Saturday, October 18, 2014

Blind Items Revealed

May 26, 2014

This B list entertainer(singer) has been telling women he is hooking up with that he and his celebrity girlfriend are having problems so what he did this weekend is probably going to put a damper on him using that pickup line.

Jason Derulo/Jordin Sparks (he let her take a photo of them in bed together. Didn't really slow him down though.)


  1. should be bursting with glee

    1. Yup! I lost this round to @me! Great sleuthing there @me!

  2. I'm going to get jumped on and attacked, but Tricia it's like you sit infront of your PC non stop, how do you have a functioning life when 95% of the blinds/reveals I read you are the first to post? I'm genuinely asking the question.

  3. Did Sparks post it? If she did-
    Talk about trying hard to stake your claim. Cuz that's embarrassing.
    I don't care if their bed also had 6 adorable yorkie puppies and 2 nekked Keanu Reeves with Bacon Breakfast Burritos with them, I DON'T want to see them in bed.

    1. LOL @SYF. I imagine that Jason and Jordin went something like this...

    2. @LadyH. Lol. That's a perfect one!! Laffin. (Befitting for most of HW actually.)

    3. @LadyH. Yesterday I was trying to back track to Kaley Caucos
      Camel flange and massive box comments bcuz I was still laughing at that comment and wanted to give credit to...well I think that was u. (I couldn't find it for some reason)
      Was that you? Cuz again I'm Laffin.

    4. Awww thanks @SYF! That was some serious Heisenberg literary magic regarding Busy's Monster Camel Foot. Her pootie must have been starving but that reflective sheen on the yoga pants is begging for trouble :(

  4. @Gina..Dunno...I don't sit anywhere though, I have a tablet.i move around alol.mits not all that tough..I multi task, I have kinda a hectic life actually;and I don't mind the question, FWIW, it's within reason:))

    I don't think I'm the only one BtW....and if anyone attacks you don't pay it mind....but yeah, categorically it shouldn't matter how often etc someone posts- it's an open forum and everyone's pace, life, and daily routines different know what I mean??

    But that can't be true..because many of the reveals are before I started posting ...quite a lot of them.

    Hope that helped......

    1. <3 @TriciaS.
      I'm grateful that you get so many, and for others who do too!
      And I don't think @Gina was trying to be mean, but .... I just wanted to tell u that I luv ur guessing.

    2. I got that Gina was I hoped my answer helped:)
      I love your presence here too woman!

    3. Yeah, totally! Was coming from a place of genuine curiosity. I own a bakery and when my fingers aren't covered in flour or icing I like to log on via blackberry to keep sane periodically throughout the day. But I can never guess who the blinds are about. I guess I'm more in awe of you then anything :p

    4. Boy, if only you had more days where you were in good moods like today.

  5. Count me as another curious how some people are so fast (and so right) on the blinds. Never really thought to ask though. Thanks for the info Tricia. I'm one who sincerely doesn't care whether another poster is prolific. Especially when those that do seem extremely nice.

  6. are a treasure. ..and, thank you. The admiration is mutual....
    I'm from NYC..we do everything quickly(you should see me walking behind slower paced folks...not....good lol)

    1. Tricia I lived on NYC and could out walk anyone. People were astounded at my pace. Sadly I move so much slower these days but hey, I'm 54 so fuck it!

  7. first job(at 15 was in a bakery..)a Suisse one! .. Much respect, it is a difficult and detailed hat off to ya:)

    And thanks for the kind words......I'm in awe of so many people for so many is awesome like that!!
    Throw in a guess when you have a sec and you'll just may be right!( it's fun tryin anyhoo))

  8. Fwiw my phone is way faster than my computer. The mobile cdan is faster than the black cdan with ads.. could be the ads..

  9. There have been various people regularly first up during the time I've read - Tricia is definitely leading the charge now! I was told that it's all in the timing. Quarter-hourly - F5, F5, F5!

    Of course it helps if you're in a good timezone for Enty. And your gossip knowledge must be up to the challenge!

  10. Thanks everyone for answering :) I've already figured out I'm not in the same time Zone (site must be in Cali if I were to guess?) it's 3 or 4 hours behind me!

  11. Gina: The time zone of the blog is LA, as you so astutely surmised, but I think just a fraction of the readers are from that zone. Originally I thought nobody would ever be around to answer my time zone, but it's not so bad.

    Ericaomega: sorry but you didn't say who you were replying to? Was ist das?
