That is the only way it could be worth it. If she is such a whore for attention from the public, can you imagine how damn needy she is in private?

    1. Count, if he were getting pretzel sex, he might not be such a grouch. This pretzel is making me CRANKY!

  12. Nah I bet the assistant is to entertain him.

  13. I think I got one!

    1. Rad Simon! (And very cute doggy)

  14. How in the world did he fall into her web? For all his anger issues, I can't believe he hasn't gone postal on her.

  15. I seem to remember when Hilaria first married Baldwin that she was doing some segments for one of the entertainment news shows and I rarely watch those so I amazed I had such good luck catching her doing that. Whether she still does I don't know.

    I imagine a fatal heart attack is the end goal.

  16. That is after all why young women marry old rich coots, hope they die quick.

  17. A woman who married Alec Baldwin for money is now hiring unnecessary staff.
    Standard. Not exactly shocking or blind worthy really.

  18. WANTED: Young female to snap pictures of the e same subject, in various locations, for 6 hours per day. Must know photoshop and social media.
    (Some "heavy lifting" required, in the evening. Errr. MUST BE DISCREET- GAAAAAWD DAMMIT!)

  19. When Alec first started dating Hilaria, she got him into great shape. He looked fabulous, and I thought it was great that he was dating an "ordinary citizen" yoga teacher rather than a fellow-celeb.

    I guess Alec and I were both wrong about her. He's back to being paunchy and bloated, and he's intelligent enough to know that he got taken by a wanna-be.

    It's pretty obvious that she abandoned the yoga with him in favor of those boring daily poses.

    Sometimes - when I'm really bored - I wonder how Alec views the whole situation. I can't imagine any amount of pretzel sex makes up for realizing you've made a huge mistake; that you're stuck with this fame-whore until she kills you with a coronary or makes off with half your assets.

  20. @Its just U: The least-annoying thing about Hilaria is that she has two nannies and a full-time assistant. Most wives at that income level have similar help. I agree that the blind is not blind-worthy.

    1. @Pip Squeak She gave people jobs. In a bad economy. How awful of her.
      (Full disclosure: I don't know anything about this person so I'll take it she is a horrible person).

  21. You guys! I've been odd man out all morning. I like Kesha, Sarah Silverman and I actually don't mind Hilaria! I even follow her on Instagram. That Carmen baby is very cute.
    I hope you all still respect me. ;-)

  22. @Sugar---we will always have the booty tooch

    1. Oh Tyra! I absolutely love it when she busts out her ridiculous accents during panel! When the Ancestry people told her she had some English blood all I could do was roll my eyes and wait for her to go all fake Queen Elizabeth on everyone. She is a kook and I love it!

      Have a lovely day!

  23. Wow, that is really Hilarious. Sorry, just had to say it. (Hides head in shame...)

  24. I almost feel sorry for him.


  25. Sorry that baby is anything but cute. Looks like Alec

    1. Really, unknown? I think she's adorable! Oh well, to each their own.

  26. We'll be having this discussion about Clooney's new wife soon.

    Amal is Hilaria 2.

  27. Exactly @Hothothead

    Only Amal has more money and has raised the stakes in this fame ho game.

  28. Let's home Amal his a little more dignity. Isn't George grooming her to be a political wifey?

  29. I agree on Amal. I like the way she dresses now (stylist clearly involved), and her academic credentials are unimpeachable, but -

    I don't need to see her every day in the DM. If she weren't married to Clooney, only a very small group of people would have heard of her.

    And I can't blame the DM on the frequent photos. You can't get that many photos of someone who doesn't want to be on the front page of the DM unless they want to be there.

    She probably has more DM appearances than her formerly way-more-famous husband. If not since the beginning of time, certainly in the last year. Amal is now more famous than George.

    How do the paps know where to show up? A: Can only be Amal.

    George? Call Alec. You two should bond.

  30. @Sugar, I like Kesha too.I like that she pisses everyone off and shows up how pretentious some others are (*cough GaGa cough*).
    And I LOOOOOOOOVE Tyra. ANTM is my not so guilty pleasure. I watch them all religiously. Which of course led me to Drag Race. Me and my little ladies watch that all the time. Even Ru Paul isn't as camp and outrageous as my girl Tyra. I love that she's bonkers and doesn't give a shite.

  31. Tyra forever!!! I don't mind Keshas tunes but she is a bit extra for me and her suing that music producer for rape etc is confusing and rubbing me the wrong way

  32. @Sugar! I love Sarah and Ke$ha just like you do! Let's just blame that all on this other common interest, mmmmmkay? ;)

  33. @Derek, I'm gonna wait and see the outcome on that charge before I make my mind up. I do think some bad shit happened to her, and she is only now reacting. But who knows. It'll be hard to prove.
    I got a couple of tweets from Ru Paul, and that was awesome, but if I got a tweet back from Tyra I might just pass out. Literally.

  34. I just cant with this woman. She is hyper uninteresting.

  35. Have you heard her voice on her little Instagram videos? It's so fucking grating. Alec must have been hitting the bottle when he married this one.

  36. She married him for his celebrity and $, he wanted a hot young wife..surprise, surprise. I would think she needs a cook..we all know she doesn't know what the stove's for.

  37. They deserve each other.

  38. I wonder if she signed a prenup? Hilllllaaaaarrrrrriiiiiaaa that is. I'm betting she didn't.

  39. Is it wrong that I kind of want Alec to snap and hit her one day?
